Lee Chaolan
This thread is making me so hype. Making me want to bust out Rondo again and kick thee ass with our Hero, Richter.
Grown ass man.

Grown ass man.
LoI has a better plot and better characters, while the gameplay and world of LoS are far, far superior. While the plot isn't as interesting, I think the actual storytelling is done better. If you took the world of Lament of Innocence and Lords of Shadowfied it it might be one of the best games ever made.
well, you dont see LOi world, since its played in the castle.
What i saw in curse of darkness was nice, but the graphics sucked ass.
I would like another 3d igavania like those.
Does gaf still have a group that plays Harmony of Despair?
You guys are hyping me to play Rondo of Blood. I guess I'll halt my SOTN playthrough and try that out finally.
I'd certainly play with you, regardless that I have everything completed in it as the game never gets old for me, but unfortunately, I don't own a 360 atm. I have a PS3, however, I use it for Linux, and I'm sure they would ban me if I went to purchase the game.
I'll keep you in the know if any of this changes as I love playing Harmony of Despair online.
Also, this thread just made me listen to this again:
God I feel like a teenager again playing this on my GBA. This battle was really the pinacle of Aria of Sorrow for me.
That and the final boss fight with the "bad ending".
This may be relevant to your interests.
Castlevania: HD OST - Heart of Fire
You guys are hyping me to play Rondo of Blood. I guess I'll halt my SOTN playthrough and try that out finally.
Relevant as hell.
I never played Harmony of Despair.
Oops, somehow missed that first part of your message.
Yeah dude, Rondo is amazing. I'm so glad I played it first to completion before starting SOTN. It's a great prelude with hidden sections and whole stages through these secrets.
I felt pretty damn good after beating it as well, game is hard as hell.
Edit: Fantastic OP but Bloodlines deserves better. It is the secret underrated gem of the series.
You guys didn't see An Empty Tome, so I'll forgive you, but you gotta check out Harmony of Despair's Aquarius.
Castlevania: HD OST - Aquarius
Even if you never do, it's certainly worth it to check out it's OST. It's gdlk.
Lovely. Should I get it on the Virtual Console or PSP?
i'll say it right here and now: I prefere LOI over LOS.
I was always disappointed that they never made another game like Super Castlevania 4. It may not have been as challenging as its predecessors, but it had really compelling mechanics with the multi-functional whip. People praise Rondo, which I believe stems from elitism--an opportunity to brag to The Internet about having played a rare, exclusively Japanese game on a platform nobody owned--but I see it as a regression of game mechanics starring an anime Ryu.
And also Lords of Shadow, some of the best boss fights in a 3D game, and these are 2 of my fav. vampires
Me too. By a country mile.
Can't stand LOI's highly repetitive environmental design. Copy paste copy paste copy paste. It's an absolute chore and replays are a no-go.
Sorry but I'm going with this one
edit: Looking up that track made me go back and skim the rest of Belmont's Revenge's soundtrack and god damn I had forgotten how amazing it is. Gotta be one of the best GB soundtracks.
If you thought it was bad in Lament, then you should definitely steer clear of Curse of Darkness!
I haven't played Rondo, but it seems to me like people like it more because it has challenge more in line with the NES games.
Also, this thread just made me listen to this again:
God I feel like a teenager again playing this on my GBA. This battle was really the pinacle of Aria of Sorrow for me.
That and the final boss fight with the "bad ending".
Playing right now through the 3DS game....man I miss Igavanias and Yamane's god like music. WHY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!??
The vampire general bosses in LOS were incredible. Cannot wait to hit that shit up on PC at 60fps.
I literally just finished SOTN again 2 days ago.
Played Ps1 classic on my PSP.
God... I NEVER get sick of that game. The ones after it, on GBA and DS were also amazing, but the original... SOTN is in a tier all its own as far as games go.
The only thing I dislike is near the end, once you get all the good equipment (Crissagrim wut wut) its laughably easy. But still... in my mind it is perfect.
I'll go back and play it again as Richter soon too.
I appreciate what they're doing with LOS, but they need to make a small team of people who pump out an Igavania every year or so, because I will buy EVERY single one.
Or, better yet, make an HD sequel to SOTN, or at least one up to the same level of variety.
This is something I wanted to mention since I first saw this thread yet totally forgot.
I love LoS, It is one of my favorite games and LoS.2 is shaping up pretty nicely, but only a fool would deny that alot of people miss 2D Castlevania.
I agree with your suggestion, MercurySteam is finishing their story with LoS.2 and moving on to something else, it will probably be 4 years or something till the next Castlevania, In the meantime Konami should make a small team to make 2D Iga-like Castlevania title for the fans waiting for such a thing, while another team is working on the next 3D Castlevania.
That way we can have the best of both worlds and keep the brand alive.