Heavy's Sandvich
I was just upset I didn't get to see the beautiful waterfall in that level :'(
For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
Yeah, that's more of what I meant. Catering to the particular game mode. I know K/D shouldn't matter in a mode like Domination but seeing that stat can (maybe subconsciously) change the way a person plays.
I should be getting my copy of MW3 next week so I guess I'll see.![]()
For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
3. Works pretty well for me.For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
What's the highest? 10?
I'm on the highest, still not enough.
Between 4 and 7.
It's so weird, when I'm in the "zone" as it were, I can run around on 7 like a headless chicken and do really well, but when I'm having a bad run of games and I need to slow down, I'll put it on around 4 or 5 and it makes me feel more in control again.
you are powerful
For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
If only El Presador was on the opposing team. I'd imagine it'd be something like thisQuick gameplay I banged out tonight:
Modern Warfare 3: 49-1 Domination @ Village [Two Osprey Gunners]
Every COD game so far I've stuck at 4 sensitivity. Although I've been playing MW2 (Spec-Ops) again and I've experimented playing at 7. It was fun and it seemed like I could handle it.For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
For those of you playing on console, what do you have your sensitivity set to?
Thats apples and oranges though. If you see enemies, then pick a nice spot to kill them as they come round the corner. Your there for what maybe 10 seconds? If you know your in a bad position and moving is going to get you killed your still there for what maybe 30 seconds till a opportunity to escape pops up? Those situations happen maybe twice a match. If your going to pick a area of the map to defend because you know its a high traffic area, be honest, are you just staring at a window and a door or are you actually defending a significant bit of real estate on the map? On some maps it makes sense to hold down a specific area, but that doesn't just mean your only traversing around a tiny 20 meter squared spot on the map.
Of course there are times when it makes sense to stay still somewhere, but at its extreme your never stuck somewhere for longer than a few minutes at most. If your honestly telling me that it still makes sense to watch that specific spot on the map rather than try and move and flank where the action has moved to then I just dont see how you can justify that. In that video him staying where he stayed didn't make sense unless he was just there for his K/D ratio.
So yeah while the definition of camping is hard to define and isnt black and white, its pretty easy to know where you sit on the scale if you analyse why your staying in a spot.
Just played a game where I couldn't call in my Reaper. Kept getting "Airspace too crowded" message, despite there being NOTHING in the air. Anyone else had this glitch?
Tried this with the Steam Free Resort weekend
Aimbotters in every three matches
Cool game IW
So, is Modern Warfare 3 worth 39.90?
I liked MW2 but I didn't like how unbalanced the killstreaks were, and I didn't like Black Ops at all.
Old news? Overwatch coming to 360 elite members on Tuesday!
In MW2 though, did you use them combined with Stopping Power?
I would bet the damage is probably similar in both games if that Perk was not used.
It depends on connections too. Even PP90 in close range, it takes 5-6 hits to kill sometimes. It's pretty crazy to see hit markers after hit markers.
Infinity Ward, ladies and gentlemen.
Infinity ward doesn't have anything to do with MW3 multi player its all sledgehammer.
I know L86 w/ Grip and Thermal led to little to no recoil, didn't know about the MK46. Anyway, this is really old.
Yeah, november old. lol
Worth a try though.
Haven't used any LMG here in MW3. Oh wait, I tried one of the default classes. lol
MW2's AUG on the other hand was pretty great.