Anticitizen One
Best issues of New X-Men were by Ethan Van Sciver. I wish he was the main artist on the book.
Beware with Morrison's Omnibus. The story is fine, although Morrison takes some gross liberties with the characters and the notions of mutantdom. What's problematic is the art. I've never seen a run so consistently and thoroughly marred by a seemingly endless slew of rushed and/or untalented fill-in artists.
yea I hate that I did it but I quit that book around whenFantomex was in it
yea I hate that I did it but I quit that book around whenFantomex was in it
Best issue of New X-Men, and one of the best comics issues ever was #121. Morrison/Quitely. The silent issue from Marvel's "nuff said" promotion. Seriously. Jean Grey and Emma Frost doing psychic surgery on Professor X.
I don't even remember that shit. I need to dig out my Ultimate Collections. It's in there, right?
Finally got over my comicrage at AvX, and caught up on X-stuff. So, so sick of Cyclops, will it ever end? Magneto finding his balls again is a step up, and young Jean is a sort of neat idea, if potentially creepy.
How could you? Fantomex was one of the better parts of the book.
Best issue of New X-Men, and one of the best comics issues ever was #121. Morrison/Quitely. The silent issue from Marvel's "nuff said" promotion. Seriously. Jean Grey and Emma Frost doing psychic surgery on Professor X.
Was there any crossover or interconnectivity with any of the Early 00s X-Men stuff? (New X-Men, Milligans X-Force/X-statix, Exiles, etc.)
I only remember Wolverine hanging out with Doop in X-statix some.
I only remember Wolverine hanging out with Doop in X-statix some.
There was an actual Wolverine/Doop series too.
There was an actual Wolverine/Doop series too.
yea like 2 or 3 issues? I need to dig that stuff out or buy a collection, I feel like reading it again
Was that in the X-Statix omnibus? I blew through that entire thing in a few days, so a lot of it is a blur.
I thought the WatXM ish was amusing but X-Statix>*
Duder those Invincible hardcovers are awesome.Just got some killer hardcovers in today. Invincible Ultimate Collection 1-5, powers 2-4, Scott Pilgrim Color, and Stumptown 1.
Also, I think Johns is going to do a Stargirl ongoing starting in June. You heard it hear first. You can take this rumor for free if you want Rich.
omg that $79..I'm so tempted
yea it says that mini is in there
The lady friend got me a bunch of books for valentines day
Rucka's No Man's Land novelization
Sandman vol4
Pride of Baghdad
Superman: Braniac
Gonna dig into No Man's Land after I finish up Wolverine: Enemy of the State.
It's pretty good. It's monthly so there are just less issues to talk about than most of the big Marvel titles.How has Hulk been? I haven't heard anyone talk about it since it began.
How has Hulk been? I haven't heard anyone talk about it since it began.
No love for Secret Avengers #1? I think the issue was very good.
So Comixology is having a 99c Civil War sale. Are any of the tie-ins worth reading?
So Comixology is having a 99c Civil War sale. Are any of the tie-ins worth reading?
I just cant bring myself to read phil coulson or fury jr. in any of my books.
So Comixology is having a 99c Civil War sale. Are any of the tie-ins worth reading?
Looking at the solicits, who thought it would be a good idea to have the Morbius be about homeless people and gang battles? It's going to be the first Now book to be cancelled. Why is Marvel so afraid of magic and monsters? Can't wait for Alpha Big Time next week, good concept that will finally be in the hands of a talented writer.
The X-Force costumes are pretty freakin' awesome.
Also, we need another male on the team. What is Deadpool doing?
DC has Unwritten which is fucking awesome and I only just finished the second volume.
Looking at the solicits, who thought it would be a good idea to have the Morbius be about homeless people and gang battles? It's going to be the first Now book to be cancelled. Why is Marvel so afraid of magic and monsters? Can't wait for Alpha Big Time next week, good concept that will finally be in the hands of a talented writer.
In a few years Iron Man will go to the dark corners of Marvel with Doctor Strange and join up with Morbius, Ghost Rider and Nightstalkers for when they team up in Avengers 4. But Ghost Rider will get a wierd new costume and will have just a normal face.
yea I hate that I did it but I quit that book around whenFantomex was in it
How could you? Fantomex was one of the better parts of the book.
But Ghost Rider will get a wierd new costume and will have just a normal face.
Stokoe and Graham are homies.You sort of spoiled the spoiler there.
I got King City in the mail a couple days ago. About halfway through and loving it. Reminds me a lot of James Stokoe art. Nearly every page has some kind of pun or play on words too, and I like that.