Steam, PSN and XBL out now between 12 and 15 bucks (and there is no UPlay!)
COJ: Gunslinger shouldn't even be carrying the Juarez title. This is a straight up linear Western FPS with some slight collectible hunting, gorgeous gun battles, a colorful environment and of course, dueling. All complimented by a stellar soundtrack.
RPS review: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/05/20/wot-i-think-call-of-juarez-gunslinger/
We got skills and upgrades:

We got a bullet time-y Concentration mode:

We got explosions:

We got pretty locales and blood:

........And finally, we got NEW GAME FUCKIN' PLUS!
So saddle up on somethin' pardner 'cuz we're about to shoot us some bad guys.