Spike Spiegel

As some of you may recall, I've decided that I'll be taking a break from thread-making duties for the month of September, because I've got plans to be doing other things and hey -- we could all use a break now and then. No one's called it yet, but I'm sure that one among you is up to the task, and I'll be back in the driver's seat come October (maybe).
But not to worry, fellow Comic GAFers! To guide you, I've taken the liberty of offering up an exclusive, behind-the-scenes peek at my own creative process, and just what goes into making every Comics OT each month, in the form of this handy dandy step-by-step list. Check it out!
01. Begin thread-making preparations by going through a copy of Previews for that month, and making a "titles of interest" list for each publisher.
02. Check comiclist.com for updated information on when those books will ship, and eliminate those that slip or are likely to.
03. Narrow down list to six books per section, and download cover artwork for those books from the usual sources; official publisher sites, CBR, Newsrama, TFAW, etc.
04. Holy crap, the new OT is supposed to be up by now! Do two-sentence write-ups for each book, and arrange them on template by their projected release date. Quickly!
05. Resize cover artwork, arrange in order to match text, then upload the new images to hosting service of your choice. HURRY YOUR LAZY @$$ UP!
06. Plug text and hosted images into placeholders on template, copy and past into new thread, and you're all set! *Phew*
And now, the power is yours!
Here are some of the spotlight titles from each publisher for August:

+Avengers Arena #13 & 14 by Christos Gage, Dennis Hopeless, Karl Moline and Kev Walker (Aug 14 & 28). A double dose of kids killing other kids! First, the creative team behind 'Avengers Academy' brings you the search for the missing students, led by Molly Hayes and Hank Pym. Then, "season one" enters the home stretch as a new arc begins, and the revelations and betrayals ramp up to a stunning climax.
+Infinity #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Jim Cheung (Aug 14). The Marvel event of 2013 is finally here! Thanos the Mad Titan has returned with an army of generals at his side, and what he's got planned for the Marvel U is so mindblowingly grand in scope, it could only have been dreamed up by Jonathan Hickman. Things will never be the same again![/cliche]
+Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2 by Christopher Yost and David Lopez (Aug 14). Because you demanded it! For the first time, Spider-Men of the Scarlet and Superior varieties will team up to tackle an old, familiar foe -- the cloning menace known as The Jackal. But when at least one of these wallcrawlers isn't what they appear, is victory in the cards... or disaster?
+Thor: God of Thunder #11 & 12 by Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic and Nic Klein (Aug 14 & 28). It's twice the epic, twice the adventure, and twice the hammers as Thor double-ships this month! First comes the thunderous, senses-shattering conclusion to the "God Butcher" saga from creatives Aaron and Ribic; then, guest artist Nic Klein joins the team for a story of Thor, god amongst us, as the weary thunder god returns home.
+Daredevil #30 by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee (Aug 21). I'm about to string together a series of words so incredible even I can't believe them, and I'm the one behind the keyboard: "in this issue, Daredevil teams up with the Silver Surfer." YES. Also, Matt Murdock meets his new law partner, filling in during Foggy's medical leave of absence. ...Does Norrin practice law, too?
+Captain America #10 by Rick Remender and John Romita Jr. (Aug 28). It's the stunning conclusion to Remender's "Dimension Z" saga! Steve Rogers has been put through the wringer, both physically and emotionally; now, he must find the strength of will to stand up and fight on. Will Captain America rise from tragedy, or has he already fallen too low? Discover the answer in one of the best series of 2013.

+Trillium #1 by Jeff Lemire (Aug 7). Jungle adventure and science fiction collide across time, in an unconventional love story from the author of Sweet Tooth! In the year 3797 botanist Nika Temsmith works on a remote planet in deep space; meanwhile, in 1921 explorer William Pike searches for a lost Inca temple in Peru. Somehow, inexplicably, these two individuals will fall in love... wait what?
+Batman and Nightwing #23 by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason (Aug 21). What's this? Can it be? ...No, it really can't. Maybe. In this issue, Batman asks himself whether he could have saved his son Damian from his ultimate fate, and guest star Nightwing helps him find the answer whether he likes it or not.
+Batman Beyond Universe #1 by Kyle Higgins, Christos Gage, Thony Silas and Iban Coello (Aug 21 ). The adventures of the Batman of the Future continue, in an all-new series! Terry McGinnis struggles to balance life at college with the nighttime duties of his alter ego, the Batman. That proves easier said than done, however, especially when Superman goes rogue and the Justice League Beyond must stop him from destroying everything!
+Legion of Superheroes #23 by Paul Levitz and Kevin Maguire (Aug 21). Long Live... the Legion? In this series-ending issue, the heroes of the 31st Century lick their wounds and count their losses after a deadly attack from the Fatal Five. Can the Legion survive another day? Also ending this month: Dial H, Demon Knights, and Threshold.
+DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe #1 by Keith Giffen and Dexter Soy (Aug 28). Two worlds collide! When Skeletor escapes defeat by opening a portal to another dimension, the Masters give chase and find themselves on a strange world -- one protected by the heroes of the New52! Can He-Man and his friends find Skeletor and return with him to their own world, or will those jerks in the Justice League try to stop them?
+Justice League #23 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis (Aug 28). The "Trinity War" concludes here with a shocking ending that will change the DCU forever! The real secret of Pandora's Box stands revealed, and when the dust settles the Justice Leagues -- all three of them -- will be changed in ways you can't imagine. The reign of evil is upon us!

+Burn the Orphanage: Born to Lose #1 by Daniel Freedman and Sina Grace (Aug 7). Someone burned down the only home young orphan Rock has ever known, and he's going to find out who. With the aid of two friends, he's going to take on every street punk, mafia thug, and ninja stripper the underworld has to offer until he gets to those responsible.
+The Sidekick #1 by J. Michael Straczynski and Tom Mandrake (Aug 7). When the hero is gone, what becomes of his sidekick? The Cowl and Flyboy are a popular crime-fighting duo, but when Cowl is assassinated his young protege becomes a laughing stock, the butt of a joke gone stale. What follows is a fall from grace the likes of which has rarely been seen.
+Think Tank #9 by Matt Hawkins and Rahsan Ekedal (Aug 7). Dr. Loren finds comfort in the controlled confines of his high tech laboratory. But when a field test goes horribly awry, he finds himself deployed to Taiwan to oversee the aftermath with a team of Navy SEALs responsible for his safety. Can Loren survive the experience of a hell he helped create?
+Ghosted #2 by Joshua Williamson and Goran Sudzuka (Aug 14). Paranormal investigator Jackson Winters and his team of ghost hunting experts travel to the Trask Mansion, a haunted house with a history of gruesome murders. They're hoping to capture ghost, but to do so they'll have to break one of Jackson's cardinal rules: "get out before the sun goes down."
+Saga #13 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Aug 14). The most critically acclaimed new series at Image returns with a new story arc! Hazel and her parents set off across the stars, in search of a planet called Quietus. There, they hope to find the reclusive romance novelist D. Oswald Heist, and get some answers.
+Witchblade #169 by Tim Seeley, Diego Bernard and John Christopher (Aug 21). As bearer of the Witchblade, Sara Pezzini has put up with a lot of crap over the years. But what happens when all those menaces come home to roost ast once? To save her home, can Sara muster up enough fight to triumph one last time? One chapter of her life ends, as a new one begins!

+Fagin the Jew 10th Anniversary HC by Will Eisner (Aug 14). Comics legend Will Eisner tackles the work of another literary giant: Charles Dickens! In this tale, Eisner offers his take on the 'Oliver Twist' character Fagin, invariably referred to as "the Jew," and object of much criticism as an anti-Semitic stereotype. Told from Fagin's perspective, this work offers an unseen glimpse into the character's life, from his beginnings in poverty to his initiation and ultimate fate as part of London's seedy underbelly.
+Halo Initiation #1 by Brian Reed and Marco Castiello (Aug 14). The biggest XBox franchise comes to Dark Horse in an all-new series! Explore the origins of the Spartan-IV program, as told through the eyes of Sarah Palmer, member of the Orbital Drop Shock Trooper squad and soon to be one of the most dangerous soldiers in the galaxy.
+True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon and Becky Cloonan (Aug 14). With the help of a former Killjoy, the Girl begins to learn the skills she'll need to take the fight to the BLI. But when she opens her mind as instructed, will the visions she sees prove too much for her to take? And what do her strange visions mean?
+BPRD Hell on Earth #110 by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Tyler Crook (Aug 21). Beginning a new story arc! The first installment of "Lake of Fire" finds pyrokinetic Liz Sherman fighting for her life in a Utah hospital. Meanwhile, her cohorts at the BPRD send a team into the ruins of New York City, while another investigation into a monster cult is underway.
+Itty Bitty Hellboy #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco (Aug 28). The creative minds behind 'Tiny Titans' bring you Hellboy... only smaller! The ghost of Rasputin has appeared from beyond, and it's up to "Big Red" and the pint-sized members of the BPRD to uncover what he wants. That, and the incredible mystery behind chicken soup.
+Star Wars Legacy II #6 by Corinna Bechko, Gabriel Hardman and Brian Thies (Aug 28). Someone or something is hunting the Sith, and Ania Solo and her companion, Imperial Knight Jao, want to know why. Too bad the only thing standing between them and the truth, is the Empire... and the Jedi Order... and the Galactic Alliance... AND the other Imperial Knights. Yeesh.

+Transformers: Robots in Disguise #20 by John Barber and Andrew Griffith (Aug 7). A new day is dawning on Cybertron... and that day belongs to Starscream! But being the ruler of an entire world is no easy task; just ask its former ruler, Bumblebee, for proof of that hard fact. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," as the saying goes, and the Decepticon ruler is about to learn just how true the adage can be.
+Star Trek (Ongoing) #24 by Mike Johnson and Claudia Balboni (Aug 14). Boldly going in an all-new direction! Following the events of this summer's blockbuster, the crew of the Enterprise encounters yet another familiar foe revamped for modern audiences. For the first tme, Captain Kirk and his brave crew will face off against the scaly might of... the GORN.
+The Rocketeer/The Spirit: Pulp Friction #2 by Mark Waid and Paul Smith (Aug 21). The meeting of two pulp fiction giants continues! A murder mystery has drawn the Spirit and his friends to Hollywood, where he soon tangles with the high-flying hero known as the Rocketeer! Can they put aside their differences long enough to save the day and get the girl? Odds say you bet!
+Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #25 by Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman and Mateus Santolouco (Aug 21). The "City Fall" saga marches on as, in a shocking turn of events, Leonardo abandons his brothers and joins the Shredder as his new second-in-command! Can the remaining Turtles redeem their brother while a war rages between New York City's criminal underworld figures, or is he already beyond salvation?
+T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 by Phil Hester and Andrea Di Vito (Aug 21). The agents return with a new series from a new publisher! But their return may be short-lived, unless their newest member Dynamo can successfully harness the power he wields in time to rescue the rest of the Agents from the clutches of the nefarious Iron Maiden!
+Locke & Key: Alpha #1 by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez (Aug 28). Only one more issue of Locke & Key left! The end approaches, and both damned and saved will be forced to make their stand against the darkness. Can they escape the Drowning Cave, or will they meet their final fate in fire and blood?

+Lady Rawhide #1 by Eric Trautmann and Milton Estevam (Dynamite, Aug 7). The 90s "bad girl" revival strikes again! Lady Rawhide returns in a new adventure, but this time she faces more than a corrupt government seeking to keep the lower classes down. A new vigilante group called "The Sisters of the White Rose" has taken to the streets and, with Rawhide as their inspirational model, are cleaning up the territory with deadly zeal.
+Robocop: Last Stand #1 by Frank Miller, Korkut Aztekin and Declan Shalvey (BOOM!, Aug 7). Frank Miller's final, unproduced Robocop script sees the light of day in comic form! OCP's vision for Detroit is well underway, and its ED209 units patrol the streets following the police force's disbandment. With her citizens being evicted en masse to make room for "Delta City," the people need a hero who will stand for them... and Robocop is just the man/machine for the job!
+Suicide Risk #4 by Mike Carey and Elena Casagrande (BOOM!, Aug 7). Captured by the enemy! Leo finds himself in the grip of the beautiful but deadly Diva, and holding on to the edge of his very sanity. Trapped in her lair with little chance of escape, he must somehow break free and stop her before Diva can exact her revenge on those closest to him.
+Bloodshot #0 by Matt Kindt and Chris Cross (Valiant, Aug 21). Declassified for the first time, the secrets of the "Rising Spirit" program and its shining example are revealed! Bloodshot has been through countless wars and led countless lives, but which ones of them are real? Are any of them real? Is Bloodshot a man, or simply a machine, and who is responsible for his creation? When revealed, the answer will shock you!
+Red Sonja #2 by Gail Simone and Walter Geovani (Dynamite, Aug 14). The She Devil with a Sword finds herself at the head of an army in an unwinnable war. With no choice left, Sonja will be forced to do something that will cost her something no previous battle ever has. Is victory still within reach, or will it all be for naught?
+Street Fighter Origins: Akuma HC by Chris Sarracini and Joe Ng (Udon, Aug 28). You know him as the Master of the Dark Hadou; an unstoppable demon who lives only to destroy the strong with his unbeatable fist. But what was he like... before? In this all-new, original graphic novel, that question is finally answered as the secret past of Street Fighter's most enigmatic fighter is revealed, and we see the events that led Akuma down the path of darkness.

Spoilers. In the age of digital comics, they are increasingly becoming an issue in these threads, as the drive to be first to discuss the week's releases overrides common sense and good posting etiquette. So over the coming weeks and months, the members of Comic GAF will be collaborating on and will eventually be implementing a system of general rules for avoiding spoilers on new comics in the Comics OT thread. But for now, please abide by the temporary guidelines outlined below. And remember, you are being watched and judged by your peers.
1. Discussion of newly released comics that involves specific plot details shall be accompanied at all times by the appropriate use of the
tag function.
2. Direct posting of full-page images from newly released comics using the tags is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
3. Direct posting of images or spoilers from comics that have yet to be released is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
4. Covers, solicitation copy, and/or promotional materials shall not be considered spoilers and are allowed, unless their content involves specific plot details; in those cases, outgoing links with spoiler warnings should be used.
5. The unmarked posting of spoilers related to comics will be allowed after a period of one week (Wednesday to Wednesday) from that comic's release.[/b] ([u]NOTE:[/u] Longer? -Spike)
[b]6. Members of Comic GAF are expected at all times to exercise common sense and polite discretion as a matter of courtesy to fellow posters. I know, tough one.
7. If you are unsure of whether or not posting something would constitute a spoiler, err on the side of caution and use the [SPOILER] tags.[/b]
In short, don't be Stephanie Brown. Don't be... The Spoiler. For one thing, [b]you're[/b] not that loveable. >:|
Happy reading!
2. Direct posting of full-page images from newly released comics using the tags is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
3. Direct posting of images or spoilers from comics that have yet to be released is strictly prohibited, and outgoing links to such should be accompanied by the appropriate spoiler warnings.
4. Covers, solicitation copy, and/or promotional materials shall not be considered spoilers and are allowed, unless their content involves specific plot details; in those cases, outgoing links with spoiler warnings should be used.
5. The unmarked posting of spoilers related to comics will be allowed after a period of one week (Wednesday to Wednesday) from that comic's release.[/b] ([u]NOTE:[/u] Longer? -Spike)
[b]6. Members of Comic GAF are expected at all times to exercise common sense and polite discretion as a matter of courtesy to fellow posters. I know, tough one.
7. If you are unsure of whether or not posting something would constitute a spoiler, err on the side of caution and use the [SPOILER] tags.[/b]
In short, don't be Stephanie Brown. Don't be... The Spoiler. For one thing, [b]you're[/b] not that loveable. >:|
Happy reading!