Fuck it, you know what? I'm going to go buy an iPhone and a Macbook Air then sit around drinking Starbucks and telling people about how shitty big corporations are.
seems like a list with good games. what are people freaking out about what other people enjoy?
Your second paragraph came off as surprisingly salty. I'm really not trying to rile anyone up, but it seems I have, lol
It does seem that mainstream successes often win, but I was referring to the wider pool of nominees, which always include quite a few obscure to me, I suppose, but I'm sure to many others as well films.
And I shall believe you.
I guess I'm not arguing that their list is invalid. I'm just expressing some frustration with it because it doesn't mean much to me I know absolutely nothing about half of these games, particularly the one that won. (I didn't want to just post "lol indies" and be on my way.)
Still need to snag Papers, Please and EU IV.
Monaco is great. Played a little but it's great co-op fun.
I just got a new laptop and it wasn't a Mac
My dad made Foldger's and I didn't complain when I drank it.
Do I belong in this thread or not I am so lost
Wouldn't that make this list more useful to you than any other list? It brought some good games to your attention that you hadn't previously heard of.
Fuck it, you know what? I'm going to go buy an iPhone and a Macbook Air then sit around drinking Starbucks and telling people about how shitty big corporations are.
Wait you have to be an apple fan to be hipster?
Never mind then.. guess Im just some sad PC geek. *sniff*
Maybe people should actually read the site to see the justifications rather than jump to conclusions and say they are just hipsters going against the grain, just because.
I have the right to my opinion, and you to yours. GOTY lists shouldn't be called GOTY lists if they only serve to throw attention at obscure games that only do 1 thing well.
Plz, they are saying $15 indie games are better than the games I paid 60 bucks for. This will not stand.
Don't worry, every other gaming site is going to make sure everybody knows that the best games all year are (in no particular order)
- The Last Of Us
- COD: Ghosts
- Battlefield 4
- Mario 3D world
- Zelda ALBW
- Some PS4 title because PS4 is awesome (Resogun I guess)
- Some Xbone title because xbone is awesome (Forza I guess)
- some slightly obscure or smaller title to prove they're not just fucking lowest common denominator clickbait, but not too small or obscure because then people would complain they haven't heard of it. Probably Terraria or some other indie available on multiple paltforms.
- free choice
Smaller title will probably be Tearaway for quite a few places. Platform exclusivity makes it a safe choice, since there will be a parade of people talking it up as the messiah given digital form. And even then, people will probably dismiss the list as too hipster because of it.
Plz, they are saying $15 indie games are better than the games I paid 60 bucks for. This will not stand.
Is there a reason I haven't heard of nearly all those games?
Is there a reason I haven't heard of nearly all those games?
Name them.
Too many. Just look at the GAF GOTY thread for a good idea of the games.
The list is pretty represantative of site's editorial quality.
Try harder: The site.
'My stakes here, thank God, are not saving the galaxy, or whether an NPC will help, or whether Ill get the optimum cutscene. My stakes are my self-respect.
This reductionist attitude is just as bad, if not worse, as the hipster name-calling from the other side.
So many pages, so many complaints, and yet no one identified the core issue. Which is that the list doesn't contain Divinity: Dragon Commander, the most entertaining PC-ass PC game of 2013.
Too many. Just look at the GAF GOTY thread for a good idea of the games.
name 12
that's half of this "shit" list
also name which 12 should be replaced from this "shit" list
So many pages, so many complaints, and yet no one identified the core issue. Which is that the list doesn't contain Divinity: Dragon Commander, the most entertaining PC-ass PC game of 2013.
Indeed. New Vegas in particular.He was also one of the best writers on the site. But I guess one disagreeable review is a great enough sin to hate someone
I was so confused reading that list, but this explains it.They're PC only.
I think the "AAA blockbuster" approach to game design has been able to maintain its hegemony because people weren't willing or were actively discouraged from questioning it.
Of course GTAIV was the best game of the year when it released. Of course Mass Effect and Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted and Bioshock and Mario Galaxy were the legitimate contenders in their years, too. Of course. Now, I don't mean to suggest that these were necessarily bad games -- that may or may not be true -- instead, I mean that in any given year these well publicized AAA games were the only ones given real serious consideration by most magazines and gaming outlets.
Suggesting that maybe some games made on shoestring budgets or made for iOS or made for 3DS or made by some guy in his basement for the PC disrupts the accepted, established order of gaming, where AAA, blockbuster, console-centric titles are on top and are the default, assumed GotY candidates. iOS games are on bottom and everything else falling somewhere in between. Choices like Kentucky Zero Route disturb this conventional pecking order, and that can rile some people up.
Is it a daily? I've had KRZ in my wishlist for such a long time, probably before release lol. My backlog can wait if I can get this game for fair price. Money is fairly tight :/Curiosly enough, I just downloaded the first two acts and played through them (the season pass is discounted on Steam by the way, if anyone happens to be interested), what a "game", absolutely loved it so far and I'm considering including it in my GOTY list as well. I mean, what if the remaining acts end up never being released? Even as an incomplete work, it's still impressive and unique in its kind. I would have much preferred for it to be released as a single game, but what can you do...
When is Act III supposed to be released anyway?
It's €13.5 until January 2, not sure if it's the same in America? Or wherever you're locatedIs it a daily? I've had KRZ in my wishlist for such a long time, probably before release lol. My backlog can wait if I can get this game for fair price. Money is fairly tight :/
Too many. Just look at the GAF GOTY thread for a good idea of the games.
So many pages, so many complaints, and yet no one identified the core issue. Which is that the list doesn't contain Divinity: Dragon Commander, the most entertaining PC-ass PC game of 2013.
RPS is PC Master Race only, yes? So typical choices like GTAV, TLOU, and Nintendo products aren't even in the conversation here. This looks like a hypothetical NeoGAF STEAM GotY list to me. Don't know what anybody expected.
You are like one of the biggest console warriors on the forum so I'm sure a site like RPS couldn't give a fuck what you think of them, haha.
RPS is PC Master Race only, yes? So typical choices like GTAV, TLOU, and Nintendo products aren't even in the conversation here. This looks like a hypothetical NeoGAF STEAM GotY list to me. Don't know what anybody expected.
I loves me some indie games, but I giggled a bit at this list.
I have played almost all of these games. Something like Proteus or... Knock, Knock doesn't belong anywhere near a GOTY discussion. Happy to see Call of Juarez: Gunslinger on there, though.
Indie games are cool, but AAA games are cool, too. This list seems a bit ridiculous, like they're trying way too hard to rep some indie street cred. It just kind of comes off a bit disingenuous, like, it doesn't read to me as a list of the 24 best PC games of 2013, but rather just a list of 24 games that RPS feels didn't get enough attention.
I mean... it's not like the list is 100% indie anyway, unless Saints Row and Ass Creed count as indie now.