It's a Platinum game on what will likely be the console with the smallest install base...
Poor guys![]()
Another Wii U game? °_°
It's a Platinum game on what will likely be the console with the smallest install base...
Poor guys![]()
Difference is, Sony didn't have to moneyhat all those third party exclusives. Nintendo was fucking up, Sega was dying, Xbox was new, and the PS2 was just dominant everywhere.
If you believe you are going to sell every console you can make this year, why even theorize dropping Kinect?
Maybe the upclock was to help counter whatever hardware revision was introduced to the latest SDK? Honestly have no clue here.
About that..... there are no demos on the old SDK that run well.
Maybe the upclock was to help counter whatever hardware revision was introduced to the latest SDK? Honestly have no clue here.
Was it? I must have missed it. $350 it would go down to then,
They wouldn't. I think CBOAT was saying that if it doesn't preform well then they are willing to drop Kinect
Another Wii U game? °_°
But until March/April there isn't enough time to conclude if you're performing well or not.
But until March/April there isn't enough time to conclude if you're performing well or not.
But until March/April there isn't enough time to conclude if you're performing well or not.
Sorry but the audience that buys Xbox is the same one that buys Playstations. 90% of the time the same kinds of titles do well or don't do well on both consoles.
I think if by April it's not neck and neck with the PS4 they'll react accordingly. They don't seem to show any signs of waiting to see about anything.
Sad there is no Wii U price drop/bundle smoke. Or did I just not translate it?![]()
My guess is that he was spoon fed a reason with the impeccable pr that ms has going for it
It's not about hardware and it will be fix according to cboat
no live strm for real easons. xbone arcitectu re stil not fuly complet. laterst verson of SDK coupl of weeks ago edropeed d performeance by 15--20% acros teg board. NOW B4 YO^USG ET MAD AT ME XBOTTLES this hapens AL THE TIEM in tconsel dvelopmetn and ist wll evetnaly be fix but nochance for erly oct orelaese or...
I thought so at first too, but nah.Lawerence?
But until March/April there isn't enough time to conclude if you're performing well or not.[G][/QUOTE]
How appropriate.
Cheeky fellow
Wii U and PS4 both have clear markets, if nothing else (Nintendo fans and everyone else, respectively). Who is XBONE aimed at? XBOTTLES? It's super (and most) expensive, has an always on camera in the age of NSA spying, only three first party franchises of note (Halo, Forza, Fable), and is shaping up to be one of the worst launches ever. The boxes probably catch on fire, too.
Stated another way, Wii U and PS4 do different things and will have different games, so there's a reason someone might pick up one or the other, or even both. Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
So yeah.
architecture change caused the drop, not actual specs.
(he follows with saying that this is normal, but puts an early release out of the picture)
It's quite possible they did up the clock speed, changed the architecture to accommodate for it, and caused a drop in performance on a non-adapted development environment. The expected result over time (coming weeks) would be gains beyond the initial number, obviously.
But until March/April there isn't enough time to conclude if you're performing well or not.
........what is wrong with you
Looks like the ass storm has begun.
Looks like the ass storm has begun.
Looks like the ass storm has begun.