Oh, we talking about terrible conference scheduling ideas again?
That, and bubble butts.
Oh, we talking about terrible conference scheduling ideas again?
Cool thread in OT Community:
Saw the title "American Football OT" and closed out before hearing about superior Yurop Football.
You suck Bert Cooper!
I don't think ESPN is all that concerned with what UGA needs or doesn't need. They will choose the best lineup of games relative to the product they have to work with. If they want UGA/Clemson on Labor Day then they will more than likely get it. You may think that having all of the good games on TV on Saturday night and one bad game on TV on Monday is a good ratings strategy but ESPN probably disagrees.Dabo mentioning that the game may end up on a Monday is me assuming that it's them wanting it on Monday since UGA's athletic director said he hadn't heard anything from Clemson about it, and they seemingly have no interest in it. I know Richt wouldn't want the game to be on a Monday. Give that to another team that actually needs a game on a holiday to get ratings, we don't.
This sounds awful.
It's time to stop. Delany got his DC and NYC teams (sort of). UVA and UNC are phenomenal schools, and UNC would obviously be an unbelievable addition for basketball, but you're only going to dilute the football product further by adding them.
I have no desire for a BEAST-style dismantling of the ACC. They've already cheapened themselves enough with that stupid arrangement with Notre Dame.
I see the BIG going two ways ND/BC (little brother begging to be tagged along with big brother) or UVA/UNC, and in order for either way for it to happen the ACC has to be demolished for for both ND and UNC, as they're both not leaving otherwise.
I always saw Georgia Tech as a red herring, they would be so geographically isolated in the BIG, and after seeing what happened to BC in the ACC, I doubt that there is any desire for Georgia Tech to be in a similiar situation.
I don't think ESPN is all that concerned with what UGA needs or doesn't need. They will choose the best lineup of games relative to the product they have to work with. If they want UGA/Clemson on Labor Day then they will more than likely get it. You may think that having all of the good games on TV on Saturday night and one bad game on TV on Monday is a good ratings strategy but ESPN probably disagrees.
I think ND to the B1G is done forever, even if the ACC collapses.
I don't think Delany's ego could possibly endure any more Notre Dame begging.
Sorry but there are few instances where the schools actually have any real power over ESPN. Can you name the last time that ESPN really pushed for a time slot for a game and was flat out denied by one of the participants? You left out one piece also which is the SEC. The SEC is currently in contract and network negotiations with ESPN. They aren't going to let one of there members screw up ESPN's scheduling plans because UGA wants an extra day or two of practice.UGA would have to agree to any change in scheduling. ESPN would have to sweeten the deal quite a bit, or the SEC would have to reschedule South Carolina the following week. ESPN can't force UGA to do anything, they signed the contract with Clemson for this game and scheduling is up to the two schools and the conference. The schools hold the power here because ESPN will want that game on their networks regardless.
I see the BIG going two ways ND/BC (little brother begging to be tagged along with big brother) or UVA/UNC, and in order for either way for it to happen the ACC has to be demolished for for both ND and UNC, as they're both not leaving otherwise.
I always saw Georgia Tech as a red herring, they would be so geographically isolated in the BIG, and after seeing what happened to BC in the ACC, I doubt that there is any desire for Georgia Tech to be in a similiar situation.
Sorry but there are few instances where the schools actually have any real power over ESPN. Can you name the last time that ESPN really pushed for a time slot for a game and was flat out denied by one of the participants? You left out one piece also which is the SEC. The SEC is currently in contract and network negotiations with ESPN. They aren't going to let one of there members screw up ESPN's scheduling plans because UGA wants an extra day or two of practice.
True. ESPN may have completely different plans and they may choose to just have UGA/Clemson as the marquee Saturday Night game. I guess a part of me is just speaking from the experience of last year where GT had to actually drop an opponent from the schedule and rearrange several dates just so ESPN could schedule the Labor Day game they wanted. Apparently not many people from the team or Athletic Department really wanted the change but ESPN got their way anyways.Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, ESPN hasn't said anything on this.. The only thing that's happened is Dabo going out and saying maybe UGA and Clemson will play on that Monday. There's time slots on gamedays, which the networks usually get their way on, and changing the dates completely. This falls under the latter. At this point, it's just Dabo talking out of his ass about how he'd like more attention in getting the game on a Monday. They play South Carolina State the next week, so a short week doesn't affect them at all.
Aside from the complexity, it seems like the sticking point with that arrangement would be preserving both rivalry games and competitive balance. If you want to play every year, you would have to be in the same pod. That likely leads to a pod that contains Ohio State, Michigan, and Michigan State (+1 more). You'd probably also get another pod that contains all of the east coast schools - Maryland, Rutgers, Virginia?, Georgia Tech?.
True. ESPN may have completely different plans and they may choose to just have UGA/Clemson as the marquee Saturday Night game. I guess a part of me is just speaking from the experience of last year where GT had to actually drop an opponent from the schedule and rearrange several dates just so ESPN could schedule the Labor Day game they wanted. Apparently not many people from the team or Athletic Department really wanted the change but ESPN got their way anyways.
3 months without PAAAAWWWWLL, whatever will we do?
3 months without PAAAAWWWWLL, whatever will we do?
You are meaning to be rude and that's fine. You are a UGA fan so you don't really know any better. If you want to think that UGA is a king in the college football world and therefore can tell ESPN when and what time they want to play that's fine. Go on believing that. Don't forget that ESPN and Chick Fil A created a UGA/Boise St game out of the blue one year that really didn't benefit UGA at all. They will do what they are told to do just like everyone else.The ESPN guys have already said that Gameday will be at the Clemson/UGA game, so I doubt that they'd have a Gameday event with the game not until 2 days later. You're right, it'll probably be their primetime game that day. Also, I'm not meaning to be rude, but UGA and GA Tech have different clout in the college football world. Hopefully that isn't taken the wrong way, but the two programs are at completely different places stature wise and in national perception.
You are meaning to be rude and that's fine. You are a UGA fan so you don't really know any better. If you want to think that UGA is a king in the college football world and therefore can tell ESPN when and what time they want to play that's fine. Go on believing that. Don't forget that ESPN and Chick Fil A created a UGA/Boise St game out of the blue one year that really didn't benefit UGA at all. They will do what they are told to do just like everyone else.
Where did I say "Fuck Rutgers?"
They will do what they are told to do just like everyone else.
Just a pro tip for the future. If you start a sentence off by saying that you aren't being rude, you are probably being rude. ESPN convinced UGA to drop a series with Louisville that had been scheduled for 5 years and paid part of the cancellation fee. They also convinced Ole Miss and Boise St to reschedule their series for the same purpose. All because they felt like creating a Boise St/UGA matchup. Yet you seem to think that if ESPN had the gall to try and move the Clemson/UGA game by two days that UGA would throw their mighty weight around and show ESPN who is boss. Sorry, the world doesn't work like that.You took it that I was being rude, and that's up to you, I was simply stating that UGA has more clout than GA Tech does. Nowhere did I say that UGA was a king of the CFB world. The Boise State and UGA game came at a time when UGA was at a different place program wise as well, but that game was on a Saturday as well. We're not talking about Nike here and having to use their shitty pro combat unis once every few years because you're contractually obligated to.
Of course they would have to get approval, what i'm saying is that they wouldn't have any trouble at all getting that approval even if one or both teams objected. The schools will do what ESPN wants in the end.The schedules (and by that, I mean the dates, not the time slots) are handled by the schools and conferences, and sometimes a stadium/bowl if it is a neutral site game. The networks have short notice authority on time slots. I highly doubt that ESPN can force a school to accept a date change without approval from the schools and conference.
Just a pro tip for the future. If you start a sentence off by saying that you aren't being rude, you are probably being rude. ESPN convinced UGA to drop a series with Louisville that had been scheduled for 5 years and paid part of the cancellation fee. They also convinced Ole Miss and Boise St to reschedule their series for the same purpose. All because they felt like creating a Boise St/UGA matchup. Yet you seem to think that if ESPN had the gall to try and move the Clemson/UGA game by two days that UGA would throw their mighty weight around and show ESPN who is boss. Sorry, the world doesn't work like that.
yellowjacket25 said:Of course they would have to get approval, what i'm saying is that they wouldn't have any trouble at all getting that approval even if one or both teams objected. The schools will do what ESPN wants in the end.
Yes, if your best attempt at avoiding conflict with a Tech fan is to tell them how meaningless they are and how great you are then you probably shouldn't have bothered. Frankly the opinion you guys have of yourselves still amazes me. As for ESPN, its coming down to semantics now. I never meant that ESPN can forcibly by law make UGA players show up at a certain place at a certain time. They will use what ever incentives or back room deals they can to create whatever matchup they want at whatever time. They have shown that many times. UGA is not above it and they have no more clout than anyone else when it comes to those negotiations.The key word you used there is that ESPN convinced UGA to do something and paid them a lot of money to do so. They can't make anybody do anything, it's up to the schools, ultimately. Times can be changed by networks, dates can't unless the school gives consent.
I said I wasn't meaning to be rude because I know you're a Tech fan, and it's in your nature to get upset easily whenever the state school is mentioned, so I was trying to head that off. Shouldn't have bothered.
Yes, if your best attempt at avoiding conflict with a Tech fan is to tell them how meaningless they are and how great you are then you probably shouldn't have bothered. Frankly the opinion you guys have of yourselves still amazes me. As for ESPN, its coming down to semantics now. I never meant that ESPN can forcibly by law make UGA players show up at a certain place at a certain time. They will use what ever incentives or back room deals they can to create whatever matchup they want at whatever time. They have shown that many times. UGA is not above it and they have no more clout than anyone else when it comes to those negotiations.
I was speaking in terms of UGA fans in general who usually seem to have a higher opinion of their team then is really warranted. You solidified that somewhat by speaking of how much clout you have in the college football world and how you will play on Saturday even if ESPN wants to move the game. However if I painted you with too broad of a brush I apologize.Jesus Christ, what opinion do you think I have of UGA? You seem to be generalizing me in a way that I'm not sure I've earned.
I was speaking in terms of UGA fans in general who usually seem to have a higher opinion of their team then is really warranted. You solidified that somewhat by speaking of how much clout you have in the college football world and how you will play on Saturday even if ESPN wants to move the game. However if I painted you with too broad of a brush I apologize.
lols dude. Not even the big programs have more clout than ESPN, let alone UGA.
I was making a joke about how Bert Cooper no longer has an office at SCDP.
Even Harry Crane has his own office!
Relative to ESPN, you really don't. Which is kind of the relevant point.
Great, season opener moved to a Thursday. Thanks, ESPN.
Great, season opener moved to a Thursday. Thanks, ESPN.
If only you were as big a deal as UGA, you could have convinced ESPN not to move your game.
Something else that might effect this place more than no more Finebaum, seems like pretty much everyone that ran Roll Bama Roll (RBR), the Alabama SBNation blog, is leaving. It was pretty much 3 guys, and they're all gone.
That, plus no more Shutdown Fullback (I think), on top of the polygon makeover of SBNation is making me![]()
What is the story behind the departuresSomething else that might effect this place more than no more Finebaum, seems like pretty much everyone that ran Roll Bama Roll (RBR), the Alabama SBNation blog, is leaving. It was pretty much 3 guys, and they're all gone.
That, plus no more Shutdown Fullback (I think), on top of the polygon makeover of SBNation is making me![]()
Ya, reason #291301238029180 I'm glad Ruggaz is now in the Big 10, no more thursday night games.
Ya, reason #291301238029180 I'm glad Ruggaz is now in the Big 10, no more thursday night games.
We played a Thursday night game 2 years ago. Youre not out of the woods yet!
Are there any stats on what schools play Thursday games and their average attendance on Sat vs. Thurs?
I could never see Saturday games working at Penn State because most of the alumni come from cities in the surrounding states and tailgating is a big part of the games.
We play on Thursday alot, I'll take a Thursday night gave over a shittastic noon kickoff anyday. People tailgate all day anyways. A lot of people come down for Thursday games from out of town. Games sellout regardless.
Are there any stats on what schools play Thursday games and their average attendance on Sat vs. Thurs?
I could never see Saturday games working at Penn State because most of the alumni come from cities in the surrounding states and tailgating is a big part of the games.
We play on Thursday alot, I'll take a Thursday night gave over a shittastic noon kickoff anyday. People tailgate all day anyways. A lot of people come down for Thursday games from out of town. Games sellout regardless.
Its the only one I can remember us playing and it was the opening game on Memorial Day weekend. Was kind of nice because class hadnt started yet, so was still a ton of tailgating. But I will still take a saturday game over it anyday.