Face it Tiger..
Richards coming back tainted by the cancerverse, and Sam is gonna put him down.
That would make me RAGE.
Richards coming back tainted by the cancerverse, and Sam is gonna put him down.
Has anyone been reading Green Lantern? I haven't picked it up since the reboot happened, but I'm thinking about getting into it again. Is it worth it?
UGHHHHHHH, This sounds exaclty what Loeb is going to do
Probably in the most punkass way to really Worf him.
That would make me RAGE.
Yeah it's still worth it. Hasn't hit the highs that it did pre-New 52, but there have been good stories.
Thanks for the rundown.
DC seemed to get a bit carried away with the Lantern titles when the reboot happened. Four per month seems a bit excessive.
Seven of the top ten comics for January are Marvel. You have to think that DC is going to be right where it was before the N52 hit.
Seven of the top ten comics for January are Marvel. You have to think that DC is going to be right where it was before the N52 hit.
Don't know if this has been posted yet but...
Never expected Age of Ultron story to have alternate realty stuff. Cable as Cap and Cyclops as Cable?
Wait, that's Starlord? He looks like some lame character that would be in the Venture Bros.
Wait, that's Starlord? He looks like some lame character that would be in the Venture Bros.
It looks like his old costume
Character designs evolve for a reason. I wonder why marvel went back to havoks whack ass costume
I'm thinking these are characters from alternate realities
yet everyone is cheering that they brought back Power Girls old look at DC
That design wasn't so much of a evolution aa such as it was a hot mess. Like the current red robin costume
yet everyone is cheering that they brought back Power Girls old look at DC
yet everyone is cheering that they brought back Power Girls old look at DC
So excited for this to come back whenever the hell that happens to be.
That design wasn't so much of a evolution as such as it was a hot mess. Like the current red robin costume
yet everyone is cheering that they brought back Power Girls old look at DC
Did you just say you hated the old Red Robin costume...
really? you hated the old red robin costume? i wasnt so hot on it at first but it grew on me. the current one still looks like garbage
Some looks stick. Some don't. I personally think the new Red Robin is better (I absolutely HATED the full head cover black mask of old Red Robin; I realize what it is supposed to be, but it's just ass ugly). On the other hand, I thought Power Girl's new look was a good attempt to tone down the cheesecake of the character, but I don't think she needed it; She has always handled her dessert rather well, to the point of being almost iconic.
Don't know if this has been posted yet but...
Never expected Age of Ultron story to have alternate reality stuff. Cable as Cap and Cyclops as Cable?
I need to keep reading more of Jason Aaron's work.
Thor is great. Scalped is great. I just read his three Black Panther issues. I haven't read anything involving BP before. He is badass. How long was Storm with him and are they still together?
I think the versions with his hair exposed are great. But that covering to it just looks so bad to me.
Its 2 points away from being Batman's helm though.
Isn't that the point?
Its 2 points away from being Batman's helm though.
that PG outfit sucks though. Her new 52 suit looks classy but even the 90s outfit was cooler looking:
"Thanks, Green Lantern!"
And the lack of those two "points" is jarring to me.
Atlantean Power Girl NEVER HAPPENED. Do you understand? NEVER.
It's still a superior costume and I think the atlantean retcon happened much later
With that 80's headband? Really?
Your nitpicking. Take off the 80s headband and its a great costume
Although personally I don't see why she can't wear the headband. Ms.Marvel's new costume is ruined because she wears that scarf thing around her waist and nobody complains there