The Broken Ska Record said:
Fusion Reborn is probably the best DBZ movie. It's so fucking off the wall, it's great.
Movie 12 is my favourite as well. It's just a completely crazy movie.
Big One said:
True but Kai was primarily based on a period not covered in the Dragonball anime/manga so it kind of worked. I think something like this could work for a Tales of-esque RPG, maybe leading up to a certain saga. I could imagine an expanded version of the very first arc could work well with Goku, Bulma, Yamcha, Krillin, Master Roshi as party members.
Problem with that is the Pilaf Saga is a short one, and it would likely be seen as Scamco milking more money. I'd love to see them do it though. The Tales graphic engine is bright and vivid enough to work with Dragon Ball, but it makes too much sense for them to do.
Crunched said:
I think Dragon Ball is more thematically consistent than Dragon Ball Z. It's almost always lighthearted. DBZ is weird for me. The seriousness seems to clash with the irreverent parts. It starts strong, but once Namek is introduced it stumbles.
Maybe I'm in the minority in thinking that way. I haven't ever seen GT, so I can't speak to that, but I think Dragon Ball overall is a better series than Dragon Ball Z.
Oh, I'm very much in the camp that prefers the lighthearted Dragon Ball compared to the super serious stuff like the Cell Saga. It's just that I'm arguing that Dragon Ball from the beginning was over the top sillyness, and things like fusion, and the Buu saga (a saga I legitimately enjoy) are at home in existing within Dragon Ball.
GT's very much like Z as well. It goes back and forth a lot. It starts off trying to be Dragon Ball, but poor ratings led it to take the super serious tone of Cell stuff. If given the time I really do think GT could've been good. As it is now GT is just a bunch of good ideas done poorly.
NeonZ said:
I kind of wish to see a direct sequel to last gen's Tenkaichi games, but, aside from that, I have no interest in a DB/Z fighting game at this point.
That exists. It's called Raging Blast. The series is still arena-based, and made by the same developer.