Thanks for all the responses to my questions! I am really enjoying this game so far, both multiplayer and campaign.
What is the "best" SMG in this game?
MSMC, Scorpion, or PDW. Can't really go wrong with any of those.
Thanks for all the responses to my questions! I am really enjoying this game so far, both multiplayer and campaign.
What is the "best" SMG in this game?
Thanks for all the responses to my questions! I am really enjoying this game so far, both multiplayer and campaign.
What is the "best" SMG in this game?
How's the MP7? I tried it for a bit and it seems pretty good.
Feature Improvements
- Added Prestige Level Calling Cards for each Prestige Level.
- Players will now control the last Scorestreak called when calling in multiple remote controllable Scorestreaks.
- Updated the League Lobbies to display Team Rank next to each Team Members name.
- Added Suicide and Team Killed Penalties to the Game Rules/Spawn Settings Menu for Custom Games.
- Added a feature to kick players if they suicide too often in a game.
Multiplayer Issues Addressed
- Fixed an issue reported by the community where the Lodestar view remains on screen if the VTOL Warship is destroyed after being previously kicked from the VTOL due to friendly fire.
- Updated Menus to combat exploits reported by the community.
- Addressed a persistent Counter UAV issue that occurred during host migrations.
- Fixed an issue reported by the community where the player was not earning any progress for the Chopper Hunter Field Specialist challenge.
- Fixed an issue reported by the community where C4 was doing no damage to enemies if blown up the moment it attaches to a surface.
- Addressed an issue reported by the community with activating Prestige on a weapon not removing attachments from that weapon in other class sets.
- Prestige Master icon can now be seen as the next Prestige when players reach the max Prestige Level.
- Resolved an issue with the Orbital VSAT Scorestreak losing time during the host migration count down.
- Resolved a collision issue on Grind which caused the player to become stuck on the vert ramp.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to place a turret while under the big rig in Aftermath.
- Addressed a couple issues with the Sentry Gun and AGR Scorestreak tablets remaining open when the player transitions to the Scorestreak while it is being destroyed.
- The Attachments menu in the After Action Report now indicates the XP a player earns from leveling up a weapon.
- Resolved an issue where players would lose control of Sentry Guns if they take control of it while it is being destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with Turret and Guardian placement within certain objects in Aftermath.
- Improved performance in Theater when a player Previews a Clip over and over again while their Clips in the Timeline Editor are maxed out.
- Fixed an issue with the environment disappearing when dying and spectating the water in Carrier.
- The music now plays for everyone during the Final Killcam.
- Addressed an issue on PlayStation 3 where the Listen In toggle, while CODcasting, was listening to all whether it was toggled on or not.
- Fixed an issue in Theater where the camera viewed under the map while watching players that had not spawned in.
- Resolved an issue with the AGR icon only appearing on the mini-map when it was firing both the machine gun and rockets at the same time.
- Resolved an issue with the Victory/Defeat screen not accurately displaying the amount of XP a player had earned in Objective based game modes on Combat Training.
- Addressed multiple issues with reloading the War Machine Scorestreak.
- Adjusted the Scoreboard columns when CODcasting Free For All to display points in the first column instead of player score.
- Fixed an issue with the HUD pushing off the screen when CODcasting in Theater during a round transition.
- Resolved an issue in Theater where Party Leaders could not render videos while players joined the lobby.
- Addressed an issue with the Chat Notification not appearing on the in game screen for players who were speaking in Party Chat.
- Fixed an animation issue for the Combat Knife when holding aim down sight and pressing the melee attack button.
- Resolved an inconsistency in the Emblem Editor with the way emblems were being displayed between profiles.
- Resolved an issue in the Player Channel where deleted screenshots and edited films were appearing as an error when viewed by another player.
- Addressed an issue in the League Play slide menu where the Career Wins stat was not updating for previous seasons when the player had not yet been placed.
- Fixed an issue with the Game Settings Update prompt getting cut off when choosing to update after the idle screen fade out.
- Resolved an issue with the gondolas on Downhill continuing to move during a host migration.
- Fixed an issue with the Emblems on Playercards viewed from the in-game Scoreboard showing corruption.
- Addressed an issue in Search and Destroy where players would sometimes spawn into the next round with their secondary weapon.
- Resolved an endless loading prompt to connect to Twitch when attempting to unlink and re-link accounts with no login information.
- Fixed a Twitch/Twitter menu issue where some fields were still accessible while connecting to Twitch/Twitter.
- Resolved a UI issue with rapidly using Like and Dislike on user generated content.
- Fixed an issue with the equipped DLC reticle displaying the wrong preview reticle when going from a DLC reticle to any other reticle equipped on another weapon.
- Addressed the Hellstorm Missile boost button prompt not updating correctly for some controller button layouts.
- Addressed multiple menu layering issues.
- Fixed an issue with the laser effect not appearing in game on a Laser Sight if the player spams the Switch Weapons button.
- Addressed an issue with the mini-map overlapping the objective text when a CODcaster has the control panel open.
- Resolved an issue with the Bacon and Dia De Muertos DLC camos not appearing on enemy weapons when the player is using a weapon that has the Millimeter Scanner attachment equipped.
- Fix for League Season History and League Leaderboard UI errors.
- Fixed an issue in CODtv paging logic where we were losing one item every time we page back from page 3 to 2.
Gameplay Balancing
- Adjusted Hijacked engine room Hardpoint zone to extend to ladders.
- Lightning Strike Radar will not reactivate after round change if it has been used in a previous round.
- Global enemy spawn influencers adjusted.
- Adjusted objective spawn influencers in Capture the Flag.
Zombies Issues Addressed
- Fixed a UI Error that occurred on Turned.
- Resolved various bugs around the Die Rise map.
April 10, 2013 Black Ops II patch notes:
A tip I picked up - if you want to beat up on newbs, and just feel better about how much better of a player you are - delete the DLC. You will only be "matchmade" against those without the DLC - who are likely to be less hardcore players.
The Hijacked hardpoint change is nice, no longer really makes the first person there the king of the engine room.
I liked Chaos MoshpitLess chance of getting a map I don't like there.
Is Nuketown in HC TDM also?
Played Nuketown several times last night in TDM.
How come c4 can be tossed so far?
Guys WTF, why did they take choas moshpit away?
Was it because no one was playing the other maps?
This blows man.
Same reason you can frisbee a bouncy betty across the map. Because fuck balance
Guys WTF, why did they take choas moshpit away?
Was it because no one was playing the other maps?
This blows man.
What a douche move making Nuketown a requirement.
They ruined it again coz people just quit out of lobbies/games coz they want to play only nuketown. I've never seen a dev so out of touch with their fanbase or it's like they genuinely want to piss them all off.
How come?
It'll be back on Tues.
It is? Cause the update removed the chaos moshpit. It's like these companies want people to hate them.
How come c4 can be tossed so far?
Been playing a little less than a week. Doing mostly Team Deathmatch in Core because it looks like that's where most of the population is.
I've been using the PDW SMG but it doesn't seem to do much damage. Feels like I have to shoot other people a lot more than they have to shoot me to get a kill. Thinking of switching to an assault rifle. Any recommendations?
And I've got the PDW to level 13 so far. Should I go ahead and max it out just because I'm so close? Isn't the max 16 or something?
scar and smr are underratedYou shouldn't be able to throw C4 like you're Brett Favre.
FAL, M8A1, or AN-94. Those are the best assault rifles.
Only by gun model. Any gun that kills me is overpowered though and anyone that uses it is a camping scrub.You guys have suggested the M27, FAL, M8A1, AN-94, SCAR, and SMR
That's about all of them haha
I have another question though - is it possible to tell which gun someone is using in a killcam? Sometimes I see it and think I want to try it out but I have no idea what it is.
Only by gun model. Any gun that kills me is overpowered though and anyone that uses it is a camping scrub.
This ruined TDM for me. I fucking hate nuketown =(
I liked Chaos because it meant no chance of Plaza, Raid or Aftermath. Some people love those first two but I can't stand them.
You guys have suggested the M27, FAL, M8A1, AN-94, SCAR, and SMR
That's about all of them haha
I have another question though - is it possible to tell which gun someone is using in a killcam? Sometimes I see it and think I want to try it out but I have no idea what it is.
At the end of the day though all the ARs are pretty much the same to me except for the SWAT. That gun is bad.
Double XP has been extended through Tuesday morning to 10am PT.