Man, I never knew autistic people were this witty!Ya it could be a confused as a child’s. Nobody wants that on their computer. Feds might come and get them.
I just want to state for the record that I legitimately wish no harm on Lizzo whatsoever. I genuinely like her music, it's catchy as fuck. Good As Hell, Truth Hurts, and Juice are fire.
The point wasn't to shit on Lizzo, necessarily, but to raise the question (as Chris does, in the video), is it OKAY for an obese person to wear ridiculous outfits (such as when her ass was completely exposed at a Lakers game) just because it's in the name of "body positivity," do we really have to pretend like its OKAY because someone is "fat and pround" to throw out societal standards for public behavior? Would Taylor Swift or Beyonce be allowed to wear nothing but a g-string to a Lakers game?
I want Lizzo, and everyone, to be happy with their body. That's great, but I am not sure we can pretend like being obese is ever a good thing in the long run. That will kill you a lot faster than most drugs and alcohol.
If someone is going to walk around half-naked I think they should be open to the same scrutiny whether fat, slim, whatever.
I don’t think anyone got upset when Missy E lost most of her weight. In fact she looked best and was at her best when she did Under Construction (which still holds up as one of the best female fronted Hip Hop albums of all time IMO)I'm interested to see how the slay queen crowd handles her inevitable weight loss.
Yeah it's something. He doesn't deserve to be hereMiyazakiHatesKojima has been in a lit mood recently. I'm not sure if it's a character, or a problem he's facing recently, but for now...
Who are the alts? I think I missed a step here.All the ALTS are coming out of the woodworks.
So my question to the whaled beach community of NeoGAF is:Allow me to properly introduce you
Never heard about Lizzo.
But I agree with him, she looks fat. She's not thicc nor cubby, she's fat. Close to obese.
When she showed up to the Lakers game with her butthole basically exposed, I mean would that be celebrated for anyone else?
People were normal back then. Being fat wasn’t considered a identityI don’t think anyone got upset when Missy E lost most of her weight. In fact she looked best and was at her best when she did Under Construction (which still holds up as one of the best female fronted Hip Hop albums of all time IMO)
I don‘t think anyone would be upset with Lizzo for doing the same.
Chris basically says her music is great but pretending like she’s “slaying” when she shows up wearing a Hershey’s wrapper as a dress, just because she’s overweight, is silly.
I tend to agree.
When she showed up to the Lakers game with her butthole basically exposed, I mean would that be celebrated for anyone else?
Thread Destroyed, You Beautiful Bastard.
Shes a singer who has become immensely popular (over a billion Spotify listens) and is very open with her bodY, which is relatively obese. She’s kinda become the new face of “body positivity” and “anti fat-shaming” movements, wearing very skimpy outfits in public
I think it’s great for everyone to be happy with who they are and what they look like but there’s a double standard. A skinny chick would probably be called slutty (or something equivalent) for dressing like that at a Lakers game, or that’s how a lot of people feel.
Is it okay? The hell do you mean? This isn't a round table. People do whatever the fuck they want. And she's rich and famous, you can't tell her shit lol.
You can openly scrutinize her but go ahead and try, she'll (her dumb fans) will probably light you up. But thankfully you have gaf to vent to.
When people use words like "basically" and "pretty much" it usually means what they say happened didn't happen.
I've only seen a couple of screenshots as I tried to google it so I might be wrong, but what I saw in those screenshots wasn't anything worse than what we have seen in music videos and other shows in the past decade.
I see it like this: If it's allowed to show Nicki Minaj's Anaconda music video anywhere and anytime to anyone, it should be allowed for a fat woman be in as revealing clothes and shaking around just as much.
It's not as if Lizzo's clothes are the most revealing things we've seen in showbusiness. Porn directors have been directing the music videos for pop stars for quite a long time now, and the visuals are relatively close to that aesthetic. If you want to be able to see stuff like that in television and live shows, then you should allow overweight artists do the same thing too.
To have no double standards in this subject there's only two options:
1) Force artists with skimpy clothes to wear more clothes.
2) Allow every artist regardless of their looks to wear skimpy clothes.
With the second option some people will call both thin and fat artists slutty and some will hail them as empowered sexual women regardless.
There is no relatively obese. There are 3 terms for people who have excess mass.what the fuck is relatively obese
A great quote I heard about this is "complacency is the forerunner of mediocrity". Accepting yourself if you're not genetically lucky and don't fit the standard of beauty is one thing, being obese with no self control or care about yourself is different. It's like a person being celebrated for achieving something whilst being a high school dropout saying that dropping out isn't a bad thing.I think it’s great for everyone to be happy with who they are and what they look like.
A great quote I heard about this is "complacency is the forerunner of mediocrity". Accepting yourself if you're not genetically lucky and don't fit the standard of beauty is one thing, being obese with no self control or care about yourself is different. It's like a person being celebrated for achieving something whilst being a high school dropout saying that dropping out isn't a bad thing.
Vent? You seem to be the one venting here. Why are you upset?
you see people dressed like this all the time in public?
I stick by what I said. Her butthole is basically exposed.
Thats way too many words to read
But I just wanna know, is it OKAY for an obese person to wear ridiculous outfits just because it's in the name of "body positivity," do we really have to pretend like its OKAY because someone is "fat and pround" to throw out societal standards for public behavior? I wonder, just what exactly am I gonna do about it? Rant? Pass legislation? Go along for the ride.
Looks like elektro demon ideal woman.Allow me to properly introduce you
I'm an open-minded guy with a preference for the fuller figure.
But I'm also practical and rational.
Look at it this way:
If a man was the same size and shape as Lizzo and walked around in crotchless clothes that showed off as much of his ass and crotch as she does, if he made a point of waving it in people's faces, being confrontational and refusing to adhere to common decency - would you make the same arguments in his favour, to the same degree, with the same 'yass slay!' celebratory rhetoric?
This is a yes or no question.
If you decide to answer it, make the first word of your answer "Yes" or "No" and then expand on it however you wish.
you see people dressed like this all the time in public?
I stick by what I said. Her butthole is basically exposed.
When people use words like "basically" and "pretty much" it usually means what they say happened didn't happen.
I've only seen a couple of screenshots as I tried to google it so I might be wrong, but what I saw in those screenshots wasn't anything worse than what we have seen in music videos and other shows in the past decade.
I see it like this: If it's allowed to show Nicki Minaj's Anaconda music video anywhere and anytime to anyone, it should be allowed for a fat woman be in as revealing clothes and shaking around just as much.
It's not as if Lizzo's clothes are the most revealing things we've seen in showbusiness. Porn directors have been directing the music videos for pop stars for quite a long time now, and the visuals are relatively close to that aesthetic. If you want to be able to see stuff like that in television and live shows, then you should allow overweight artists do the same thing too.
To have no double standards in this subject there's only two options:
1) Force artists with skimpy clothes to wear more clothes.
2) Allow every artist regardless of their looks to wear skimpy clothes.
With the second option some people will call both thin and fat artists slutty and some will hail them as empowered sexual women regardless.
This seems squarely like a "Haters gonna hate" situation.
If she's happy doing what she's doing, shiny on you crazy goddamn diamond.
We ain’t all equal
Sure. That's why fatties get to hear they're disgusting and why people who can't stand them still have to see them. The more fatties get mocked, the more fat asses will shake. The more fat asses will shake, the more fatties get mocked. It's the purest form of inequality. Unbounded unfairness. A circle of triggering in a universe that doesn't care.
or we could stop telling them that they're stunning and brave and reinstall the necessary sense of shame to stop them eating that fourth donut
Fat people don’t exist becuase of a lack of shame. We live in a very sedentary society and an abundance of food, because of our advanced economies. This is the future of all societies as people grow out of povertyor we could stop telling them that they're stunning and brave and reinstall the necessary sense of shame to stop them eating that fourth donut
It's all relative. The best solution is education and exposure to proper nutrition from a very young age. If you don't expose your children to crappy foods like fast food or high sugar drinks and give them healthier options, that's what they'll be aware of. If you feed your kid McDonald's on a regular basis and not as a special occasion, they're going to start preferring that to healthier options and understandably so. It's tasty crap. I love McDonald's as much as anyone else, I'll admit it. But it's a special occasion food and people treat it like it's normal to eat it daily. It's not. Also portion size is a big issue too.Not going to happen anymore. The ball's been rolling for too long. All the voices of reason what comes to any sort of degeneracy of human mind are lost in the wind. It's been downhill since the beginning of history. STDs tried to stop sexual degeneration. No-one learned anything. Diabetes and heart diseases try to stop laziness and self-indulgence. No-one learns anything. If people don't care to stop when disease comes to kill, how will they ever stop when someone only shouts shame on them? You can always try though, not taking that away from you. Hedonism has too many forms though, it always creeps back in one way or another.
Fat people don’t exist becuase of a lack of shame. We live in a very sedentary society and an abundance of food, because of our advanced economies. This is the future of all societies as people grow out of poverty
Not going to happen anymore. The ball's been rolling for too long. All the voices of reason what comes to any sort of degeneracy of human mind are lost in the wind. It's been downhill since the beginning of history. STDs tried to stop sexual degeneration. No-one learned anything. Diabetes and heart diseases try to stop laziness and self-indulgence. No-one learns anything. If people don't care to stop when disease comes to kill, how will they ever stop when someone only shouts shame on them? You can always try though, not taking that away from you. Hedonism has too many forms though, it always creeps back in one way or another.
if that worked I think it already would have. I don't know where we go from here, other than to let people reap the consequences and see if that affects public perception down the line. most importantly I want to support people who are making good decisions for themselves. Personally I'd like to see big brother legislate around advertising the way they did cigarette smoking. Don't advertise to kids, don't try to create a legion of lifelong consumers, run awareness campaigns and programs on the dangers of smoking and give the issue time. Give people a choice but make it an informed one and where parents and communities may be failing our young ones the government can try to fill in the void like they did with tobacco.or we could stop telling them that they're stunning and brave and reinstall the necessary sense of shame to stop them eating that fourth donut
I watched it. I think something Chris isn't thinking about or neglects to mention is that women in general seem to be more supportive of each other, in spite of their obvious flaws. Women shower each other in compliments, the ugliest girl of any group gets the most praise from her friends. Men are expected to carry themselves, to not need or want compliments and then we wonder why young male suicide rates and mental health issues continue to climb. Conversely, the body-positivity movement may have started from a good place but too much of any good thing can still be a bad thing. Just like I wouldn't support someone or shower them with praise for taking up smoking or drinking, I can still defend their right to do so.How many people actually watched the video vs. how many people just wanted to chime in and nitpick semantics?
I’m I supposed to believe if we post a few more fat memes and insult fat people some more, everyone will decide to stop eating?not all, but do you really think this HAES nonsense has had no effect? cmon son