I just can't play TDM any more. The 75kill target to win is too low so matches are over in a heartbeat on the really small maps, you get a measly amount of points per kill and overall it just doesn't seem as fun as every other mode available.
I used to play TDM exclusively, but moved on to Kill Confirmed which is much more enjoyable IMO. The matches are longer because it goes to 100 confirms and there is less camping. The point system really discourages players from camping because they will only get 1/3 the points per kill if they just sit in a corner and don't pick up tags. The only time I get really frustrated is when I have a team full of incompetent players who just give the enemy team free high tier scorestreaks. If you are doing so bad that you have 25 more deaths than kills, you should just leave the room and find a new game, because you are screwing over the rest of your team.
Whats with these kids who keep shooting you even if you're already dead? They shoot an entire mag even if they killed you the first 5 bullets.
Fucking infuriates me and make me lose my play.
It has to do with the netcode. Someone at Den Kirson's forums has an interesting post attempting to explain the netcode in this game. I think Part 3 discusses your situation.
Whats with these kids who keep shooting you even if you're already dead? They shoot an entire mag even if they killed you the first 5 bullets.
Fucking infuriates me and make me lose my play.
Whats with these kids who keep shooting you even if you're already dead? They shoot an entire mag even if they killed you the first 5 bullets.
Fucking infuriates me and make me lose my play.
Whats the 'best' LMG/set? I've played just about every way to go in this game I think I'm onto those now lol.
Whats the 'best' LMG/set? I've played just about every way to go in this game I think I'm onto those now lol.
I use the MK48 with stock, target finder and extended mags for long distance camping.Whats the 'best' LMG/set? I've played just about every way to go in this game I think I'm onto those now lol.
lol, I really need new PS3 maps ASAP.
This morning the entire other team quit when I hit them with a lodestar/VTOL combo and then when I did it in the next match I got a whole bunch of angry messages saying I'm a cheater.
I need a map where I don't know where the other team is gonna head based on where my team mates are or the objectives.
Although I played with a guy earlier who got 120+ kills and 1 death which has inspired me to beat that.
His method was awesome, he called in VSAT/Warthog and then K9, once the dogs were loose he started throwing smoke grenades into the enemies and it was like the smoke just added to the panic going on, the other team lost their heads and he picked them off and kept the cycle going til the end.
It has to do with the netcode. Someone at Den Kirson's forums has an interesting post attempting to explain the netcode in this game. I think Part 3 discusses your situation.
Whats the 'best' LMG/set? I've played just about every way to go in this game I think I'm onto those now lol.
Whats the 'best' LMG/set? I've played just about every way to go in this game I think I'm onto those now lol.
Wouldn't they just screw over a different team in a different game if they're that bad?
I'm talking about rooms where they are playing against an entire clan of good players. I'm pretty sure they aren't having fun if you are 4-25 halfway through a match and end up with 35-40 deaths. They can definitely find a room where they aren't overmatched to that degree.
Surprised I'm not seeing more dragonfires after they got buffed to a 2-hit-take down. Does make me glad I got my diamond launchers already though.
it's still like 2 bullet kill though lol
Cheers for all the LMG recomendations, gonna pop on now and try out a few see if I can find something I like.
As long as I can stop just auto-reloading after every burst that is.My brain has been trained that way for these games, I hate not having a full clip in the gun!
Best stats I can view on my iPad lol. Too comfy to get up and go to my desk. My K/D got annihilated during the period of time spent learning how to snipe.
Yeah I learned that the hard way haha. Just started playing more objective based games but I still play a ton of TDM.Team Deathmatch and FFA wont earn you decent points though.
Try more Kill Confirmed and Domination.
SCAR maybe?Is there a BLOPS2 equivalent of the Galil from BLOPS1? That was by far my favorite gun in the game (I have more kills with just that gun than in all of BLOPS2 so far) and I haven't found anything in this version that I like is well. I noticed that there is a Galil in the campaign, but not multplayer.
Some awesome fun I just had on 360.
Team had about a 12 point lead in TDM and then all of a sudden no one on my team can move and everyones lagging....Score was probably 66-53. Proceeded to lose 68-75 everyone on the other team with perfect latency, everyone on my team EXCEPT a guy who joined at the end had 1 bar.
This kind of thing has happened twice to me in the past few days.
Is there a BLOPS2 equivalent of the Galil from BLOPS1? That was by far my favorite gun in the game (I have more kills with just that gun than in all of BLOPS2 so far) and I haven't found anything in this version that I like is well. I noticed that there is a Galil in the campaign, but not multplayer.
I would say the MTAR is the closest thing to that gun. At least in terms of look/feel and performance.
Diamond camo for every primary/secondary. That "weapons mastery" title is similar to the "operations master" title except in blue and also has the primary/secondary icons on it. I saw very few people with it and wondered how they got it and now I have my answer, lol.
Bloodthirsty sniper rifle kills are NOT fun. I wasn't having much luck in hardcore so I decided to move to Domination and it became much easier since I spent most of my time looking at B to catch whoever I could. So if any of you are in the same boat as I was, do yourself a favor and play domination to get that bloodthirsty. Demolition should be great as well because of spawns.
Sniper rifles tested my patience. It was never my kind of playstyle and after all of this, I hate it even more, lol. Not to say it isn't effective but I much rather be on the go, all the time.
You do know that you only have to get the Bloodthirsty kill with the sniper rifle (i.e the 5th kill) - the rest can come from equipment or other guns.
Are you sure about this? I haven't personally tested it, but I could've swore all 5 kills had to be with the gun you were working on the camo for.
Can someone come check out my bo2 stream and see if it is choppy for them people are telling me it is
its choppy
lowered res want to take a quick look again?
no, unfortunatly, its still unviewable
You guys have a clan for this game? If so how do I join? [360]
I'm just so frustrated playing this game by myself.