Well I suck at MW3, I'll admit it, not that best at any shooter to be honest and always carry a 1.3-1.5 K/D ratio.
Ive never got a nuke in old CoD, best KS think Ive ever had in any CoD has been MAYBE 15ish...right now my high is 13 in MW3 lol.
So what im wondering, if you guys could give me some suggestions, whats some idea loadouts and god mode loadouts

Mine are pretty generic and Im not even sure if they are idea or if the weapons. I used all my prestige points from CoD4/MW2/BLOPS etc.. on create a class slots since Im always trying a new gun or setup every round.
I find myself using the ACR 90% of the time with only a silencer on it, not sure if kick is worth it on it sicne the recoil seems to low..but to be honest Im not sure if any of the other enhancements do much cause I never notice a change (well besides 2 attachements)
Used the G36, M4, and CM90 a few times...but not sure if they are worth using over the ACR.
Only other weapon I use is subs, I suck with shottys, LMG's and Sniper Rifles Ive come to find

For the subs I find myself using the UMP 90% of the time and just recently been trying out the P90..not sure which is better or the idea choice. Usual set-up attachment/skill wise for the subs I use are oh course Kick and 2 Attachments. I like to run a Rapid Fire or Rapid Fire+Silencer from time to time.
As far as perks go..I find myself using the same 4-5 on every class. Feel like Im scared to leave the loadout screen with out my Slight of Hand cause reloading and me usually spell disaster...Hardline is my next go to, since I cant get a long KS to save my ass so I use the old Hardline+UAV+Care Pack.+Predator set-up to pad my kills lol.
if Im not using Hardline, which is a majority of the time, I have the 1 or 2 Assasin set-ups, makes me miss my Hardline tho since me and killstreaks mix like water and oil.
As for a third perk I find my self once again having Stalker for everything and Steady Aim for 1 or 2 classes.
So yeah, Im at a loss for new ideas and great set-ups to use. Maybe you guys can steer in a direction to create some new badass loadouts so I can finally see what the killstreaks up the chain look like lol.