Trailer: Cloudberry Kingdom Official Trailer
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Pwnee Studios
Price: 9,99$ / €9,99 / £7.99 (?)
Release Date:
- Playstation 3 July 30th
- Steam July 31st
- Xbox 360 July 31st
- Wii U August 1st
- Vita, Mac, Linux Fall 2013
In this game, the AI how to make levels at just the right difficulty for every player. No matter how good you get, the AI will always serve up another level that can challenge your skills.
No matter how hard the levels get, they are always possible. The AI takes care to design levels that can always be beat.

Hero Selection
Design your own physics in Hero Factory. Add a jetpack or strap yourself to a wheel. Adjust gravity, friction, and a dozen other parameters. Afterward the AI will make levels custom made for your new hero physics.
Multiple Game Modes, 4 Player Multiplayer, and Bungee Co-Op
Up to four player gaming with local multi-player and Co-Op modes, including bungee mode, where all players are tethered together and must collaborate to clear a level.
Experience three different types of play with friends or solo: Story mode, Free Play, and the infinite Arcade mode which includes four different games with global online leaderboards.
Celebrity Voice Acting!!!
Kevin Sorbo.

Can't decide?

Also, here is a video of me being awful at the game