I take it truthfact1 is why CoD Ghosts is still only playable on PC using a xbone controller.
no live strm for real easons. xbone arcitectu re stil not fuly complet. laterst verson of SDK coupl of weeks ago edropeed d performeance by 15--20% acros teg board. NOW B4 YO^USG ET MAD AT ME XBOTTLES this hapens AL THE TIEM in tconsel dvelopmetn and ist wll evetnaly be fix but nochance for erly oct orelaese or...
Can anyone translate this part? Tytrutgh fact*#7:Setpember surpsei early.
agpolise ina dvnce. verythign I ssaw over last 24 monts was thats
nocahcnce of kniectlses sku. soldidconetcrete decsionfirm as
beachvoolleyball buttocks,nomatt (er wath othc chagnes have bcon goin on raound her.
.d....weelll baout that
wihsper of kienct optionsal (not inbox--() sku aerly next yr
mar//aprl. Enouhg smoke nowt hat I dint want to watit until Septemr
to say.!t. lauhc number falout wil play_ its patrt.
No livestream from GDC due to 15-20% performance drops in latest SDK--this is a normal setback for console development, and will be fixed, but not in time for an early October launch...
... Certainly not for all 21 countries. Localization is BS; look at official/spoken languages in countries that did/didn't make it. I was right on yield issues, and this is pushing launch titles, Smartglass, etc. back. (One unified process having its costs?)
PS4 SDKs effectively final, launch in late October.
MS has picked up a Platinum exclusive... And has no plans to release in NA/Europe. Talks with other JP devs are also ongoing, but CBoAT can only guarantee this one.
Bigpark has canceled their MOBA project, shifted entirely to TV focus. Dev talent to Big Tusk or gone completely. Rare on Kinect.
New indie policy not finalized, details post-launch
Early September surprise.
CBoAT backing down on previous claims of Kinectless SKU; new potential for console-only SKU in March-April based on launch performance.
We've all been on this ride before.I like how most of the posts are like "This is very interesting information! Are you able to tell us more?" and not "...what the FUCK did I just try to read?"
My head is going to explode.
If this is something that'd legitimately upset people, I can't see it be a new IP. The only thing I can think of is either Vanquish 2 or Metal Gear Rising 2.
No livestream from GDC due to yield issues, 15-20% performance drops in latest SDK--this is a normal setback for console development, and will be fixed, but not in time for an early October launch...
... Certainly not for all 21 countries. Localization is BS; look at official/spoken languages in countries that did/didn't make it. I was right on yield issues, and this is pushing launch titles, Smartglass, etc. back. (One unified process having its costs?)
PS4 SDKs effectively final, launch in late October.
MS has picked up a Platinum exclusive... And has no plans to release in NA/Europe. Talks with other JP devs are also ongoing, but CBoAT can only guarantee this one.
Bigpark has canceled their MOBA project, shifted entirely to TV focus. Dev talent to Big Tusk or gone completely. Rare on Kinect.
New indie policy not finalized, details post-launch
Early September surprise.
CBoAT backing down on previous claims of Kinectless SKU; new potential for console-only SKU in March-April based on launch performance.
Oh, stewardess, I speak jive.
Truth Fact #4
If you thought people were mad about the Bayonetta sequel going to Wii U you will be somewhat unhappy about what MS is moneyhatting with Platinum. Other Japanese developers are in play, too, but Kamiya-town (Platinum) is the only one I am certain of. The game is not for North America or Europe, by the way, which makes no sense, but whatever.
sigh. Platinum exclusive means can't skip Xbone.
Y u do dis to me Inaba. Y u do dis![]()
Maybe it's some kind of visual novel or JRPG?#4 makes no sense. Why would Microsoft moneyhat an exclusive game from Platinum and only release it in Japan?
Well, "somewhat unhappy" so slightly irked.He said unhappy and Platinum. MGR2 would get us pissed and would be Konami. It is probably something new or a smaller title.
based god buttocks said:truthfact1+
No live xbox stream for a real reason. The Xbox one architecture is not complete. The latest version of the SDK dropped performance 15-20% across the board. Now before you get mad at me, this happens all the time in console development and will eventually be fixed but there is now chance of an an early October release.
Maybe it's some kind of visual novel or JRPG?
Correct me if I missed or made a mistake.
- No Live streaming for Xbone, architectural reasons (not fully complete).
- Latest SDK version (from couple of weeks ago) dropped performance by 15-20% across the board, dont get mad, happens all the time in console dev cycle and eventually will be fixed. No chance of early October release for the Xbone.
- Certainly not for all 21 countries, localization excuse is complete BS. (look at the list of countries that got delayed and their local languages)
- Late October launch for PS4. PS4 SDK is read and is basically master2 final (released today).
- FYI, though people are mad about Bayoneta going sequel, you'll be somewhat unhappy about whatMS is moneyhatting with Platinim(?), other japanese devs in play but Kamiya (?) is only 1 I'm solid on. Game not for Europe.
- Big park nuked game, it was a bomba(?), dead now. A whole studio focussed on TV services only. All the best talent went to Bigtusk or left MS entirely. Rare still kinect focussed, no matter what else you've head.
- New indide publishing policy not set yet for Xbone, post launch.
- September surpise is early. Apologise in advance, everything I saw over last 24 months was that there is no chance of a kinect-less SKU. Whisper of Kinect optional SKU early next year (March/April), enough smoke now that I dont want to wait until September.
Greetings from the land of beer and brautwurst and weird porn! Got here a little while ago and tired so I'm dropping this early. Then bed, then visiting some churches and friends, then work meetings stuff and then I'll see how the gamefloor is later on this week.
No live stream for real reasons. Xbone architecture is still not full complete. The latest version of the SDK from a couple weeks ago dropped performances by 15-20 percent across the board. Now before you get mad at me this happens ALL THE TIME in console development and it will eventually be fixed but there's no chance for an early October release or...
... certainly not for all 21 countries. Localization is absolute one hundred percent BS. TRUTHFACT. The excuses are some that nobody with common sense would consider. Look at the countries dropped. Cross references them against the languages being spoken [in them], official or otherwise in said countries. I said it yielded issues 2 months ago and the chicks have come home to roost. [something something Smartglass] Paying the price now.
Late October launch for PS4. Sony SDKs are ready. You could basically master your final version right now. Today, even!
If you thought people were mad about Bayonetta's sequel going to WiiU you will be someone unhappy about what Microsoft is getting exclusively from Platinum. Other Japanese developers are in play but too, but Kamiya is the only one I can confirm. The game is not for North America or Europe, which makes no sense but whatever.
Big Park(?) killed their game. It was a MOBA. It's dead. The whole studio is now focused on TV stuff. All the bes talent went to Big Tusk(?) or left MS entirely. Rare is still Kinect focused.
TRUTHFACT 6: New indie publishing policy is not set yet and probably won't be until after launch.
September surprise early. I apologize in advance. Everything I saw over last 24 months said there was no chance of a kinectless SKU [to start]. Concrete decision up till now. However,
There are whispers that there will be a kinect optional SKU early next year, probably around March or April. There's enough smoke around this that I didn't want to wait until September to say it! We'll have to wait for launch sales to see for sure.
Can anyone translate this part? Ty
sigh. Platinum exclusive means can't skip Xbone.
Y u do dis to me Inaba. Y u do dis![]()
sigh. Platinum exclusive means can't skip Xbone.
Y u do dis to me Inaba. Y u do dis![]()
Maybe it's some kind of visual novel or JRPG?
fy yoi thgouhte poelw er mad about abyoneta going sequeleggy to WeeeeYEWW youl be soemwaht nuhapy babout waht MS i money hateing w/Platfinim/. other jpnj dvs inplay to but KMAIYATown IS ONLY o1 I am solid onon. game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep, btway which maek sno nsense byt hwathever.
Can anyone translate this part? Ty
trutgh fact*#7:Setpember surpsei early.
agpolise ina dvnce. verythign I ssaw over last 24 monts was thats
nocahcnce of kniectlses sku. soldidconetcrete decsionfirm as
beachvoolleyball buttocks,nomatt (er wath othc chagnes have bcon goin on raound her.
.d....weelll baout that
wihsper of kienct optionsal (not inbox--() sku aerly next yr
mar//aprl. Enouhg smoke nowt hat I dint want to watit until Septemr
to say.!t. lauhc number falout wil play_ its patrt.