finished read a couple thangs this weekend:
Warren Ellis / Mike Deodato run of Thunderbolts.
ugh... first of all, it's very good. but second, it's such a tease... I cant believe they only did those 12 issues... and comixology doesnt even have the next issues or the prior issues available!! how am I supposed to know what happened before / next?!?! Is the story before / after he wrote it even worth it?? I'll never know... I wish there was more...
Quantum & Woody - Christopher Priest & MD Bright run.
so good, but also, abrupt / cliffhanged ending... wtheck?!?!?! I'm really lookin forward to the new series he's gonna put out with Valiant that supposedly continues the story,
but my grievance with comixology again... why isnt his Black Panther stuff available?!?!
ugh... now what am I gonna read??