Dying to see some PC screens, hopefully in a few hours.
Indeed. First COD with dx11...color me interested lol
Dying to see some PC screens, hopefully in a few hours.
Anyone know if buying from Steam gets you the Bonus XP weekend? It only mentions Nuketown as a pre-order bonus.
Yeah, Nuketown + BonusXP are bundled together.
Anybody have a stream of BOII? the mods on own3d banned all of em.. I'm hoping for one on ustream or livestream or blogtv etc.. :/
Just played like five games on Black Ops PC to remind myself what good netcode is like again. Big difference from the messy hit detection and garbage lag compensation of MW3. I'm ready for Black Ops 2.
Warning: He's kind of a douche and says "nigga" a lot (according to him, he's Hispanic so he has "a license to say nigga").
Warning: He's kind of a douche and says "n**a" a lot (according to him, he's Hispanic so he has "a license to say N***").
Idk bout all that.
Sweetness, thanks for the heads-up. Just went ahead and pulled the trigger. This is the first CoD I've actually purchased (MW3 was a gift), so I aim to get a lot more mileage out of it this time.
Idk bout all that.
The netcode in BO was far better then the lag compensation present in MW3, that crap made me to stop playing.
I have to ask but did you play the game on PC? I even owned a server at one point. If I picked a server from the east coast, I would end up with 10-30 ping.
I can't speak for PC, but on consoles 3arc has never been that good with net code and hit detection. Infinity Ward has always outclassed them in that area.
Warning: He's kind of a douche and says "nigga" a lot (according to him, he's Hispanic so he has "a license to say nigga").
Have you played MW3? You think that is good net code? you must have been high while playing it.
I must be high while plying MW3 too, Black Ops was complete trash if you didn't have a 4 bar connection.Have you played MW3? You think that is good net code? you must have been high while playing it.
Reposting. Black Ops 2 Gaf Steam group:
Join if you haven't already![]()
Warning: He's kind of a douche and says "nigga" a lot (according to him, he's Hispanic so he has "a license to say nigga").
I must be high while plying MW3 too, Black Ops was complete trash if you didn't have a 4 bar connection.
says membership by invite only.
Warning: He's kind of a douche and says "nigga" a lot (according to him, he's Hispanic so he has "a license to say nigga").
How badly am I going to do using a gamepad on PC? I am using a TV atm and don't have a desk/monitor so using mouse and keyboard is hard. Also I suck using mouse and keyboard :lol
Have you played MW3? You think that is good net code? you must have been high while playing it.
PC settings are different from consoles. snaps 30 instead of 20. Rate at 25000 instead of 5000. Thats not including the server itself being a center focused on hosting the game so it wont be bandwidth constrained like someone providing a listen experience. black ops on PC is fine.I can't speak for PC, but on consoles 3arc has never been that good with net code and hit detection. Infinity Ward has always outclassed them in that area.
Iirc cod games don't have controller support on pc. I'm thinking about getting this for PC, ps3, or wiiu but I haven't made up my mind. I'm terrible wih kb/m in fps games so I will probably go console unless the dx11 stuff is really all that.
Also don't get too attached, if im right they reset every profile back to 1 on MondayMaximillian's Map impressions
Each time someone on GAF lowers the hype, Max takes it back up. I tend to agree with a lot of what he's saying. I like most of the maps and I'm not dying as much as I did before. Level 30 something now and counting
Also don't get too attached, if im right they reset every profile back to 1 on Monday
They didn't do it for mw3, and i dont recall if they did with blops1.
Yeah, the account's just ineligible for the Race to Prestige Master contest thing if you play before the launch or whatever.I could've swore Vonderhaar tweeted they won't reset it as well.
I could've swore Vonderhaar tweeted they won't reset it as well.
They didn't do it for mw3, and i dont recall if they did with blops1.
I don't care. In fact, I'd like it if they do. Would help my stats since I know how COD and the maps workAlso don't get too attached, if im right they reset every profile back to 1 on Monday
Also don't get too attached, if im right they reset every profile back to 1 on Monday
Iirc cod games don't have controller support on pc. I'm thinking about getting this for PC, ps3, or wiiu but I haven't made up my mind. I'm terrible wih kb/m in fps games so I will probably go console unless the dx11 stuff is really all that.
Thanks for he info. Have there been any impressions of blops 2 with the wiiu tablet or pro controller? I'm not sure if the joystick placement is going to be very comfortable wih either.Blops 2 has controller support. You can also use Left Stick + Mouse if you want.
edit: No aim assist though.
My pre-order shipped, didn't expect it to ship until Monday night![]()
Maximillian's Map impressions
Each time someone on GAF lowers the hype, Max takes it back up. I tend to agree with a lot of what he's saying. I like most of the maps and I'm not dying as much as I did before. Level 30 something now and counting
From what website, Amazon?
LiquidSnake's map impressions really bummed me out. I also love Blops, but hate MW3. Maps being too small are bad.
I'm glad for positive impressions from Maximillian, but I have a feeling that I'm not going to agree with him as much with what makes a great map. The first map he complained about was a place where people could "camp."
I think that complaint is way overused and instead it's misused to justify the horrid headless chicken, tactics-less gameplay of MW3.
We'll see, but please keep posting impressions of the maps, guys. That's all that matters to me right now.
Indeed. First COD with dx11...color me interested lol