Well, here are some brief impressions:
Gran Turismo 4: I watched a lot of this game since there was a pretty decent line to play it. The graphics look amazing...a lot better than GT3 if you can imagine. Tarmac, grass, gravel, sand all look a lot more realistic. Backrounds are simply stunning. Tracks in N.Y. and Hong Kong were all that I saw but they were jaw dropping. Sounds for each car were right on the money. Now, my biggest problem with GT3 was that the A.I. sucked. Well, it seems like they tweaked it up a notch or two for GT4. Not every car was running the same line on the track, and they also tried to avoid other cars so as not to get in an accident. I wouldnt' say it is perfect...but it has been improved. An interesting thing that happens is when you hit a wall the screen kind of shakes funky...almost disorients you a little bit.
Metal Gear Solid 3: The intro looks amazing. Once you start playing though the game looks grainy to me...and almost like it is running at 30 fps. I dunno if it is or not...but this game is just not as visually stunning as MGS2 was back in the day. Gameplay was pretty tight...fps mode is there, didn't notice any differences with that. One interesting feature is up in the top right corner it will show you at what percentage you are camoflauged in the surroundings. Hopefully the story has improved over MGS2...ugh.
Resident Evil 4: I thought this game was highly impressive. Fully rendered backrounds look amazing. Seemed to be a few colision problems though...every once in awhile Leon or one of the zombies would pass through objects with their extremities like they were not even there. Laser beam on the hand gun is cool. In the trial game there were a lot of zombies...and I mean a lot. They would attack in pairs or teams too. I'm not sure if they were full fledged zombies yet or if they had just been infected with the virus though. They didn't look like the traditional RE zombie to me...plus they were carrying pitch forks, hatchets and chainsaws! The death by chainsaw animation when Leon gets killed is awesome! At one point in the game about 20 zombies attack you...I was using my handgun, shotgun and grenades to defend. This game is awesome so far...can't wait for it to be released. Some might still complain about the controls, but the RE/Onimusha style of control never bothered me. It does feel different in RE4 to me though...different in a good way though.
Paper Mario RPG: This looks like it is going to be kick ass. I played a little with Mario and a turtle against some enemies unkown to me. It was a lot of fun. The animation style is really neat looking...the characters look like little paper cut outs.
Viewtiful Joe 2: If you like Viewtiful Joe, you will like this. I played a little with the girl...it was interesting. Graphics are the same as the last one, enemies looked to be the same as well. Puzzles were needed to complete in order to advance in the level...same as last one. Looks like more VJ greatness too me...pretty cool.
Metroid Prime 2: Again, this looked just like the first one graphically. It had some interesting gameplay additions. This one level would harm you if you were exposed to the elements...so you had to shoot this thing to create a safe haven bubble to go inside where you wouldn't be damaged. The levels I played seemed a little dark to me...and the enemeis in it were jet black with no detail. I guess if you like the first one you will like this...but I wasn't too impressed.
Zelda: This is how Zelda should have been released in the first place. This game had like a 1 minute trailer and it looked awesome. Link looked great.
Those were the big ones...I'll post some others I played and saw.
Gran Turismo 4: I watched a lot of this game since there was a pretty decent line to play it. The graphics look amazing...a lot better than GT3 if you can imagine. Tarmac, grass, gravel, sand all look a lot more realistic. Backrounds are simply stunning. Tracks in N.Y. and Hong Kong were all that I saw but they were jaw dropping. Sounds for each car were right on the money. Now, my biggest problem with GT3 was that the A.I. sucked. Well, it seems like they tweaked it up a notch or two for GT4. Not every car was running the same line on the track, and they also tried to avoid other cars so as not to get in an accident. I wouldnt' say it is perfect...but it has been improved. An interesting thing that happens is when you hit a wall the screen kind of shakes funky...almost disorients you a little bit.
Metal Gear Solid 3: The intro looks amazing. Once you start playing though the game looks grainy to me...and almost like it is running at 30 fps. I dunno if it is or not...but this game is just not as visually stunning as MGS2 was back in the day. Gameplay was pretty tight...fps mode is there, didn't notice any differences with that. One interesting feature is up in the top right corner it will show you at what percentage you are camoflauged in the surroundings. Hopefully the story has improved over MGS2...ugh.
Resident Evil 4: I thought this game was highly impressive. Fully rendered backrounds look amazing. Seemed to be a few colision problems though...every once in awhile Leon or one of the zombies would pass through objects with their extremities like they were not even there. Laser beam on the hand gun is cool. In the trial game there were a lot of zombies...and I mean a lot. They would attack in pairs or teams too. I'm not sure if they were full fledged zombies yet or if they had just been infected with the virus though. They didn't look like the traditional RE zombie to me...plus they were carrying pitch forks, hatchets and chainsaws! The death by chainsaw animation when Leon gets killed is awesome! At one point in the game about 20 zombies attack you...I was using my handgun, shotgun and grenades to defend. This game is awesome so far...can't wait for it to be released. Some might still complain about the controls, but the RE/Onimusha style of control never bothered me. It does feel different in RE4 to me though...different in a good way though.
Paper Mario RPG: This looks like it is going to be kick ass. I played a little with Mario and a turtle against some enemies unkown to me. It was a lot of fun. The animation style is really neat looking...the characters look like little paper cut outs.
Viewtiful Joe 2: If you like Viewtiful Joe, you will like this. I played a little with the girl...it was interesting. Graphics are the same as the last one, enemies looked to be the same as well. Puzzles were needed to complete in order to advance in the level...same as last one. Looks like more VJ greatness too me...pretty cool.
Metroid Prime 2: Again, this looked just like the first one graphically. It had some interesting gameplay additions. This one level would harm you if you were exposed to the elements...so you had to shoot this thing to create a safe haven bubble to go inside where you wouldn't be damaged. The levels I played seemed a little dark to me...and the enemeis in it were jet black with no detail. I guess if you like the first one you will like this...but I wasn't too impressed.
Zelda: This is how Zelda should have been released in the first place. This game had like a 1 minute trailer and it looked awesome. Link looked great.
Those were the big ones...I'll post some others I played and saw.