Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online Update
By Andrew 'Talon' Wilson @ 04:35 AM :: XBox: General :: 0 Comments
Its been sometime since any sort of update has been issued on Capcom's ever elusive Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online, but this morning it seems a bit of an update's in order. Through an update to developer Game Factory Entertanment Studios' website, which now shows the company as being renamed to Rava Ideologie Inc, a few significant gameplay updates were made. Perhaps most shocking of all updates is that it appears that now, Ghouls 'N Ghosts is no longer in development for the PlayStation 2. While not outright said, a game poster on the developer's site shows only Xbox and PC listed. Platforms aren't the only thing that has changed though, as it seems the multiplayer aspects have been altered; with Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online now supporting online modes in which up to four players can battle or go head-to-head.
Platforms and multiplayer scaling back aside though, this morning also saw a bit of an update on playable characters issued. While it isnt clear if the list represents the full cast of characters, a bit of an update to the playable character line-up was done. Currently listing 10 types of characters, in addition to customized characters, the following names were listed.
-Prin Prin (Guinevere)
-Red Arremer (Firebrand)
-Boreas (King of the Arctic Mountain)
-Tornado Weasel
Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online makes use of the Terazona engine from developer Zona. Check back with us for more on Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online as it develops.
