Send me a PM with the email address you want to use to sign up with and I'll send you an invite.Thanks again! Pre-ordered! Wish I was in that tsilon site. How does one join? The main page is just wtf??!
Send me a PM with the email address you want to use to sign up with and I'll send you an invite.Thanks again! Pre-ordered! Wish I was in that tsilon site. How does one join? The main page is just wtf??!
Not really "canadian" deals, but I found a few cheap (3)DS titles on PlayAsia, including imports that were never released here.
* Adventure Time (3DS) - $20
* The Last Window (DS) (Import) - $16
* Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (DS) (Import) - $15
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).damn, i dunno what happened , but when i put my last of us code (which worked yesterday) to order the game, it refuses it now :S but i havent used it yet! :"(((
if anyone have a spare code that they're not using, it'd be greatly appriciatedPPPPP
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).
What's even better is that I used a $20 off tsilon code on GoW:A also. So for $75 + tax I got the lucky dog ! :c
What's even better is that I used a $20 off tsilon code on GoW:A also. So for $75 + tax I got the following.
($40) God of War Assension
($0) 30 days of PS+ added to my account
($15) $5 off of a $20 game (I used it on Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault which I was on the fence about but getting R&C: Deadlocked HD for free when it's released pushed me over at that price)
($20) The Last of Us
What's even better is that I used a $20 off tsilon code on GoW:A also. So for $75 + tax I got the following.
($40) God of War Assension
($0) 30 days of PS+ added to my account
($15) $5 off of a $20 game (I used it on Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault which I was on the fence about but getting R&C: Deadlocked HD for free when it's released pushed me over at that price)
($20) The Last of Us
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).
That sucks. I just placed my $20 TLoU order (GoW:A code + tsilon code).
> We apologize for the inconvenience.
> Your order didn't go through
> Please try to replace a new order and proceed it until submit.
> You may also contact your bank or credit card issuer to resolve the problem.
> Thanks for your business. has Tomb Raider on sale for $30. Just ordered a copy. has Tomb Raider on sale for $30. Just ordered a copy.
I'm getting a refurb PSP Go from EB soon for $50. I don't suppose there's a better price elsewhere?
Sending you a pm!
Anyone here deal with at all?
I tried ordering some eShop points off them, but I have one of the new Visa Debit cards from TD, and their system would only accept debit cards with 13 numbers, as opposed to the 16 my new card has.
The order couldn't go through, but I found out yesterday that I was actually charged for the order, except I hadn't recieved any code from them. I emailed them, and recieved this unhelpful reply:
No mention of a possible refund. I replied, asking about refunds, or a code, and nothing. Sent another email early today and still have yet to hear back from them.
So do Vita memory cards ever go on sale? I have $40 of gift certs for Bestbuy and I really reallllly need one.
Finally went to Target. Wasn't looking for anything in particular, just happened to be passing by so I stopped for a browse. I was amused to see an inordinately large number of copies of Tales of the Abyss 3D. For some reason.
EB Games has started selling used Vita memory cards for decent prices (what they should've been selling at originally, IMO). Call around to see if they have the size you want in stock.
Damn. The FS will have a Buy 3 select games together for $99.99 and SAVE up to $80! this coming April 18 in-store only.
I'm crossing my fingers that the "select games" at Futureshop include Pandora's Tower and Soul Hackers.
Question : Did anyone who ordered Injustice + Steelbook with tsilon code get a shipping notification yet?
Does anyone have a spare tsilon soul sacrifice code?
thank you, wingz!
Haven't even been charged yet...
Damn. The FS will have a Buy 3 select games together for $99.99 and SAVE up to $80! this coming April 18 in-store only.
Damn. The FS will have a Buy 3 select games together for $99.99 and SAVE up to $80! this coming April 18 in-store only.
I'd be curious to see the full list, the picture shows games that are reasonably old at this point and ones that have already seen sales at or below $33.33 apiece.
That sucks. Are you sure the charge went through though? I know you have a debit card, but the way credit cards work is that you'll see a temporary authorization for an order you made/tried making when you check your account online. If it's a mistake, then the charge should drop off your account in a few days. It's best for you to call your bank and ask if the charge went through or if it it's a temporary authorization. Merchants will create temporary authorizations on your card in order to ensure that you have enough credit/funds to process the order. Hope that helps.
Also, I'm not sure how secure Visa debit cards are, but if you're able to, I'd highly recommend you getting and using a credit card instead. If you're able to manage your money, and only spend money you have, then a credit card can give you greater benefits than your debit card. First, it'll offer better theft protection and security (if someone steals your credit card and uses it, a simple call to Visa/Mastercard will cancel it and get you your credit back, whereas with a debit card, it's your own funds on the line). Second, some cards offer extended warranty on purchases. And third, (cash back) rewards are awesome
Is it really the last day to get a free game when buying Luigis Mansion? Got an email saying as much, but I thought I was good until the 30th.