"We stand behind our product 100% and beyond," he said. "Between the best talent and editorial staff in the business, we decided to show everyone how much we believe in the material by letting them try the first issues free because were confident theyll come back for more. New fans can discover the exciting adventures of characters they love on the big screen and hardcore fans can perhaps try out a series starring heroes they'd never considered before."
How does this response equate to only having this promotion through Tuesday? Why are "new fans" on a 2 day time limit?
Will the issue be removed my archive on Tuesday? Or will I own them forever now? (Until Comixology exists)
On the other end, I just want to remind people that my favorite comic artist died a year ago: Jean Giraud. Or you may know him under the name of Moebius. I love nearly every of his creation. And with the "Marvel 700 free issues promotion", you can get first issue of Silver Surfer: Parable for free! Grab it!
Anybody have any suggestions on how to get rid of a crapton of comics? Nothing valuable, mostly early to mid 90's EXTREME stuff and modern era Image, Dark Horse, and Vertigo. May just give them away but I'd like to get something for them if possible, may just set some super low price per comic and sell as a batch on Craigslist or something like that.
Was thinking about dropping Indestructible Hulk after the first arc. But the thought of Walt Simonson drawing Thor again and Matteo Scalera coming on as artist with the DD arc are keeping me interested.
Plus I love Waids characterization of Banner and premise of the book.
I bought the Severed TPB this week. I was honestly a bit underwhelmed; it's hardly horrifying when everything is basically revealed in the first issue (thus negating the suspense) and there's nothing gory or chilling about the rest of the story. While the art is evocative and well drawn, the final issue devolves into a smudgy mess of browns that make it impossible to see what's going on at key points, so there's little to shock the reader either.
It's a good concept for a horror "monster", though - I felt a little as though there were hints of a richer story to tell there that they couldn't get around to in a miniseries.
I've not read anything else by Snyder; is American Vampire interesting?
free comics?...
Those 2 artists have the opposite effect for me. Hated Scalera's style on Secret Avengers, especially after I had jumped on for what I thought was an extended Gabriel Hardman run. Modern Simonson is nowhere close to the Simonson of 20-30 years ago.
700 marvel #1s are free on comixology app
I'm getting download errors![]()
Next semester take a marketing class, that should help clear things up for you.
So will these chart on Comichron for March?
Finally, Stryfe Strike Files will be recognized!
DC April meetings:
"Sorry Snyder, we have to take you off Batman. We noticed you didn't even chart in the top 700 of the top selling comics of March. We just think our readers have spoken and want someone else on the character."
DC April meetings:
"Sorry Snyder, we have to take you off Batman. We noticed you didn't even chart in the top 700 of the top selling comics of March. We just think our readers have spoken and want someone else on the character."
DC April meetings:
"Sorry Snyder, we have to take you off Batman. We noticed you didn't even chart in the top 700 of the top selling comics of March. We just think our readers have spoken and want someone else on the character."
"Looks like the top 700 issues in March where first issues. Obviously this means we need to reboot every series every month."
Not sure how many times they'll get to use that lettering gag before it gets tired, but so far it works really well.My favorite moment of the series so far.
holy shitsnacks just remembered that's who scalera is. And he's doin HULK???
Matteo Scalera looks great - when I saw an unfamiliar name I did the Fill-in Artist Eye Roll, but looking at his stuff I might prefer it to current Yu.^^^^ yeah, that dude is dope
And thats it to be an eleven issue story beginning in June called The Zero Year. That it will show how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain. But that, as the name will have triggered certain fanboy responses, Were not going to take apart Year One Theres no touching the hem of that book.
It will be out in June, which probably explains the Batbook solicitations delays somewhat
Some info on the new batman arc from Rich
Also the Riddler will be involved
I'm fine with them going back to Year Zero for Batman. The zero issue story was one of the better issues and lately, Batman has been bogged down with past history and heavy family stuff. Seeing Bruce on his own dealing with the Red Hood Gang should be fun, kind of like how Action Comics is a Year Zero for Superman.