
Developer: Torn Banner Studios
Publisher: Torn Banner Studios
Rating: M
Platform: PC/Steam
Release Date: October 16, 2012
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Raedon 3870 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher, 512MB VRAM
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3-7 GB HD space
Other: Broadband Internet connection
$24.99 Single Copy
$74.99 4-Pack ($18.75 each)

NeoGAF Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Official Steam Group - Join this group to meet and play with other NeoGAF members. The group is currently invite only, so leave a post in this thread or ask another member for an invite.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a successfully funded Kickstarter project by Torn Banner Studios, created by Steve Piggott, the former lead of Team Chivalry. Team Chivalry is the team responsible for Age of Chivalry, a Half Life 2, Source Engine Mod. The games are similar but Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a new standalone product, fleshed out and completely built from the ground up for modern PCs. This is more of a successor than a remake.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a multi-player centric, first person melee combat game. The game controls like an FPS but relies heavily on player skill with a simplistic and deep combat system that is easy to learn and difficult to master. Chivalry is set in a fictional world during medieval times with dark and gritty environments and a wide assortment of lethal medieval weaponry. Siege based gameplay is the focus of Chivalry while combat is visceral and brutal with sprays of blood, severed limbs, decapitations, death screams, and blood curdling cries of battle.
- Deep melee combat system provides players with a huge range of responsive combat options
- Adjust your attacks and blocks in real time with the mouse for precise and full control of the action
- Wield an arsenal of up to 60 brutal weapons ranging from broad swords and battle axes to longbows and javelins
- Dynamic objective system brings team tactics and strategy to the forefront as players batter down gates, raid villages and assassinate enemy royalty to achieve victory
- Use a variety of siege weapons ranging from catapults, boiling oil, ballista, battering rams and more
- Vast, lush environments that transport the player to a gritty and immersive medieval world
- Offline play options that allow players to gain familiarity with the controls and gameplay before being thrust into the action
- Experience the brutal combat in either first person or third person viewpoints
- Unique projectile camera that follows every arrow and bolt at your command
- Interactive tutorial that teaches you about each class and the basic and advanced concepts of combat
- Duel Mode
- Steam Achievements
- Valve Anti-Cheat enabled
- Dedicated servers
- Controller enabled

Mod Support
We come from a modding background and would love to be able to support modding of Chivalry. This will not be fully available on launch but we are hoping to be able to launch an SDK to allow users to create their own maps, modes and models.
Several mods, custom maps, models, and more are already being worked on by the community.



- Archer: The Archer uses ranged weapons to subdue enemies at medium and long distances. They are lightly armored and therefore vulnerable in melee encounters.
- Man-at-Arms: The Man-at-arms is the lightest armored melee class but extremely mobile and capable in melee combat. They rely on speed and evasion to avoid damage and create opportunities for attack.
- Knight: Knights are one of the most powerful melee classes on the battlefield. Their ability to absorb and deal damage in close encounters is nearly unmatched. Knights lack agility and their weapons are generally slower than other classes.
- Vanguard: Vanguards are offensive powerhouses that specialize in wielding 2-handed weapons. Their weapons have long reach and deal large amounts of damage.
Special Abilities
- Rogue: Archers receive +50% additional backstab damage with daggers.
- Dodge: Man-at-Arms can perform quick dodges in multiple directions to avoid enemy attacks.
- Tank: Knights can absorb additional damage and takes less stamina to block incoming blows.
- Charge: Vanguards can activate an attack while sprinting that will unleash a devastating vertical lunging attack.

There are three primary attacks: slash, overhand, and stab. By default, you execute your primary attack with the left mouse button and use the mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down to execute the overhand and stab attacks. The right mouse button is reserved for a secondary action which is usually block if you are wielding a shield, parry if you are using a two-handed weapon, or aim if you are using a ranged weapon.
Advanced Tactics
- Feint: Lure enemies into creating an opening by cancelling and feigning attacks.
- Parry: Parry and deflect your opponent's attacks. You must parry in the direction of the attack.
- Block: Knights and Man-at-Arms can block and absorb their opponent's attacks with their shields.
- Shield Bash: Bash your opponent with your shield, stunning them for a brief period of time.
- Shield Cover: Archers can plant large shields into the ground to create cover.
- Kick: Kick down an opponent's shield and leave them vulnerable to an attack.
- Dodge: The Man-at-Arms class can dodge quickly in multiple directions to sidestep an opponent's attacks.
- Crouch: You can duck behind cover to avoid ranged volleys or dodge horizontal overhead attacks. Crouching also increases ranged accuracy.
- Sprint: Sprinting allows you to quickly cover large distances by increasing your movement speed. Vanguards can activate a special lunging attack while sprinting.
Over 60 authentic medieval weapons including swords, axes, bows, polearms, hammers, maces, and siege weapons. There is a degree of strategy in choosing which weapon to use as each weapon has its own individual ratings. Melee weapons are rated on damage, speed, and range. Ranged weapons are rated on damage, rate, and range. Lastly, shields are rated based on size, stamina cost, and recover time.
- 1H Swords: Long Sword (1H/2H), Broadsword, Norse Sword, Falchion, Saber
- 2H Swords: Long Sword (1H/2H), Zweihänder, Claymore, Greatsword, Messer, Sword of War
- Daggers: Broad Dagger, Thrusting Dagger, Shortsword, Hunting Knife
- Blunt: Cudgel, Warhammer, Morning Star, Flanged Mace, Maul, Holy Water Sprinkler, Grand Mace, Fisticuffs
- Axes: Dane Axe, Bearded Axe, Double Axe, War Axe
- Polearms: Halberd, Pole Axe, Fork, Brandistock, Billhook, Bardiche, Thrusting Spear
- Ranged: Shortbow, Longbow, Warbow, Light Crossbow, Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow
- Ammo: Crossbow Bolt, Fire Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Bodkin Arrow
- Throwing Weapons: Shortspear, Javelin, Heavy Javelin, Hatchet, Knife
- Special Items: Torch, Oil Pot, Smoke Pot
- Shields: Pavise Shield, Kite Shield, Heater Shield, Buckler Shield, Tower Shield
- Siege Weapons: Catapult, Burning Oil, Ballista, Battering Ram

Animated GIF courtesy of Messofanego
Game Modes
- Free for All: A standard free-for-all deathmatch with respawns.
- Team Deathmatch: Team based deathmatch with respawns.
- Last Team Standing: Team elimination gameplay without respawns in which teams face each other until there is no one left standing on the opposing team.
- King of the Hill: Teams fight to capture and hold a single objective.
- Capture the Flag: Capture the opponents flag, bring it back to your base, and burn it.
- Team Objectives: Team based gameplay with dynamic objectives and a heavy emphasis on sieges. Burn down villages, slaughter nobles, assassinate kings, protect castles, light signal fires, etc.
- Duel Mode: For intense 1v1 combat across 10 unique arena maps.

- Slaughter the peasants and burn the village.
- Breach the keep with the battering ram.
- Kill the king.
- Protect the village and the peasants.
- Defend the keep.
- Protect the king.

Kill all enemies on the opposing team. First team to win 7 rounds is victorious.

- Defend the farm, fields, windmill and fair.
- Stop the petard from reaching the gates.
- Burn down the farm, fields, windmill and the fair.
- Move the petard to gates and blow it open.

- Prevent a signal fire.
- Defend the trebuchets.
- Stop the Agathians from firing at the ships.
- Light a signal fire.
- Tear down the trebuchets.
- Shoot down the ships.

Take the flag and burn it!

Dark Forest
- Push the corpse wagon into the pass.
- Open the flood gates.
- Kill the nobles.
- Stop the wagon from reaching the pass
- Defend the flood gates.
- Keep the nobles alive.
More Maps...
Argon's Wall

Sethos said:
Moaradin said:

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Official Launch Trailer
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Developers Q & A
Chivalry: Combat Tutorial #1 - Basics
Chivalry: Combat Tutorial #2 - Advanced Combat
Total Biscuit - Deadliest War: Chivalry VS War of the Roses
Chivalry wins!
VintageBeef - First Look - Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Multiplayer Gameplay
Chivalry: Criken's Cowardly Crusade - Must watch!
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Training / Multiplayer Gameplay

Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Although the tone is more Monty Python than Geoffrey of Monmouth, with the training voiced by a merry gang of light-hearted dialects, the animations and gurgling chokes of the dying are suitably grim. Heads have a tendency to roll, with a wonderfully macabre touch whereby the first-person view remains within the severed neck-cork. Often have I seen my own body falling to its knees, the hands instinctively attempting to stem the flow of life’s own liquor. The thrusts, parries, chops and feints that lead to death or victory are the qualities by which Chivalry shall live or die, and, happily, Torn Banner have crafted a hugely convincing first-person melee combat system.
AusGamers: 9.0/10
It’s fresh and fun, and like the very best games is easy to get into yet incredibly hard to master. I’ve honestly not had this much competitive online joy since Battlefield 3, and to think a $25 indie title can provide a level of enjoyment up there with a $100 million game like Battlefield is testimony to the skill of the developer.
EGMNOW (EGM Digital): 9.0/10
This is the breath of fresh air I’ve been waiting for. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is friggin’ awesome. I love it and am horrified that I love it so much.
Game Trailers: 8.6/10
The yet untapped shield-and-wield genre may still lack a face, but Chivalry: Medieval Warfare could very well be the champion to carry the battle standard. Straightforward in approach yet exceedingly effective in delivery, it elevates the notion of melee combat past a last ditch combat maneuver and into a realm of medieval, multiplayer bliss.
Forbes: 8/10
The bloody but still light-hearted multiplayer game is first and foremost a whole lot of fun – perhaps the most important thing any video game can hope to be. There’s not as much depth to the mechanics as the recently released War of the Roses, but where it lacks in depth it makes up in both accessibility and entertainment value.
ZTGD: 8.7/10
I really enjoyed my time with Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. It was a difficult game to begin with, but after some practice and finding a good team to play with, I couldn’t help but have a good time. Even when I was dying a good amount, getting those dismemberment kills was satisfying. For only 25 bucks, you get a good amount of game. If you’re looking for some good, difficult fun, you should really check this game out.
GAF impressions can be found here:
Any GAF interest in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Chivalry Medieval Warfare or War of the Roses?
- Mouse sensitivity is low by default (around 30). Crank it up to about 50-100.
- Holding SHIFT to sprint will cramp your hand quickly due to the amount of running around the larger maps in the objective based games. Go to the key configuration and enable the sprint toggle.
- Try rebinding the stab and overhand attacks. This may improve the feel of the combat and a single key stroke is much more reliable and efficient than frantically scrolling the mouse wheel.
No Servers?
If you can't find any servers, you need to download the master server file. It's an issue on Valve's end and Torn Banner is working with them to resolve the issue. You can view the support topic and download the file here:
First Person/Third Person View
- L toggles between first person and third person view.
- P cycles between first person, third person left, third person right, and overhead view.
- X activates a battle cry which can be executed while moving.
- C activates a stationary battle cry. While executing, you will be unable to move for the duration of the animation.
- Z brings up a tiered menu of various tactical and personal messages. The gestures include a selection of voice clips for things like team messages and taunts.
Unlock 60 FPS Cap
- Navigate to \Documents\My Games\Chivalry Medieval Warfare\UDKGame\Config
- Open UDKEngine.ini in Notepad
- Change bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE to bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE