LOL!Boulder police are looking for a man who secretly swiped teenage cheerleaders' cameras and took photos of his genitals.
The girls didn't realize anything was amiss until they got their pictures back from a photo developer.
The incident happened earlier this month during a cheerleading camp while the girls were staying at a Boulder hotel, according to two victims and their families.
The man who used the camera was careful not to take pictures showing his face, but the disturbing photos included him placing his genitals on the girls' personal items including drinking cups, bottles and food.
"It was quite a shock looking at those, quite a shock that in the very room she was in he would do these things to himself, I'm just appalled," said Barb Helzer, mother of one of the girls.
The cheerleading camp was held on the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado from June 8-11. The girls stayed off campus at the Broker Inn.
Hotel management declined to comment but said they will cooperate with the Boulder police investigation.
Police said they are looking into the incident but declined further comment, noting the investigation is ongoing.
The Denver Post did not identify the girls, who live in the Denver area, because they are under 18 and the suspect remains at large.
Two of the girls who stayed in the same room said four or five pictures in a roll of 36 were of the unidentified man.
The two said they've seen similar nude photos from at least four other cameras belonging to girls in three different rooms who stayed at the hotel.