Firestorm said:I'm gonna keep using "Van" as my too lazy to type out the full word version of Vancouver... Vancity will remain my credit union.
KW has always been the term.Kazerei said:Kay-dub is the hip new term.
AlphaTwo00 said:KW has always been the term.
I just use the Couv because I call Mississauga the "Saug". lolSocreges said:I refuse to believe that anyone started calling it The Couv before I did. I heard people referring to Toronto as "T-Dot" so I mocked them by referring to Vancouver as "The Couv" and have used it (jokingly) ever since. Clearly any instance of The Couv has its origins in me...
People say Saug instead of Sauga?firehawk12 said:I just use the Couv because I call Mississauga the "Saug". lol
Firestorm said:If anyone in the Vancouver area want an HP TouchPad Touchstone Charging Dock for $45, lemme know before I Craigslist it. Still brand new sealed in box. I think it's sold out everywhere now.
Stumpokapow said:40% off at BBV go go go go
DoctorWho said:I wonder how much crap is left.
ConvenientBox said:just grabbed a 250gb 360 for 220, nice!
Anything I need to be worried about, or are these units more reliable than the originals?
I have two 360's at home now, one with a busted drive and one red ring.
It shipped today. I called them a few days ago and they said it's a glitch and everyone who ordered during E3 has a tentative shipping date of October. The glitch, as of now, has been fixed and the games and have been shipped.Home said:Ugh, seems to be horrible with preorders. Ordered NHL12 back in June during E3, CC was just charged today, and it still hasn't shipped. Don't really need this game day one, but for the others I ordered I'll probably have to go pick them up at the store, which is 45 minutes away.
Damn you FS!
DoctorWho said:I wonder how much crap is left.
Unrelated: NCIX processed my Touchpad order a couple of days ago but still hasn't shipped. Usually, when they charge the credit card, they ship right away. Anyone get there Touchpad from them recently?
Stumpokapow said:Yes, all newer 360s are reliable than all older 360s. The Slims have a low failure rate, to the point that while I'm sure some have failed, I'm not aware of any that have.
Search, search, search. Try expanding your search. What does your degree specialize on? Where can you work with ease? Where do you live?Onion_Relish said:Here's something: Can someone help me find a fucking job? I was just rejected from Fortis for their call centre even though I have years of customer service experience and was the supervisor in a fucking call centre. I have a bachelor of arts, willing to travel anywhere. I just want to get my fucking life going again.
Any help is appreciated
Onion_Relish said:Here's something: Can someone help me find a fucking job? I was just rejected from Fortis for their call centre even though I have years of customer service experience and was the supervisor in a fucking call centre. I have a bachelor of arts, willing to travel anywhere. I just want to get my fucking life going again.
Any help is appreciated
shagg_187 said:Search, search, search. Try expanding your search. What does your degree specialize on? Where can you work with ease? Where do you live?
Jobs always open up in October. Patience, young skywalker!
Where do you live at the moment? depends but It seems to me here in saskatchewan we have a fair bit of jobs still open.Onion_Relish said:I've been searching for 3 years. Patience is no longer an option.
Sometimes you have to knock on their door and talk to the man incharge instead of sending resumes online. You know... the old fashion way.Mikey Jr. said:Me too buddy. Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies. I live in the GTA, and all I can find is some shitty security jobs.
On a more related note, I wonder what my BBV is going to become. Hopefully they use the space to put something interesting up.
Sorry to hear that. Apply outside the congested cities. Go to a different province if you have to. Calgary is hiring. PEI is hiring. Ontario is picky but hiring if you're willing to travel.Onion_Relish said:I've been searching for 3 years. Patience is no longer an option.
Onion_Relish said:Here's something: Can someone help me find a fucking job? I was just rejected from Fortis for their call centre even though I have years of customer service experience and was the supervisor in a fucking call centre. I have a bachelor of arts, willing to travel anywhere. I just want to get my fucking life going again.
Any help is appreciated
vulva said:Hycran: I was talking to a hiring specialist who did a seminar for a bunch of U of T students a couple years ago. The main suggestion was to move away from the MTV if you're serious about wanting work (Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver). Maybe Ottawa has something for you?
Yup, I got me EDF at that price on 360. Only one left.Stumpokapow said:Going to check the other BBV later today to try to pick up Earth Defense Force IA for $23 taxes incl. The one I was at had one PS3 copy but no 360 copies and the only people who I know who own the game have it on 360. Also saw a Move/Eye/Sports Champions pack for $99. I'd get it for $30, but not for $60, so didn't pick it up.
Socreges said:I refuse to believe that anyone started calling it The Couv before I did. I heard people referring to Toronto as "T-Dot" so I mocked them by referring to Vancouver as "The Couv" and have used it (jokingly) ever since. Clearly any instance of The Couv has its origins in me...
Any tips for just looking for crap retail jobs as a student? It'll be the first time I just go hand out resumes randomly, do I ask to talk to the manager or...? Any tips would be fantastic!shagg_187 said:Sometimes you have to knock on their door and talk to the man incharge instead of sending resumes online. You know... the old fashion way.
I dont have a job for I have 1 more year of education to do, but I know my friends who have graduated with GPA of 3.7 and Internship experience, yet they are not getting any. Why?
1. They all apply in the same month i.e. Graduation month. October has always proven to be the time they hire as everyone goes back to school.
2. They apply only to a specific department, at always online. Apply to anything in your field that will give you enough experience and confidence to move up.
3. Low self-esteem and shying away from breaking some balls. Go outside, travel from
City to city. Not on weekend but Weekday. Find time and present yourself.
I was bored last week and decided to see who is willing to hire a low-grading, still-in-university student. I walked into Porter Airport and started asking for job opening and who's hiring. I was told to apply online but I asked them to meet the manager. Manager told me that I can drop off my resume in person but they're only hiring full-time.
I walked out into another office and walked into the doors of the man in charge. He directed me to all the openings including maintenance, office work, and call centers, and told me to come tomorrow since that's when the broadcasting manager will be present and able to help.
I didn't go back though cause I knew that I can win their heart but I have to sacrifice my studies, which I can't. Next year, definitely.
TL;DR: Get out, get noticed, be an entrepreneur and instead of talking to those that are on a payroll, talk to those that assigns those payrolls.
After a few rejections, you will find the right workplace. Your degree doesn't matter either as long as you'll willing to do so. My friend, who is still in university, applied for a part-time CNC instructor job. 6 months later, he is working fulltime Junior Project Manager with flexible shifts (by flexible, I mean really flexible as long as he gets the job done even if it's 3am). He got this opportunity cause he gained trust of the owner/manager and is now friends with them to the extend that when they hire someone, they consult him. They didn't care what GPA he has or what experience he has. Confidence and trust are the two main factors.
vulva said:any idea how much trade in value I could get for a 20gb 360? I think I might hop on that 200 dollar 360 deal. I'm only expecting 20 bucks tops or so, but figure it's worth checking first.
Shalashaska said:Any tips for just looking for crap retail jobs as a student? It'll be the first time I just go hand out resumes randomly, do I ask to talk to the manager or...? Any tips would be fantastic!
Onion_Relish said:I've been searching for 3 years. Patience is no longer an option.
shagg_187 said:3. Low self-esteem and shying away from breaking some balls. Go outside, travel from
City to city. Not on weekend but Weekday. Find time and present yourself.
Tabris said:Not exactly gaming related but heads up, London Drugs has Star Wars Complete Saga for $69.99, 10 bucks off Futureshop / Best Buy.
ShaneB said:Any early sellers of Gears 3 in Toronto?