That's the american version of the award.I would've died if they showed males.
Are you implying that men can't menstruate, you filthy transphobe?!I would've died if they showed males.
Did you just assume their gender?I would've died if they showed males.
Menstrual pain can be crippling for some woman so this would be cool for them. Between that and pregnancy I'm pretty glad to be a man.
But men can be kicked in the balls. Or have a zip catch the skin.
Excuse me, we prefer to use the term “people with nutsacks” because it’s inclusive.
I am not really against that. But sick days can be used anyway in many/most/all european countries any time. So the whole menstrual spin is entirely unnecessary. Female collegue of mine had many sick days for some maybe female problems, maybe not, it's not my concern, same as the sick days of another male colleague being hung over on some mondays...Menstrual pain can be crippling for some woman so this would be cool for them. Between that and pregnancy I'm pretty glad to be a man.
So what even is menstrual leave? Do women get extra paid time off days? Or is it just, they’re allowed to use sick days for menstruation? Is there some different process for using “menstrual leave” vs sick leave?I am not really against that. But sick days can be used anyway in many/most/all european countries any time. So the whole menstrual spin is entirely unnecessary.
Making it a special sick day rule for birthing persons only just goes fundamentally against the we want to be treated equal narrative. Equal unless we benefit from unequal ie beneficial treatment for special needs.
Whatever, I will not vote for any female politician and white knight repeating that equal pay bs, as long as mandatory military service is only for men and retirement age is still legally lower for women (for another 10 years) in my country.
I would've died if they showed males.
Not every company have unlimited sick days.I dunno how this is any different than just taking a sick day? They're just not feeling great, right?
I would've died if they showed males.
I remember Colin Moriarty being cancelled for a joke with a sentiment not unlike the one behind this award-winning benefit.
They're both promoting a day without a woman, at work.What happened to Colin was absurd and ridiculously hypocritical, but what do the two have to do with each other?
Oh, lol. I get the joke.They're both promoting a day without a woman, at work.
I remember Colin Moriarty being cancelled for a joke with a sentiment not unlike the one behind this award-winning benefit.
I remember Colin Moriarty being cancelled for a joke with a sentiment not unlike the one behind this award-winning benefit.
How is that not getting abused to hell and back? If this happened over here 90% of the population would work one day every two years.The best solution is to just give (mostly) unlimited sick leave. Here in the Netherlands you can be sick for up to two years and still get paid. You don't need a doctor's note nor is your employer allowed to ask you why you are sick.