So there are no Best Buys left on Vancouver Island... there goes my fantastic Luigi's Mansion pre-order. 
According to the news on TV they are planning to open much smaller Best Buy Mobile store instead. I guess they will try something like The Source where they only carry what is popular?
I am so goddamn angry about that condo development. Closing down Boston Pizza and Red Robin kills the sit-down food choices before a movie -.- It's either Sushi Garden or Uncle Willy's unless we wanna walk far now. That was also one of my regular Future Shops even if the staff was the worst of the ones I frequent. Also an easy backup movie theatre for old movies / when SilverCity was full.The Metrotown Futureshop in BC closed a few weeks ago as well, that was such a great store. I think they closed since they took all of the land in Station Square out. :/ Their closing sales were meh though.
Sunridge is always a dog's breakfast. Seems par for the course with most Futureshops in the city though. Best Buy by contrast always seems much better organized. Maybe FS employees see no incentive in keeping things organized since there's no comission in it.
That's so crazy, I thought Calgary Macleod would be one of the last places that would close down lol...I don't live in South Calgary though, so I can't say I know how business goes for them.
I was gonna laugh, but then I realized that it was probably true.
I'm usually at the Sunridge BB myself, since I work really close to that location. The last time I went to the FS near there, the labels on the games/movies weren't updated, and they were just kinda chucked onto the shelves in no real order.
This makes me wonder though. How big is Calgary-GAF? I never really bothered to try and find/count them up lol
Sunridge is always a dog's breakfast. Seems par for the course with most Futureshops in the city though. Best Buy by contrast always seems much better organized. Maybe FS employees see no incentive in keeping things organized since there's no comission in it.
I'm just worried we won't get the great E3 deals this year. Hopefully it doesn't affect tsilon codes in the future either.
I heard from employees that Futureshop has comission and Best Buy does not.
I am so goddamn angry about that condo development. Closing down Boston Pizza and Red Robin kills the sit-down food choices before a movie -.- It's either Sushi Garden or Uncle Willy's unless we wanna walk far now. That was also one of my regular Future Shops even if the staff was the worst of the ones I frequent. Also an easy backup movie theatre for old movies / when SilverCity was full.
I am so goddamn angry about that condo development. Closing down Boston Pizza and Red Robin kills the sit-down food choices before a movie -.- It's either Sushi Garden or Uncle Willy's unless we wanna walk far now. That was also one of my regular Future Shops even if the staff was the worst of the ones I frequent. Also an easy backup movie theatre for old movies / when SilverCity was full.
Trade deal has updated. The list has not.
Yeah me too, glad that Calgary is finally mentioned a couple of times lol
I was gonna laugh, but then I realized that it was probably true.
I'm usually at the Sunridge BB myself, since I work really close to that location. The last time I went to the FS near there, the labels on the games/movies weren't updated, and they were just kinda chucked onto the shelves in no real order.
This makes me wonder though. How big is Calgary-GAF? I never really bothered to try and find/count them up lol
And what about Apple is the article saying? Best Buy/Futureshop sell Apple products and there aren't really that many Apple stores around are there?
Apple currently dominates 29% of the Canadian electronics landscape, more than any other company. And it's growing. So between Apple stores, Apple online, and authorized resellers (like BB and FS) there's less and less room for other companies in the market.
It read to me like the writer is saying one of reason for close is because of pressure from Apple. But is not Apple success helping them sell more product?Facing pressure from online electronics retailers such as Amazon and Apple, Best Buy Canada will close 15 of its big box stores before opening smaller outlets.
Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
Hey! There is more than just me in Winnipeg GAF? I am shocked and awed.Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
I thought I saw another Regina GAF on here once, but that may have been my imagination.
This isn't really a deal question but does anybody know the price of RE5 and RE6 on PSN? I thought RE6 was 29.99 now.
This isn't really a deal question but does anybody know the price of RE5 and RE6 on PSN? I thought RE6 was 29.99 now.
Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
This isn't really a deal question but does anybody know the price of RE5 and RE6 on PSN? I thought RE6 was 29.99 now.
Ottawa GAF is pretty quiet. Wouldn't mind doing a meetup but only 3-4 of us have showed for the few we've tried to organize.
So where's the best place to get Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? I tried looking at best buy, but the site has no pre-order incentive that I can spot.
If there are no good places for preorders, then I might just wait till day 1. It's MH, not like the game flies off the shelves to begin with lmao
Just got an email from Best Buy offering (spend X get X amount gift card) for Future Shop due to their store closing.
I thought I saw another Regina GAF on here once, but that may have been my imagination.
Hey! There is more than just me in Winnipeg GAF? I am shocked and awed.
Winnipeg GAF is the loneliest GAF. (Actually I'd be willing to bet that there are lonelier GAFS)
PAX GAF is best GAF.
Edit or Tsilon meet up gaf.
Does EB still give HotS beta keys for pre-ordering the standard edition? I asked the clerk and she didn't even know what HotS or SC2 was.