BroHuffman said:New York city blows up. We've had a terrorist suspect from the middle east in custody in America for weeks, but he won't talk.
Should we have gotten information from him in ways besides asking him nicely or be glad we were moral?
So, yes. Gotcha.BroHuffman said:New York city blows up. We've had a terrorist suspect from the middle east in custody in America for weeks, but he won't talk.
Should we have gotten information from him in ways besides asking him nicely or be glad we were moral?
yellow submarine said:I'm not Libyan though, and my opinions on this matter have been formed after recently reading all the articles about how the "rebels" aren't exactly matching the image of the freedom loving good guys I thought they were a month ago.
Blackace said:the entire city of New York?
Blackace said:ok.. come at you? Do you really want me to do that? That's like low level violence.. coming at people where I am from means let's knuckle up or shoot..
The WoT wasn't something he started, but I don't think it is something that he can just pull the plug on easily...
Ah yes, the '24' scenario. The ticking time bomb. Lets play more games, k.BroHuffman said:New York city blows up. We've had a terrorist suspect from the middle east in custody in America for weeks, but he won't talk.
Should we have gotten information from him in ways besides asking him nicely or be glad we were moral?
Edit: A lot of hypothetical stuff. I'm on one side. I see you seem to be on the other. Should we continue or just agree to disagree?
If we can save just one person from the disappearing pencil trick, it's worth torturing a hundred children imo.RustyNails said:Ah yes, the '24' scenario. The ticking time bomb. Lets play more games, k.
Did Joker tell Batman where Rachel was after Batman thrashed him left and right?
Kalnos said:BroHuffman, the bigger problem tends to be that torture doesn't work.
Woorloog said:What did CIA/MI6 accuse you of?
You said there should be no moral consideration in the pursuit of terrorists. Surely you can imagine that they could still be some things that could be done without being so absolutely amoral as to be evil. I hope?BroHuffman said:I have no idea whether torture works or doesn't work.
I was just going over my thoughts about the US torturing known terrorists. Guess it got a little out of hand. And maybe I'm a little surprised about some of the people responding to me in this thread. Probably great, moral people, I just wouldn't want them making decisions about national defense.
Batman's identity is worth more than dead copselrechazao said:If we can save just one person from the disappearing pencil trick, it's worth torturing a hundred children imo.
akira28 said:we both come from the internetso let us engage in brief exchange. For clarification: My initial mention of Presidents was referring to Bush. He did in fact claim that there was no wrongdoing and that Americans do not torture or assist in coordination of torture. His statement hinged on his definition of torture, because he knew that the US totally facilitated rendition and extreme interrogation techniques that will be determined as torture almost anywhere outside of US borders.
And guess what? Obama didn't start it, but he's paying the goddamned bill ain't he? While Bush sips ice tea and dreams of whiskey in Suburban Texas? He could hang that around Bush's head and just let fate take things where they may, but he's afraid to. He lacks faith in that way, and it makes me wonder about the rest of him. I'm not saying he's wrong though. But I'm not lying either when I say he could do something, but he's apparently doing nothing and even stated intentions to do such. Now you can't just go after people like Halliburton or the BushCo legacy of friends. And you certainly wouldn't telegraph your punch, but I really truly think that someone told our current President that his predecessor was off limits and to go after him would open Pandora's box. But that means justice suffers.
RustyNails said:Batman's identity is worth more than dead cops
Blackace said:Going after Bush and his admin would serve no justice and start a war in congress like we have not seen since Rutherford B. Hayes was called Rutherfraud.
An all out war with the right and the left would be so counter productive that the justice served might not be worth it..
Blackace said:Going after Bush and his admin would serve no justice and start a war in congress like we have not seen since Rutherford B. Hayes was called Rutherfraud.
An all out war with the right and the left would be so counter productive that the justice served might not be worth it..
nib95 said:I don't know man. Something needs to give, otherwise politicians will continue on with their reckless, immoral, cowboy antics with little to no fear of repercussion or accountability. There needs to be something major to bring out the desperately needed political reform.
akira28 said:You mean the justice of citizens sleeping at night in fear of their own government? And that fear being legitimate and deserved because their leadership is willfully unlawful and immoral and unaccountable to any consequences because bringing those consequences about would be complicated? That war needs to be faught sooner than later. Like a band-aid. Or do you want to wait until its you that has to pick up arms and defend yourself instead of just the laws and constitution of this land?
Blackace said:Fighting as many wars as we are, with the dollar in the shape it is in, you think the timing is right to start a polictical war of this likes at home?
Also it is funny how it is "Obama's fault" rather than Clinton's when he said nothing of Sr.'s exploits..
nib95 said:I say the sooner the better. We can dilly dally around and let it continue blindly or deal with the problem, and as many problems as possible in one go. Reform of such gargantuan nature is never pretty. If any times a good time, with the chips down, I'd say now was as good as any other, whilst public unrest and trust/faith in the government is already waining.
akira28 said:Bit by bit doesn't happen unless someone is in their face every minute of every hour taking those pieces, bit by bit. That's why we need the outrage and that's why we need the leaks and blame, because without it we'll be to comfortable to change anything until it's our asses literally on the line.
Blackace said:Well I doubt you will get that when we are as thin as we are.. Timing is the most important part... if Obama can start pulling out like promised then you might have a window to start the funk you want..
BroHuffman said:I have no idea whether torture works or doesn't work. I'm not debating that.
I was just going over my thoughts about the US torturing known terrorists. Guess it got a little out of hand. And maybe I'm a little surprised about some of the people responding to me in this thread. Probably great, moral people, I just wouldn't want them making decisions about national defense.
moop2000 said:Just out of curiosity, I'm a moral person who was in the military and handled decisions abut national defense, albeit meager versions of what constitutes national defense. Nevertheless, I find this sort of treatment of human beings, no matter who they are or what they have done, repugnant and below the character of this country, at least in the spirit of why I took that oath and what I promised to protect. Am I not good enough for your idea of a decision maker because I believe the people who perpetrate these heinous acts are as much a criminal as the terrorists, and deserve no protection from us? I don't want to fight about this because I can't be convinced that your opinion is right as much as you can't be convinced that my opinion is right even though the moral imperative is correct, but I am intrigued with how you will respond.
Me said:I'm not trying to be offensive and the entire threat was about terrorism and torture.
Would I want you in a position where you were the person that decided whether or not to torture a suspect (whether or not torture works is not important) for important information? If you say no just for morality's sake, then no I would not want you in THAT position. Depending on your other stances on other gray issues, I don't know if I would want you to be involved in decisions that are grey if you are always going to pick the morally right choice.
Again, I'm not trying to be offensive, and I'm not saying you shouldn't be involved in national defense, but in specific jobs and scenarios, I would want someone that could make a morally wrong decision that is the best decision for the country. It sounds like you would be unable to do this, based on your post.
I would not consider myself extremely informed about the state of our undercover ops/questionable tactics/counter terrorism squad, so take my feelings with a grain of salt. You could be the best fucking man for whatever theoretical position I'm bullshitting about.
moop2000 said:I totally get what your saying and it's cool and I respect that you have a differing opinion. You should post this in the thread. It's good to discuss this stuff out in the open, especially when it isn't some hot-headed bullshit that so often ends up polluting the discussion.
BroHuffman said:Here's what I sent Moop
Not sure if there is much to discuss though.
Jburton said:And the US calls out other nations over their methods (China etc) and call terrorists inhuman.
They say hypocrisy breeds hatred!
akira28 said:Well I never waterboarded anyone, can I still call people out for torture?
Obama hasn't continued any bush policies, such as extrajudicial targetted killings.Jburton said:Sure, unless you are part of the CIA or Bush Administration!
elrechazao said:Obama hasn't continued any bush policies, such as extrajudicial targetted killings.
elrechazao said:Obama hasn't continued any bush policies, such as extrajudicial targetted killings.
Laughing Banana said:"Morally wrong decision that is best for the country"
Man, it's so easy to say stuff like this, isn't it? That is, unless someone that is wronged by that "morally wrong decision" is your husband, your wife, your children, your family, your lover, your friend.......
...And then people act surprised when America or any other country is criticized or even hated for something like this. But even worse than those who are surprised, are those who just shrugged it off and say "yeah, so what?"
BroHuffman said:Besides you trying to act morally superior to me here, did you have a point?
Everything isn't black and white and sometimes the black choice is the correct choice to take. insert dick joke. So I'd want someone open to multiple options depending on the situation. That's all I was trying to say with the PM.