Wow, how have I missed this thread before?
That's what I kept asking myself!
I will use this thread to discuss my progress in Portait of Ruin from now on. I'm level 11 at the moment. Can anyone tell me where this butcher guy is I need to find?
Wow, how have I missed this thread before?
Wow, how have I missed this thread before? I'm not really that into Castlevania, but I'd like to play more of them. Honestly, the only one I've ever beaten is Aria of Sorrow, and I still play it at least once a year. It just satisfies this strange itch that not many video games can scratch.
I've played many of them, though. I got pretty far in SotN, but... compared to AoS, it just seemed boring to me.Please don't crucify me.
That one is an odd one as it doesn't mention anything about the story beside Dracula kidnapping Simon's bride. It may or may not be a remake of one.Don't forget about Haunted Castle.
The same thing can be said about Vampire Killer. But yes, although those two are the same story, they are nothing alike.I wouldn't call SCIV a version of Castlevania 1. Other than sharing the same story, they are nothing alike. Just like The Castlevania Adventure and Castlevania The Adventure Rebirth.
Lastly I played Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance - Weakest OST and story out of all the three GBA castlevanias. The gameplay however is excellent and very fast paced since you can slide in both directions with L1 and R1. It's also the easiest game in the gba trilogy easily. Music is still good but only a few outstanding tracks. The core mechanics are overall better than all three castlevania games but the level design/boss fights aren't as solid and combine that with the less memorable OST/story, I think this is the weakest castlevania on the GBA.
And with that I finished half of the entire series thus far, still have to play the following games:
I really need to highlight a particular stage though, it's not amazingly remarkable in terms of level design or even the boss fight but it has the best track in the entire soundtrack and also the most powerful atmosphere of all the stages imo - Delicious.. so good
Going off of memory here, but...
I believe Strength affects the base damage of all of your weapons, adding onto whatever their individual damage stats are.
I think Intelligence alters the damage you deal with magic/special attacks, but I might have that mixed up with Mind.
CON is Constitution, and it affects your base defense. How strong you are without wearing anything, essentially. That stacks with whatever you have on as equipment.
I think Mind effects how much magic costs to perform/how much magic energy you have, but I might have that mixed up with Intelligence
I might have all of this backwards though. I remember I looked it up at one point... let me go double check.
Ah, one correction, Mind actually effects defense against magic attacks specifically, whereas Constitution is for physical attacks.
Thank you very much Creaking much appreciated my good friend
Do fire and ice projectiles count as magic attacks?
And just to confirm, the more Intelligence you have, the more damage you deal with magic/special attacks?
Yeah, pretty much anything that isn't just basic slicing/hitting/whipping/bludgeoning is magic.
That's a bingo!
Just beat Ricter's ass and got the TRUE Vampire Killer whip! Time to kick some butt!
Man, Richter hits hard!
By the way, Dracula X Chronicles is going to be on sale on PSN next week, if anyone is waiting for that.
That's really fun to do on LVL 1 hard mode. Sure you can use ancient armor, but still.
I wish they'd put Curse of Darkness on PSN. I'd like to run through that again.
I say the difficulty is fine as long as you don't use the item crashes, or Maria.Is it me or is Rondo too easy?
Heh I think I've been abusing item crashes... And I just bit it at Death.
I will say these branching paths make me question every hole or wall/ trap.
lol Though I could've sworn that most give you a clue as to it being a branching path.
I would kickstart this so bad.Wow, that is impressive!! Do want!
Just beat Ricter's ass and got the TRUE Vampire Killer whip! Time to kick some butt!
Man, Richter hits hard!
I would kickstart this so bad.
One thing I don't think gets talked about a lot regarding Castlevania is their use of 'Hearts'.
With the series roots being in the NES era, back in the day if you see a Heart pick up you would treat it as something affects your health and hitpoints.
Yet in this series they are used to denote how much 'ammo' you have.
Something so simple yet...clever somewhat. Wonder how they got around to deciding on such a thing.
One thing I don't think gets talked about a lot regarding Castlevania is their use of 'Hearts'.
With the series roots being in the NES era, back in the day if you see a Heart pick up you would treat it as something affects your health and hitpoints.
Yet in this series they are used to denote how much 'ammo' you have.
Something so simple yet...clever somewhat. Wonder how they got around to deciding on such a thing.
Rebirth was a complete change of the game ala Super Castlevania 4. And no, the game is really not good at all or well recieved. Now the sequel did everything right after it, which is the one most others recomend.
Okay, neat. Guess I gotta get to that one, then. Don't think I really feel like continuing on with the original after hearing I'm halfway through the game already and the third level is some kind of vertical-scroller platforming junk.
Oh, and yeah, gonna have to find a copy of Belmont's Revenge. Haven't really been actively seeking the GB Castlevanias and just happened upon The Adventure by chance.
Bumping this thread for its 500 year resurrection. I recently got to interview Kurt Kalata about the early days of the Castlevania Dungeon - I thought you guys might appreciate it. I had a blast picking his brain about old-school Castlevania fandom.
Really wonder what to expect (if anything) from Castlevania these days looking at the state of Konami :/
Awesome, great interview! Yeah, good ol' Castlevania Dungeon. I remember finding it many years ago and having to read every little thing in there.
Maybe it'd be better for Castlevania to lay dormant for a while. Until Konami decides to not go completely psycho on its big franchises.
Awesome, great interview! Yeah, good ol' Castlevania Dungeon. I remember finding it many years ago and having to read every little thing in there.
Maybe it'd be better for Castlevania to lay dormant for a while. Until Konami decides to not go completely psycho on its big franchises.
Thanks for sharing, I remember going through his website reading up about all the Castlevania's I never played.
Really wonder what to expect (if anything) from Castlevania these days looking at the state of Konami :/