Tronic? Give me a break. Beats are great but he's a pedestrian rapper to put it nicely. And unlike Kanye he doesn't surround himself with great rappers (although Royce and Pharoche Monche have great appearances)
First of all London Zoo is a serious, and very, very good album. Second, it's not even Dubstep.Atrophis said:The list Kramer posted is at least credible because it actually has some dubstep on it. And dubstep other than the pretty crappy London Zoo.
Peru said:It's a bit funny that people who hate Pitchfor lap up any Pitchfork copycat website, just because less people know it / hate on it.
Peru said:It's a bit funny that people who hate Pitchfor lap up any Pitchfork copycat website, just because less people know it / hate on it.
Hitman said:No TV on the Radio means complete fail.
PhoenixDark said:Tronic? Give me a break. Beats are great but he's a pedestrian rapper to put it nicely. And unlike Kanye he doesn't surround himself with great rappers (although Royce and Pharoche Monche have great appearances)
Timber said:just checked the tour dates and she's coming to the netherlands in may, but she's playing on the damn opposite end of the country from where i live. sucks but not a complete deal breaker.
the album is really unique but still it reminds me of late 70s no wave, lydia lunch in particular. which is a very good thing
BrandNew said:That to me is the most overrated album of the year,
zon said:Bullshit, Black Milk is a good rapper. I wouldn't consider him to be among the "elite" but he's not bad at all.
PhoenixDark said:How is that bullshit? His flow is weak, lyrically he's not great, and on a few occassions it sounds like Royce is ghostwriting his shit. And outside of the "listen to my story/struggle" tracks on the album he has nothing interesting to say at all.
Great producer, but at the end of the day he's another underground cat who can't write a song
zon said:Only thing I agree with you on is that he needs to improve his lyrics. Other than that you just sound overly critical of him.
Seriously, WTF. Raw footage is the only rap album of the year and not even a mention anywhere.BrandNew said:Having the Carter III so high still is a fucking tragedy
good list, but there are some weird ones. Evil Urges sucked
Dear Science sucks, bla bla bla, GAF hype bla blaHitman said:No TV on the Radio means complete fail.
RSTEIN said:I didn't really like Turning Dragon. I dunno, didn't do much for me.
PhoenixDark said:Dunno if I'm over critical, I just find it odd that the album is receiving such praise. It just seems like many rapper producers aren't great rappers. Especially if they're great producers, they just often sound like they're filling up their beats instead of making interesting songs (Madlib and Dilla come to mind). I like Kanye's first two albums but he's definitely not a great rapper; he compensates with some witty/funny lines.
pjberri said:That CMG list has some decent shit on it, but it looks like they're out for attention.
THE WIRE - Best of 2008
50. Sao Paulo Underground - The Principle Of Intrusive Relationships
49. Ellen Fullman & Monique Buzzarte - Fluctuations
48. Sic Alps - US EZ
47. Mark Stewart - Edit
46. Alva Noto - Unitxt
45. Peter Rehberg - Works For GV 2004-2008
44. Josephine Foster - This Coming Gladness
43. Murcof - The Versailles Sessions
42. Vajra - Live
41. David Grubbs - An Optimist Notes The Dust
40. Jakob Ullmann - Voice, Books And FIRE 3
39. Toumani Diabate - The Mande Variations
38. Portishead - Third
37. Maryanne Amacher - Sound Characters 2
36. Emeralds - Solar Bridge
35. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
34. Harvey Milk - Life... The Best Game In Town
33. Stereo Image - S/T
32. Christina Carter - Masque Femine
31. Malcolm Goldstein - A Sounding Of Sources
30. Terry Riley - The Last Camel In Paris
29. Earth - The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull
28. Scorces - I Turn Into You
27. Arthur Russell - Love Is Overtaking Me
26. Tricky - Knowle West Boy
25. Robert Ashley - Concrete
24. Jandek - Glasgow Sunday 2005
23. Group Inerane - Guitars From Agadez (Music Of Niger)
22. Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair
21. Lukas Ligeti - African Machinery
20. Stephan Mathieu - Radioland
19. Bill Dixon - 17 Musicians In Seach For A Sound: Darfur
18. Luomo - Convivial
17. Dusk + Blackdown - Margins Music
16. Autechre - Quaristice
15. Kasai Allstars - In The 7th Moon...
14. Eric Chenaux - Sloppy Ground
13. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
12. Ryoji Ikeda - Test Pattern
11. Kevin Drumm - Imperial Distortion
10. The Caretaker - Persistent Repetition Of Phrases
9. The Fall - Imperial Wax Solvent
8. William S Burroughs - Real English Tea Made Here
7. Evangelista - Hello, Voyager
6. The Advisory Circle - Other Channels
5. Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna
4. John Butcher - Resonant Spaces
3. The Hospitals - Hairdryer Peace
2. Philip Jeck - Sand
1. The Bug - London Zoo
Karma Kramer said:It takes many many listens... I didn't like it much either at first... but now I think its fucking amazing.
Give it another chance.
Karma Kramer said:It takes many many listens... I didn't like it much either at first... but now I think its fucking amazing.
Give it another chance.
ZephyrFate said:Loving the Fleet Foxes love... they are quite amazing. Cokemachineglow put it best, saying their music was "universal." And that their debut album was a classic rock album.
*relaxes to Blue Ridge Mountains, the best song of 2008*...
I love when opinions are misconstrued as facts.QVT said:I love when an album is so bad that I can't tell joke posts from real posts.
Listened to this for the first time last week and have been addicted ever since. Quickly bought their previous 3 albums as well. Ladytron is fucking awesome.Dan said:I haven't seen any Ladytron love on these end of the year lists and that's disappointing. I thought Velocifero was really fantastic.
You're looking at the wrong kind of lists.Hooker said:CTRL + F > Mars Volta > no results
The Bedlam in Goliath is fucking AWESOME!! My album of the year...
Calcaneus said:If I hated pitchfork's list, I would probably hate this as well.
Same number of bands I know nothing about.
BrandNew said:People actually think Fleet Foxes is bad? Shit no. It's great Americana music, something that hasn't been done well for a while, I think.
Don't know if its best of the year though.
What, what is this you are suggesting? No thank you good sir.Zilch said:It's almost like an invitation to educate yourself and find new and exciting music to listen to.
Are you... serious? Every other song besides Mykonos is bad? What? So, wow, you even hate English House, Blue Ridge Mountains, Quiet Houses?QVT said:It doesn't sound anything like Americana to me. I'd look at Brown Bird if you wanted an Americana album that came out last year. Bit dark.
I think a lot of people only listen to Mykonos and think hey this band is awesome and then they hear the rest of it and are bitterly, bitterly disappointed. And even Mykonos is nothing Americana.
BrandNew said:People actually think Fleet Foxes is bad? Shit no. It's great Americana music, something that hasn't been done well for a while, I think.
Don't know if its best of the year though.
ZephyrFate said:Are you... serious? Every other song besides Mykonos is bad? What? So, wow, you even hate English House, Blue Ridge Mountains, Quiet Houses?
Quite the minority opinion.
ZephyrFate said:Are you... serious? Every other song besides Mykonos is bad? What? So, wow, you even hate English House, Blue Ridge Mountains, Quiet Houses?
Quite the minority opinion.
*shrugs* I guess our tastes differ. I can tell the difference between each song on the album quite easily...Karma Kramer said:Considering I have heard the album a number of times and own it on LP... I can't even put the music to those names. The songs all sound way too similar for me to be able to differentiate them.
And thats their problem. No contrast.
Witchfinder General said:I wish Metal sites would put up their top 50 for their year. That way I can systematically go through and pick up what I missed out on this year.
don't be an ass.Haruspex said:Bill Dixon, now we're talking.
As for Turning Dragon its an amazing album, at first it was too mechanical but slowly the organic sounds reveal themselves. Clark really knows how to build tracks up to a fever pitch, especially with For Wolves Crew and Ache of the North.
Also I've never heard of these 'Fleet Foxes', I'll listen and be disappointed no doubt.
... oh and that Headphone Commute list was pretty remarkable, from the artists I recognised anyway.