Just got my key from GMG. No preload yet though.
Anyone know exactly why this available on the GMG for UK?
Just says this "Due to contractual obligations, we are only able to advertise this product in US Dollars." and For some titles, we only have contracts to sell the game in certain countries due to our contracts. As a UK based service, we can't always sell our games in other regions, though we always try to get rights for as many countries as possible!"
Email I got with my key said midnight UTC.Any idea when this goes live on Steam?
Email I got with my key said midnight UTC.
Off the top of my head it's 7pm EST/6pm CST/5pm MST/4pm PST. Could be horribly wrong though.When is midnight UTC in EST/CST/PST?
...Why did I not think to check that?According to Steam on my pc its out in about 13 hours.
Strangely enough, Steam Started downloading a 153MB file for the demo ...
Strangely enough, Steam Started downloading a 153MB file for the demo ...
I wish they would drop the damn price of the DLC on consoles, with that said this is an awesome game and it makes more sense for me to double dip on PC to get all the goodies.
Can I just straight into the DLC missions or do I have to replay the whole game first?
The whole game requires playing to unlock the DLC.
Sigh.. I don't have the time for that.
So this is it guys! Finally the day I have been waiting for. Waiting for years after seeing the terrible FPS on consoles and having faith eventually LOS would come out on PC and be properly optimized and ported even when there was no news of a port coming!
I can't wait till I get off work tonight to play this in the glory that is known as LOS at 60 FPS!
It may not be the Castlevania as fans know it, but MercurySteam has taken successful mechanics from combat-focused, character action games and blended it with Castlevania’s lore. When it comes to bringing Castlevania to the PC platform, then this is probably the best way to open up the franchise to new people, especially when the sequel is arriving February 2014. If you’re a PC gamer who has never played Castlevania: Lords of Shadow or a hardcore fan that is looking to replay the game before the sequel hits, you should certainly pick up the PC version. It’s undoubtedly the “Ultimate” version, and with DmC being the only recent title to offer similar gameplay on the platform there isn’t much choice when it comes to these types of games. Sitting at a welcoming £19.99 on Steam (and cheaper in other places), there is plenty here for your money that would make even Dracula come out of the shadows for a taste.
So this is it guys! Finally the day I have been waiting for. Waiting for years after seeing the terrible FPS on consoles and having faith eventually LOS would come out on PC and be properly optimized and ported even when there was no news of a port coming!
I can't wait till I get off work tonight to play this in the glory that is known as LOS at 60 FPS!
Same here. I loved this game so much but the framerate was a real dealbreaker. I couldn't enjoy it because of low and fluctuating fps. It was a real immersion killer. Now, at 60 fps, its the best action/adventure game of this gen imo. I'm so glad Mercury Steam/Konami decided to bring this game to PC.
I don't know of this is going to sell to well to be honest, only myself and one other friend on my steam list has bought it beforehand.
Hopefully it sells.
I played the Ps3 version which ran like crap. Would totally double dip for a PS4 1080p60 version.
Or a duolology bundle with LOS2. Do it Mercury plz.
Come on steam, I need a DL to queue so I can drag myself through the last half of Killzone 1!
I thought port begging was banable around these parts >.>
any luck yet?
any luck yet?
I thought port begging was banable around these parts >.>