Live Free or Die
When do PS3 players get the nuketown map?
Any good configurations for the SCAR? I cannot use it but I need 7 more killstreaks (bloodthirsty) for gold camo. It is painstaking (like every other game I am getting a killstreak).
Any and all advice would help.
Currently using:
Scar - Suppressor, FMJ, Laser Sight
Ghost, Blind
We get everything 4 weeks after Xbox, so whenever Xbox got Nuketown just add on 4 weeks.
On April 12 PS3/PC gamers can further customize their game with the #BlackOps2 Personalization Packs! See all 9 here:
Quickdraw for sure.
If you're having problems burst firing try SF. You should be able to 2-burst at almost all ranges but you can really get the same effect 3 bursting yourself.
Suppressor is good since Scar is pretty much infinite 3hk (2hk w/ headshot) so there is really no silencer penalty other than 1% decrease in recenter speed.
I wouldn't use laser. The Scar ROF is too slow to be that competitive CQB unless you get headshot anyway so extra hip fire accuracy won't help much. Better off saving 2 points and using a Kap-40 secondary.
FMJ is unnecessary as well. Scar has LMG penetration already and its high damage should 3hk through most thin materials anyway. You'll have problems strafing in and out of cover to maximize FMJ without stock as well.
Fast mags is unnecessary because scar has a rediculously fast reload cancel time. (1.25s which is fastest w/o fastmags of any AR/SMG)
MMS is ok but I think Scar's irons are good. The main advantage of MMS is being able to spot campers through cover and picking them off with high penetration. This doesn't happen nearly enough to use as a main attachment though. I usually have a SCAR/SMR/SWAT w/ MMS for an anti-camp class.
Other sights: No need IMO since Scar's irons are really good.
I like grenade launcher since random recoil sometimes screws you over. You should be able to kill someone that you 1-2hit with the outside radius of the noob tube so it's great for engagements where you hurt someone and they duck into cover. I am not sure if these count for bloodthirsty or if they even count on your total gun killsl for Scar though.
Here is my loadout:
SCAR + grenade launcher, quickdraw
Kap-40 (no attachments)
flak jacket
scav + toughness
edit: I don't know about bloodthirsties but I just checked and grenade launcher kills do not count toward total gun kills. That explains my lower k/d on SCAR and AN
i still don't really "get" how to play hardpoint and demolition. i usually play KC or TDM and when i play any other modes besides domination i end up playing significantly worse.
After close to 12,000 SCAR kills I decided to start playing with the sniper rifles last night. Every map seemed new and fresh.
What's regarded as the best sniper rifle?
Hands down.
Cool, that's what I'm using! Does a silencer turn it into a two shot kill?
I mainly play domination, demolition, hard point, ground war and search and destroy.
Domination is pretty simple. just capture the flags, the more flags your team has captured the faster your teams points increase. hard point is basically the same except the "flag" moves.
Should still be a one-shot kill with the suppressor, as long as you're hitting waist and up.
This reply is awesome. Thanks for the insight, I took it to heart! SCAR challenge complete! (I didn't try the grenade launcher though, I stay away from that on principle haha)
Edit: Where can I find my weapon statistics? I haven't gone into too much detail on this COD yet.
i still don't really "get" how to play hardpoint and demolition. i usually play KC or TDM and when i play any other modes besides domination i end up playing significantly worse.
yeah i mean i exclusively played domination in MW2, but i never really tried other modes. i keep seeing posts about how people get huge scorestreaks in these other modes, but i'm only able to get long streaks going in kill confirmed. it's like i'm not playing the game right.
I just had the worst match ever. The entire enemy team was hiding in the same room on Yemen with riot shields blocking the doors, trophy systems, bouncing betties, and claymores everywhere. They also had scavenger so it was pointless to keep hacking the trophy systems and use explosives against them. No one on my team got more than 11 kills and that was me. I left the lobby but I'm taking a break from this game. People like that ruin this game for me.
I would bust out my LSAT wall banging class and go to town on them.
The rumors are only listing 2 maps and a zombies one. If that's the case and it's still 15 I'm going to be very disappointed.
Quickdraw for sure.
If you're having problems burst firing try SF. You should be able to 2-burst at almost all ranges but you can really get the same effect 3 bursting yourself.
Suppressor is good since Scar is pretty much infinite 3hk (2hk w/ headshot) so there is really no silencer penalty other than 1% decrease in recenter speed.
I wouldn't use laser. The Scar ROF is too slow to be that competitive CQB unless you get headshot anyway so extra hip fire accuracy won't help much. Better off saving 2 points and using a Kap-40 secondary.
FMJ is unnecessary as well. Scar has LMG penetration already and its high damage should 3hk through most thin materials anyway. You'll have problems strafing in and out of cover to maximize FMJ without stock as well.
Fast mags is unnecessary because scar has a rediculously fast reload cancel time. (1.25s which is fastest w/o fastmags of any AR/SMG)
MMS is ok but I think Scar's irons are good. The main advantage of MMS is being able to spot campers through cover and picking them off with high penetration. This doesn't happen nearly enough to use as a main attachment though. I usually have a SCAR/SMR/SWAT w/ MMS for an anti-camp class.
Other sights: No need IMO since Scar's irons are really good.
I like grenade launcher since random recoil sometimes screws you over. You should be able to kill someone that you 1-2hit with the outside radius of the noob tube so it's great for engagements where you hurt someone and they duck into cover. I am not sure if these count for bloodthirsty or if they even count on your total gun killsl for Scar though.
Here is my loadout:
SCAR + grenade launcher, quickdraw
Kap-40 (no attachments)
flak jacket
scav + toughness
edit: I don't know about bloodthirsties but I just checked and grenade launcher kills do not count toward total gun kills. That explains my lower k/d on SCAR and AN
I'll try to explain what room it was. It's the room that has one door and a window you can't crawl in from the outside. The door leads to another room that has two doors (that's where all the explosives were.) one door leads to stairs that go down and the other leads outside with fruit stands. I think its one of the first spawn points at the beginning of the match if I remember correctly.So my friend is a little obsessed with league play now, I've played a few with him but my god do some of these people know how to play, I would question if some of them are using one I those mouse/keyboard accessories by the way they move around and aim so finely; but some of these guys know exactly what to do in every situation, just get my arse totally kicked sometimes.
I had my whole team leave at one point, I just ended up playing a long game of hide and seek with the enemy team.
I've ran into the same thing a few times and it can be especially problematic when its a whole team, it totally ruins the game when it happens as there really is nothing you can do unless your properly equipped for it and can communicate with your team; we got lucky at one point and took a few out but then respawning across the map while the rest of their team piles back in from around the corner really just puts you back in the same position, it's just a circle of not really getting anywhere.
Which room was it for you, the one over the tunnel that has only one entrance?
The best way we had to handle it was EMP grenades trown outside around the room so they can't be taken out, the hope is they knock out everything followed by chucking every grenade you have into there then running in guns blazing; but as I said, if the spawns are against you they just go back in.
I just re-picked the game up after not playing since November or December. In CoD games I usually go either full auto AR (I don't like single or burst fire AR's) or SMG. I think I was running a SCAR setup with Quick Draw and the Stock (or whatever it's called, the one that lets you aim faster when ADS). Is the SCAR still considered the best AR? I left early enough where I think there was still some debate about that, and I know there have been balance patches and whatnot. I'm also going to try swapping out my launcher for the KAP-40 you list above; I've always played these games "defensively" by always having a launcher to shoot down shit and running ghost/etc at all times, but I'm going to try mixing it up a bit and see how that goes.
Aside from that though, what's the go-to SMG now? No clue. Also, what's a good low-level Scorestreak setup? I just played my first few games back and I'm pretty terrible, I was running UAV/Hunter Killer/Care Package. I just swapped out Care Package for Lightning Strike, but I just never clicked with this game when I was playing it like previous games; I could get nukes and shit in MW2 and MW3 (gun kills, not streak kills) but BO2 just never really clicked with me in the same way for some reason. I'm hoping that taking a break from it for a few months completely (I've never been away from a CoD for more than a week or two in several years) will give me a fresh look on things.
I would bust out my LSAT wall banging class and go to town on them.
Why does the disc still spin when when the game is installed into the hdd?
With the people I roll with we usually either do Ground War (which I prefer because I like a ton of people and/or crazy shit going on) or Hardcore TDM/KC.
I'll check out the AN94 and the T25. I didn't play a ton of the game before I dropped it and up until that point I think I had only really used the SCAR, the SWAT, and maybe whatever the starting one was (?) but found the SCAR to be the best out of those three. Also I'm biased since I loved the SCAR in previous games it was in.
When I was playing I was torn between the Vector and the Skorpion but was using the Skorpion more, I just wasn't sure if anything had changed with that or not. The games I played today I was just re-adjusting so I stuck with the SCAR, I'll have to go back to these two and take a look.
I did change my playstyle intentionally today though, and dropped the launcher I've always had on every class (I'm the guy who is always shooting stuff down) for the KAP, and it actually worked out much better. I always flipflop between an AR class and a SMG class depending on my mood and the map, but running the SCAR + KAP was giving me more or less the best of both worlds since going around corners and/or into enclosed areas I could just switch to the KAP for the speed and close-range damage boost and it was working out really well for me. I did try the C4, and I'll stick with that a bit more but I'm not sure if that's for me or not. I think my setup was something like:
-SCAR w/Fore Grip and Quickdraw
-KAP (no attachments)
-Hardline, Toughness, Scavenger, Dexterity
I just presitged the SCAR so I don't have it re-unlocked yet, but I'm a huge fan of the stock since I like being able to aim quickly in ADS, so once I re-unlock that I might either drop Fore Grip for it, or drop Toughness/additional Perk 2 to add a third attachment to the SCAR. I should hopefully be able to play some more this weekend to see if I can re-acclimate.
To simulate the sound of helicopters flying overheadWhy does the disc still spin when when the game is installed into the hdd?
One of the worst maps I've had the displeasure of playing in. This game is nothing but pray and spray. The spawns are just atrocious. I don't know why people keep giving their money to Treyarch.
Is the SCAR still considered the best AR?
Aside from that though, what's the go-to SMG now?
VSAT's ruin this game.
you couldn't say the SR-71 Blackbird ruined BO1, though.
I personally think the PDW is the greatest SMG, because it's magazine trumps the MSMC.
The PDW also has a way better recoil pattern.
The MSMC recoil pattern is terrible.
This is the shoot someone and get shot in the back Call of Duty. You seriously have no room or time to think your next move.
Watched some MLG games from that Dallas grand finals and wow, these guys are pretty good. Aiming are top notch that's a given, but the positioning on the maps with different modes are ridiculously good.
MW3 had a playlist update today.
Haven't touched this since December due to the spawn and lag comp issues. Checked the patch notes briefly and still saw not a single mention if lag tweaks/fixes.
Have they seriously not done a single thing to correct the lag issues? Please don't tell me they're still pinning the blame on the users.