Flyers for August 19-25 from RFD.
Dues Ex - $59.99 (Augmented Edition $69.99) - Trade-in 2 games, get it for free for either. Get $10 off Batman: Arkham City with purchase.
Trade in two games, get a bonus $20 gift card.
* Both trades from list.
Homefront, WWE All-stars - $39.99
Xbox 360 4GB Kinect Bundle with Bioshock 2 & Super SF4 - $299.99
Ninja Blade - $9.99
PS3 160GB with Socom 4, MGS4 and Bluray Remote Control - $299.99
PS Move Tiger Woods Bundle - $99.99
3DS - Madden Football, Steel Diver, Nintendogs + Cats - $19.99 each
Pre-order Bonuses
Madden 12 - NFL All-star team
NHL 12 - Goalie Boost
Dues Ex - $59.99 (Free Pack which includes shotgun and sniper rifle) - Trade 3, get it for free. (Min $8)
Fear 3, Mortal Kombat - $39.99
2 for $30 (over 30 to choose from) - GTA4, Sonic Genesis Collection, MK vs. DC, Mass Effect 2, Left 4 Dead, Orange Box
Xbox 360 250GB with GOW Triple Pack - $299.99
PS3 160GB with Socom 4 & Uncharted 2 GOTY - $299.99
3DS BOGO ($39.99each) - Pilot Wings, Nintendogs (3 different games), Steel Diver
800 RWZ Points - Madden 12, Resistance 3, NHL 12
Get $40 off an iPod touch when you trade in your old MP3 player.
Get $20 off any TomTom GPS over $150 when you trade in your old GPS.
Get $15 of any new Motorola cordless phone when you trade in your old phone.
TV trade-in - Sony 40-45" $100 off, 46-54 $200, 55+ $300.
Gear of War Triple Pack - $10
Deus Ex - $53.xx
Thread has pics of the pages.