The only reason I'm interested in that comic is to see how anticlimactic the last page is since Bendis keeps going on about it.**waits for UXM impressions followed by two pages of ranting over spoilers**
The only reason I'm interested in that comic is to see how anticlimactic the last page is since Bendis keeps going on about it.**waits for UXM impressions followed by two pages of ranting over spoilers**
**waits for UXM impressions followed by two pages of ranting over spoilers**
It's out on Comixology now, just read it. I called that months ago after seeing one of the solicitations for a future issue. This might just keep me reading this series.If I guess it based on what I've seen, do I get a cookie? Because I think I might have already guessed it in last month's thread as a joke.
It's out on Comixology now, just read it. I called that months ago after seeing one of the solicitations for a future issue. This might just keep me reading this series.
I can't remember what the spoiler rules are in this thread, is it okay to post what happened in spoiler tags?
It's out on Comixology now, just read it. I called that months ago after seeing one of the solicitations for a future issue. This might just keep me reading this series.
I can't remember what the spoiler rules are in this thread, is it okay to post what happened in spoiler tags?
1. Discussion of newly released comics that involves specific plot details shall be accompanied at all times by the appropriate use of thetag function.
I can't get to the shop until Friday.I wouldn't do it today. Someone will tardclick it and bitch about it.
Spike, are you going to be doing a UXM standalone thread?
Batman was terrible. Join Slott in the sewers of shitty gimmick writing, Snyder!
Please elaborate, what the fuck are you on about, what the fuck were you expecting and what kind of drugs are you on that makes you have so terrible opinions ? Same goes for all of y'all saying those things about Batman #17. You gotta give a bit more than that. Start this slapfight RIGHT.
Okay. Uncanny X-Men #1 SPOILERSIssue starts with Maria Hill, Nick Fury Jr. and Coulson in a SHIELD bunker. Someone important showed up requesting to speak to Hill, he's kept in a cell and his face is never shown. He gives Hill intel about the fact that new mutants are popping up everywhere and how there's a revolution coming led by Cyclops, and how he can no longer properly control his powers. It cuts to Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and the rest of the team in San Diego saving a mutant then fighting off a Sentinel attack, and it's shown that Magneto's powers have been weakened quite a bit.
It then cuts back to the conversation in the SHIELD bunker. The visitor talks about how if Cyclops is killed he'd become a martyr, and that instead he should be revealed as a broken man due to the AvX event. The visitor is revealed to be Magneto (who is now bald). He's angry at Cyclops for killing Xavier who he shared a dream with, and for ruining his powers with the Phoenix Force. He calls him a "murdering monster" and wants to aid SHIELD in exposing him and have him "self-destruct in public".
This has really got me interested in the series, but knowing Bendis it wouldn't surprise me if it's just a plan that Cyclops is in on or something.
We'll give the rest of ComicGAF a day to go unspoiled, but Bruce just sort of casually doing THE STUPIDEST THING IN BATMAN HISTORY is pretty up there. Story just lead nowhere butand now the Bat-family are all a bit emo.fakeouts
Super spoilers:Joker is prepared to mutilate horses, stitch people together and their internal organs to keep them alive as a living mural, but even with Bat-family in his helpess captivity he couldnt carve their faces off -- because he's a big softie? He could however create perfect clinical copies of them, because Joker is a genius scientist now. Oh and no discernable body from good ol classic FALL DEATH ???, Xanatos "they'll be grumpy with you!!!" gambit, etc
Lease, please, please DC pull a Vibe and take Noccenti off Katana ASAP. She is a fucking awful writer filled with awkward dialogue. You can't keep ruining great characters with shitty creative teams. " As the elders say, my shame is deep. As the kids say, epic fail" actual line from Katan issue one.
You sir, are fucking cray-cray. I think one of the things Snyder has been very skillful with in his handling of the Joker is getting his modus operandi. He doesn't do things just to do things. There's always a bigger picture at play, and that's comedy. It's dark comedy for sure, but everything Joker's ever done, even the Classic Joker some people have been yearning for in this thread, is in the service of Jokes. Getting that is, I think, the key to understand what Snyder did in DOTF. It's all a colossal joke, with the aim being to get a great big laugh at that big dummy Bat, who can't stop the Joker despite being so big and scary. It's a neverending dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. Absolutely ridiculous.
So, to answer your question : The Joker did not do that thing because it wasn't funny. Pulling the rug from under Bats or you is his thing, and he did both in Batman #17.
You sir, are fucking cray-cray. [.....]
So, to answer your question : The Joker did not do that thing because it wasn't funny. Pulling the rug from under Bats or you is his thing, and he did both in Batman #17.
Synder's "Batman for Dummies" rolls on.
Synder's "Batman for Dummies" rolls on. Maybe the least interesting, least funny version of the Joker I've ever seen. Cliche, anticlimactic, CONSTANT explanations about every single little fuckin' thing that goes on in the Joker's head. It's absolute GARBAGE.
“As content creators we steadfastly support freedom of expression, however the personal views of individuals associated with DC Comics are just that — personal views — and not those of the company itself.”"
Spoilered, just in case.
Basically this. Like the majority of this thread and apparently most of the internet, I was underwhelmed and outraged by the conclusion (or more like the lack of it, amirite?) but after I slept on it and read through the issue again, I'm now ok with it and, dare I even say, I actually like the issue. I like this proverbial death of the bat-family more than actual deaths of characters - at least, now we're most likely safe from retcons and resurrections
THis DC/Orson Card thing is getting crazy.
I liked it, just wish there was more pay off. It all hinged on the ending. If something more interesting had happened it wouldn't have been so standard.Spot on. This whole DotF arc wasn't bad, it was just so bland and tired.
Anyone read this? The trade comes out this week or next, seems interesting. I'm a sucker for this kind of vibe.
Also, Ann Nocenti suuuuuuuucks.
It's a collection of weird single stories. I know nothing else about it, saw that Image posted about it on facebook with this week's releases.Oh man, new Rian Hughes? Is it a written piece or just a cover with what looks Dan Dare on it?
Also, any rumours about his namtaB work?
So that thing isn't a joke made by someone on the internet? That is actually a book DC is going to publish????
That shit is unacceptable. That shit is promoting hate and prejudice. How come we don't have a separate thread to discuss that?
Imagine is another racist fuckwit (besides Orson Card) made the same comic but instead saying that the world was doomed because of black people!!!
That page isn't real.
Still, Orson Scott Card is a fairly awful person, and I know I have no interest in giving him money.
My issue with it is that I don't even see a reason for thedeath of the bat family. They all have been put in similar situations before.
Besides Snyder and DC were hyping that this story would push Batman over the edge and it certainly didn't seem so. He seemed fine physically and mentally by the end of issue 17.
I liked Batman 17.