QBB, followed by HAMR, then S12
Servers down on ps3? Status online says up and running but I keep getting an error message when I try to connect. PSstore and other online games are working for me too so I don't know.
LTTP but I was thinking this lately. CoD4/MW2 had some really memorable pre-round/post-round music.Anybody else disappointed with this games multiplayer soundtrack?
To me, MW2 was the best and I don't know if it'll ever be beat. The menu music/spawn themes/victory and defeat were all amazing. Even the "jungle music" for time is running out is the best.
MW3 is 2nd best to me. The main menu theme for multi is prob the best in the series. The themes are better than black ops, but nothing special.
Black Ops 1 had a good main menu theme, but thats just about it. Very few spawn themes/victories were good.
In Black Ops 2, i can't even hear any spawn and victory/defeat music at all. And yes i have music volume all the way up. The main menu music is a bust too. It definitely falls behind MW3, MW2, and Blops 1. The only song I like or have even heard besides the menu is the one in the plaza clubIt also plays in the campaign credits.
And how annoying is it that they keep having avenged sevenfold make the zombie easter egg songs -__-
Good games Fracas, sorry if my friends ( and I ) got overexcited.
LTTP but I was thinking this lately. CoD4/MW2 had some really memorable pre-round/post-round music.
One other thing I'm also kind of disappointed by is the lack of emotion when the announcers call out enemy scorestreaks. They'll say "Hostile Swarm incoming." But it doesn't have as much urgency as it should, not like in MW2 where announcers went crazy over the higher hostile streak rewards.
Gotta say, I do miss the nerve-wracking feeling of hearing those announcements that's usually accompanied with the sounds of absolute chaos. Now, you get a raspy voice saying random stuff like "I'm sick of this asshole, get rid of him!"..and it usually catches me by surprise and I'll be thinking "woah hey take it easy there". lol hilarious linehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1m7u4WU2hs
hearing the sheer terror in the voices of the announcers when an AC130 was called in was almost enough to make you shit your pants. It was great.
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
Yeah, it was that exact type of urgency that made you run to the nearest building on instinct.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1m7u4WU2hs
hearing the sheer terror in the voices of the announcers when an AC130 was called in was almost enough to make you shit your pants. It was great.
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
Happened to me when I was trying to manually control my AGR. Might be a glitch with all tablet based killstreaks.
hearing the sheer terror in the voices of the announcers when an AC130 was called in was almost enough to make you shit your pants. It was great.
In addition to this, I loved hearing the low "DUNNN DUNNNNNN" music that played whenever you got the higher killstreaks.
Even the character voices were great:
Holy shit, you can take out Hellstorm missiles with EMP's. So over powered, lol.
Even the character voices were great:
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
I miss MW2 so much. Being addicted to the Stinger my little group and I never had a problem with all the air kill streaks. Plus, they still have my favorite maps. I don't think there's a thing I disliked about that game.
Commando? One Man Army/Noob Tubes? Nuke boosters? Revenge spawns? The Stinger glitching out and not hitting the Harrier?
It's not that bad. I've only had mine EMP'd once out of like 800 something hellstorms i believe. But it's an interesting thing to put in the game.
Holy shit, you can take out Hellstorm missiles with EMP's. So over powered, lol.
Whenever I spot a tac insert with engineer I track which player it belongs to, plant a C4 at the insert, and detonate it when I see his insert disappearing. Free kills man.Well if you can perfectly time it.
Screw emp users. They keep destroying my tact insert lol.
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
Whenever I spot a tac insert with engineer I track which player it belongs to, plant a C4 at the insert, and detonate it when I see his insert disappearing. Free kills man.
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...
Seems like too much effort than to just destroy it or put a betty in it.
Does double xp work on combat training too
It's amazing how playing alone makes the connection so much better. I generally party up with 5 others, but when we do, the lag/lag compensation is unbearable.
For instance, started the night partied up and after 3 games (usually only play objective game modes) I was:
Once I decided to go solo, the next 4 matches:
It's insane. Playing alone is boring, but I feel like this is probably the only way to play for me from now on. LOL
I've hated domination in this game with a passion because of the poor map design. So I got bored and decided to mess with a shield class. It's actually pretty fun as long as you have competent team mates who take out the enemies as you distract them while capturing.
Team selection is ridiculous in this game. Had a team the other day 5 a side, 3 of my players were the 3 bottom players on the lobby leaderboard and the 4th guy was middle of the leaderboard.
Looking at random players' combat records, literally every one's best weapon is a SMG. Has anyone else discovered someone who doesn't use SMG as their main weapon?
Mine is the MK48...