So is the sale price $30 or $10? I looked through their online flyer and couldn't find any indication that MGR is on sale at all.
Sweet, I'll be going back to Future Shop to get my week-old copy of Defiance price protected. I had a feeling it'd be dropping soon. Really enjoying the game so far, getting it for the equivalent of $40 is a steal.
BTW, FS is doing Revengeance for $29.99 + $10 off the June game if that wasn't clear.
So yeah, $20 Revengeance.
You can apply the credit to the game you're purchasing?
Yes but can't pm on my phoneGAF, I am feeling generous today. I ordered a copy of Hyrule Historia from Amazon and they accidentally sent me two copies. So does anyone in Kitchenerloo want a free copy of Hyrule Historia? Just PM me.
Looks like it's time for me to pick up Revengence. Is there a consensus definitive version to pick up? (If this is opening a can of worms then forget I asked...)
Picked up MGR earlier. Been waiting forever. Too bad I'm on a budget, otherwise I would have full price for this Platinum goodness.
Will have to look for my receipt though. Totally forgot about the 10 dollar June thing and threw it in the recycling >_<
I never throw my receipts out incase they have something with them. Usually stick them inside the packaging it came with (for games inside the cases) just incase something happens. Its never a bad thing to be too safe.
Its also fun to do some recounts on how much I spent on video games since I picked up my PS3, which wasn't a pretty sum, once I took into account PSvita and 3DS purchases. PS3 definitely eats up the majority of my gaming purchases.
Just a bad habit I have from always throwing away receipts when I eat out.
I never throw my receipts out incase they have something with them. Usually stick them inside the packaging it came with (for games inside the cases) just incase something happens. Its never a bad thing to be too safe.
not a big deal or anything but anyone know why i get taxed on demand games on 3DS but on PSN i dont (same Canadian options &card etc)
That MGR price is really good. I have no interest in the game though even after playing the demo.
I wasn't particularly fond of Vanquish either, so I guess I should avoid the game until it hits $15-$20ish.
It usually takes a year or two of buying games you won't play at $20 before you stop buying games at $20.
I've always found that strange, too. Even if a game is $5, I'm not buying it unless I'm fairly confident that it'd be worth my time to play. It's more about the time investment than the money.After reading things like "I have no interest in the game though even after playing the demo" I never expect to read next "I guess I should avoid the game until it hits $15-$20ish".
Why not "I guess I should avoid the game since I have no interest in the game even after playing the demo"?
I am just curious, not picking on you! =)
I'm looking at you, GTA4
Hmm I wonder if that's just your store.Not sure if this has already been posted, but I was in Future Shop yesterday (Kanata Centrum), and they had the Madden Vita bundle for $149.95. No memory card included, but that's still a decent deal.
It usually takes a year or two of buying games you won't play at $20 before you stop buying games at $20.
not a big deal or anything but anyone know why i get taxed on demand games on 3DS but on PSN i dont (same Canadian options &card etc)
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is up for pre-order at BB and FS. $39.99 and no promotions to speak of.
edit: Mario Party 3DS as well
They also have Bravely Default as well.
And then I realized my previous post was off-topic. Anyway, has the Xillia Collector's Edition page up again. Does this mean they're planning to have it available for preorder again? It was down a few days ago...
and we did discuss pillow deals a while back too.