Spoiler: Hydrox came before Oreo.
This. I've never understood the obsession. The fries are good, but there are better burgers elsewhere.
Not for under $2.50 there aren't.
A lot of SoCalians like to hype up In-N-Out as the best burger ever, which I think does it a disservice since the price is a big factor. If there's a better cheeseburger+fries combo anywhere for under $4, I've love to know about it.
Also if you don't order with grilled onions and chopped chilies, you're doing it wrong.
fuck you friend!I know you're new to the best coast so I'll let it slide for now but you need to know your shit friend,
Jesus Christ that sounds delicious.Nope.
Animal style means to add pickles, extra spread, sub in grilled onions instead of raw, and then fry mustard onto the meat patties.
No McDonald's in your list? I think it's easily one of the worst fast food places there is. The fries and Coke are the only good things.I rank Carl's Jr, Jack in the Box, and Burger King as the absolute lowest form of fast food.
Actually Bakers and Sonic might be slightly lower.
The point is this won't taste like In-n-Out.
You Americans might consider it a cheap imitation, and you're probably right, but I'd like to try both it and In-N-Out burger sometime, sounds like heaven. I can already imagine the good tasting cheddar cheese, the salt, the fresh beef patty....
This thing will be the Hydrox of hamburgers.
In n out is bland as fuck. It's an alright burger I guess... but I've had so much better
No McDonald's in your list? I think it's easily one of the worst fast food places there is. The fries and Coke are the only good things.
This. I've never understood the obsession. The fries are good, but there are better burgers elsewhere.
What is Carl's doing this. They already have the monster Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger!
Yes, those are god-dammned onion rings in there!
What is Carl's doing this. They already have the monster Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger!
Yes, those are god-dammned onion rings in there!
What is Carl's doing this. They already have the monster Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger!
Yes, those are god-dammned onion rings in there!
Not for under $2.50 there aren't.
A lot of SoCalians like to hype up In-N-Out as the best burger ever, which I think does it a disservice since the price is a big factor. If there's a better cheeseburger+fries combo anywhere for under $4, I've love to know about it.
Also if you don't order with grilled onions and chopped chilies, you're doing it wrong.
I have an IN-N-OUT closer to me than a Carl's Jr. This is pretty much pointless for me. Drive farther away to pick up a shittier knock off version of the world famous Double-Double?