It's been really hit or miss with these E3 pre-orders, but both FS and BB seem to be doing a somewhat decent job at giving out some compensation for the delay. I ordered Batman from BB for $43, for some reason I got a $10 code because they did not charge me the correct price ($59.99?), then they sent me another $10 code for shipping it a week late. Other games I have gotten on release day or the day after. To be honest Id rather them ship my games late and I get a $10 code as well

I just saw that Uncharted 3 shipped, but I haven't heard anything from FS about a code for that being a week late. I did get some sort of DLC code from BB for pre-ordering the game from them, even though I cancelled that pre-order with them and went with the FS deal instead.
Anyways, with price matching and using my BB reward zone points I was able to grab 11200 (4x2800) MS points for around $12. Thanks for the heads up GAF
