Criminal Upper
Really enjoying it so far myself, about two hours in. But I always hated the Igavania games, as I felt all the retarded story lines and anime bullshit were way too far removed from what I liked about Castlevania as a kid.
Gameloft made an enjoyable Castlevania clone named Soul of Darkness once. You can get it as a DSi Ware from the eshop.My comparison to a Gameloft title was unfair. I've played it a bit more, and while I didn't enjoy the opening setup and the combat initially felt one note, but that was due to not having learned any moves yet. I've beaten the first boss (cool fight) and leveled a bit and I'm liking it more and more. It could use a lot more depth in regards to magic etc, but I'm liking it. The combat is incredibly smooth and the platforming is equally nice. I don't feel like I'm playing a Castlevania title, though. At least not yet.
My comparison to a Gameloft title was unfair. I've played it a bit more, and while I didn't enjoy the opening setup and the combat initially felt one note, but that was due to not having learned any moves yet. I've beaten the first boss (cool fight) and leveled a bit and I'm liking it more and more. It could use a lot more depth in regards to magic etc, but I'm liking it. The combat is incredibly smooth and the platforming is equally nice. I don't feel like I'm playing a Castlevania title, though. At least not yet.
Can I play this before the home console installment (story-wise, I mean)? I had planned the other way around but, as usual, I managed to get the 'sequel' before even having started the first one.
Can I play this before the home console installment (story-wise, I mean)? I had planned the other way around but, as usual, I managed to get the 'sequel' before even having started the first one.
So considering this is a sequel to the first LoS, where would LoS2 take place? After MoF or what?![]()
Might be better to start out with the home console version; the story there has a lot more depth to it. Here it really feels like a sidestory...MOF is like a preview for LOS2.
Based on the LOS2 trailers I think some parts of LOS2 will be right after LOS1 and before MOF, and a major part will bein the future, like, present day.
The 3D effect in this game is glorious, the best I've seen. The graphics are fantastic. Movement/jumping/air dashing is a bit wonky, but it's decent enough.
But it's a game that highlights my issue with Nintendo controls, I'm too used to the 360 so I press A when I think it's B, fail the hell out of QTEs because I hit X when it prompts for Y. It's weird that's even a thing, 2 systems with the same diamond face buttons with the same letters yet they're backwards.
The 3D effect in this game is glorious, the best I've seen. The graphics are fantastic. Movement/jumping/air dashing is a bit wonky, but it's decent enough.
But it's a game that highlights my issue with Nintendo controls, I'm too used to the 360 so I press A when I think it's B, fail the hell out of QTEs because I hit X when it prompts for Y. It's weird that's even a thing, 2 systems with the same diamond face buttons with the same letters yet they're backwards.
Anyone have a favorite character in the game?
I have been playing the game for a couple of hours now and I have to say, I like it. I had thought it was just the demo that sucked so I bought it anyway.
And one came first
It's kind of odd how you float for a bit when you air block.
Really enjoying it so far myself, about two hours in. But I always hated the Igavania games, as I felt all the retarded story lines and anime bullshit were way too far removed from what I liked about Castlevania as a kid.
But it's a game that highlights my issue with Nintendo controls, I'm too used to the 360 so I press A when I think it's B, fail the hell out of QTEs because I hit X when it prompts for Y. It's weird that's even a thing, 2 systems with the same diamond face buttons with the same letters yet they're backwards.
So for those who are playing the game does it feel more like a classic castlevania or is it 2d God of war?
Top left on the screen there is an orb with a number 50, drag that to where you want to make a noteHow do you mark things on the map? I thought it said you could, but I skipped past it, now I can't seem to figure it out.
How do you mark things on the map? I thought it said you could, but I skipped past it, now I can't seem to figure it out.
The 3D effect in this game is glorious, the best I've seen. The graphics are fantastic. Movement/jumping/air dashing is a bit wonky, but it's decent enough.
But it's a game that highlights my issue with Nintendo controls, I'm too used to the 360 so I press A when I think it's B, fail the hell out of QTEs because I hit X when it prompts for Y. It's weird that's even a thing, 2 systems with the same diamond face buttons with the same letters yet they're backwards.
That's what I needed, thanks!You don't need to mark anything on the maps, the power ups you find and can't get at that moment because you don't have a àrticular skill are marked with "?".
Touch the map icon, when you are in map mode, there is an icon on the top left side of the touch screen, drag that icon where you want to write a note.
if you've beat it, does this have any good unlockables?
Great post.Just for fun I've been playing through my Castlevania games.
I finally beat that Stage 6 boss in Dracula X Chronicles. I just determined myself to beat that damn boss. After a few hours, I finally got good enough to have enough energy to beat him. I got ticked off because the first time I got his energy down I died from his floating orbs. I technically beat him, but the orbs killed me as it was falling down. So old school and pretty cheap. Stopped for a few hours and tried again. Finally beat him!
I also played through some Symphony of the Night. I forgot how difficult this game was. It also didn't age very well. I personally don't have nostalgia goggles for SotN. I know it's a great game but it was never my personal favorite.
Then I tried Order of Ecclesia. This is the only GBA/DS MetroVania I have yet to finish. Playing it on my 3DSXL is pretty awesome. The sprite work is still pretty good although it's showing its age. It's such a contrast to Mirror of Fate. The irony is that it's also similar since Ecclesia kind of breaks up that MetroVania formula with smaller areas. I think it's the best out of the DS-Vania games. And I also like the protagonist in Ecclesia.
Finally, ended my session with Mirror of Fate. After playing through old school-Vania with Dracula X Chronicles/Rondo of Blood, then through the classic with SotN, then playing through Ecclesia afterward, I still like Mirror of Fate very much. It's certainly different. I think Dracula X Chronicles is the best representation of the series because it's traditional at its core, brutally difficult, unforgiving, and kind of slow-paced. THAT'S PURE UNADULTERATED CASTLEVANIA. I love the MetroVania games but I think it's not the best representation of the series. Ecclesia started to feel dated and I realize the MetroVania series needed a little shake-up. I think Mirror of Fate does a pretty good job in introducing a more modern approach to the series. I won't say it's better than the past, but it's a good start to a future with a lot of potential.
As for the music in Mirror of Fate, I know it doesn't feel like the series, but hearing the tunes from the past games, I also think those classic tunes wouldn't fit right with MoF. It's too upbeat. Mirror of Fate is darker and eerie. The music isn't great, but I think it fits.
Overall, my ranking for these games would be like this:
Order of Ecclesia > Mirror of Fate > Dracula X Chronicles > Symphony of the Night
Like I said, I don't have nostalgia feelings with SotN, so sorry if my taste is a bit odd compared to other fans of the series. I only like Mirror of Fate better than Dracula X Chronicles because it just feels more fun to play. Dracula X Chronicles is punishing. It's not fun sometimes.
So are checkpoints as common as the demo makes it seem? I mean they were extremely common and even within boss battles. Is there no limit on lives or w/e?
I noticed the light and dark magic system is in the game. That's good. It was one of my favorite things about LoS. Does it work the same way? Is it as necessary? I've noticed in the demo there are healing things everywhere and they seem to regenerate.
the 3D effect is really nice in the game; you truly feel like sense of scale within the game.