I wish I could, and I will when something awesome occurs.You ever gonna contribute something positive?
I wish I could, and I will when something awesome occurs.You ever gonna contribute something positive?
Last night we had a 6 man party playing TDM and we decided to see what would happen if we all "wormed"...the result was something like a three game victory streak averaging 75-40 or so.
the last game was on meltdown and the other team started to do the same thing...stupid good fun..emphasis on the stupid though.
but it is effective, almost a broken mechanic how well it works.
Its amazing how randoms have no idea how to deal with it. I had a game of KC last week where two people on the enemy team where doing it, and none of the randoms on my team bothered to use EMP grenades or Blackhats. They just kept running in there over and over again.
Hunter Killers are the most annoying/stupid streak ever added.
When r we gonna play again?![]()
I might get on tonight, if you'll have me.You going to be online tonight? And, to anyone else, who's playing tonight on 360? I'm going to grab Double XP by the horns and level my ass up like there's no tomorrow.
Also, rangersfan414 is an admirable player. Played like a champ last night and dealt with my lame-ass two bar performance....
You going to be online tonight? And, to anyone else, who's playing tonight on 360? I'm going to grab Double XP by the horns and level my ass up like there's no tomorrow.
Also, rangersfan414 is an admirable player. Played like a champ last night and dealt with my lame-ass two bar performance....
Thanks, you didn't really do that bad at all. I'm so ready to play nuketown for hours straight. I should be able to get at least 2 prestiges done if i play a decent amount of time this weekend. Nuketown is also a great time to rank up weapons and go for the crazy ultra killer stuff
Just PM me or post on here whenever you're online and ready. I'll probably just be watching hockey on tv so i'll be available to get on whenever. Then you can experience getting destroyed by snipers with me on the smallest map in the game lol.
up now.
I was playing Chaos Moshpit, the game ended and said it needed to be updated and now it turned into Nuketown.
Its up now!
Also, Im on 360 - photochrisj.
I say we should do a clan tag of NGAF or something. =p
Gameplay videos of 2 new maps/Peacekeeper:
Downhill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS-bcniw0R4
Grind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUlzpk8XznM
Hardcore gets no Nuketown love. FU Treyarch.
Word, I'll hit you up tonight when I'm online.
As for me not playing that bad, dude, I did. My k/d isn't super high, but I pride myself on usually falling around a 1.7-2.5 each match. Going negative is pretty rare for me. I was really, really surprised about how having such a crappy connection last night really affected my performance. *shakes fist at Internet*
Hardcore gets no Nuketown love. FU Treyarch.
Its okay, Nuketown is the most awful map ever.
Going to prestige at least twice this weekend. Max out some guns while I'm at it.
We'll def party up then![]()
Hopefully we'll have better luck next time. Completely off my game last time we partied up. I never die more than ten times. Lol.
If we both bring our A game, we'll dominate nuketown, especially demolition....It'll be worse than Raid was!
If we both bring our A game, we'll dominate nuketown, especially demolition....It'll be worse than Raid was!
I'm so in, too. Can't wait to get home.
Oh trust me. After our last session, I'm going to be snapping on every opponent. Haha. I'm excited. You guys send me an invite when you're both ready.
And if I fail miserably I'm going to sleep![]()
Looks like you'll be getting plenty of rest then while I'm busy prestige lapping you xP
That sounds like a challenge! Haha. I'll be on.
I am the kind of guy who really gets into the nitty gritty stats and data when it comes to FPS games, so I know much of the raw data for the guns in this game.
I don't like SMGs for hardcore because I am all about extending that 1HK range as far as possible. If you play very aggressively, however, SMGs are fine since they offer advantages with movement speed, ADS speed, etc.
I wouldn't recommend you use the vector. I'd recommend either the PDW or MSMC over it.
PM'd you, but PM me your GT.
Get rid of OMA and new MW2 maps and I would be satisfied as well.
I'll believe we're friends bro. GT is Marty McFly.
But I might change it. I will send a message out to my friends when I do though.
Nice new GT![]()
Haha. I'm a big Kendrick Lamar fan. Decided I was amused by it.
The Peacekeeper has the maneuverability like an SMG and the distance and low ROF like an Assault Rifle. Isn't that what the PDW is?