Got my Chog figure! It's awesome. It was also within the first 400 sold so it came with a replica ticket to Chows cooking show signed by Layman and Guillory. It was kinda expensive but worth it to support my favorite on going.
So now that Walt is on Indestructible Hulk what is Leinil Yu working on?
Still a vampire, unfortunately. Kid is the mystery or the first arc.
Yup youre right. CBR has a some scans of pencils up
Still a vampire, unfortunately. Kid is the mystery or the first arc.
Ign weekly reviews, this thread should be good, and you can always follow the creators you do like and check out their other work. Check out hawkeye from marvel and batman by Snyder for dc.
Yeah, that's Jean in her most current AoA costume. The ad copy said something about "a final goodbye between Wolverine and AoA Jean Grey," but I don't recall even seeing them appear in the same scene in that issue.
LIES. >:|
How do you guys and gals find new comics? I don't really read marvel or dc anymore but I read Saga, Thief of Thieves, American Vampire, TWD, Chew, etc. I feel like I'm probably missing a lot of great stuff because I don't see it talked about much. I don't actually know anyone else that reads comics either.
Thanks, yeah those are the only 2 I read from the big 2 right now. I was gonna give The Movement #1 a read though.
I am looking for an app where I can save my favorite comic series and the app will give me a notification when a new book was released. Is there anything like this out there? A website would suffice as well.
Would Comics-GAF consider New 52 a failure for DC?
Not to mention marvel now kicking ass and taking names.
The lack of Marvel style crossovers and events for the sake of events is actually what is probably hurting DC the most right now. They really haven't had any outside of the two that the Bat titles and the Green Latern group did and when they did those, the numbers for the branch family books rose quite a bit, and in some cases (like Red Hood) revitalized them. It is the periphery that has suffered. Realistically, we have to accept that tie ins and events of that nature get people to try out books, they are less likely to do so normally.
could try more to write good stories
maybe thats crazy
Right. That explains why stellar series like Sword of Sorcery isn't getting the respectable numbers it deserves. Because it just needs better story.
I'm going to guess you don't read most of the books?
The Palmioti/Gray/Connor Power Girl? That one is so excellent.I bought the first 4 issues of power girl and I love it <3
new 52 comics are next after I get paid
Right. That explains why stellar series like Sword of Sorcery isn't getting the respectable numbers it deserves. Because it just needs better story.
I'm going to guess you don't read most of the books?
I still don't get... you've got the wrong guy. I'm not attacking the dumbass comics. People keep saying they need fixed, I think the writers need to be left alone so they can get awesome.
Some stuff still feels off in some of the books to me, like they're not really into it.
I don't read comics site or sales shit so I don't know whats going on. But now I'm some fucking Marvel Rules Dc drools guy? I should just cancel all my shit and catch up on Hellboy trades and watch DC fucking eat itself while Marvel still tries to tell everyone Avengers is cooler than the JLA.
could try more to write good stories
maybe thats crazy
The Palmioti/Gray/Connor Power Girl? That one is so excellent.
My issue with the 52 is that it replaced the core universe. Had they made it an 'ultimate' line a la marvel and tried something a bit different i think it would have been better. I wasn't reading that many DC books at the time but some of the ongoing series had to have been cut off abruptly when they launched the 52.
Do C/D tier titles from Marvel and DC perform about the same sales wise? I rarely see any advertising for the lower selling DC comics.
The Palmioti/Gray/Connor Power Girl? That one is so excellent.
Speaking of books not being talked about, Thunderbolts and Morbius are a disgrace to the comic medium, but X Men Legacy is a treasure.
oh god, Thunderbolts... Why did they change Thunderbolts to Dark Avengers, only to put out a new Thunderbolts title later? Ugh.
Really wish Shazam would get his own series...they are the highlight of the current run of JL books for me.
you mean that movie with Shaq as the genie? Not sure I want to read a comic book about that.
(the name, is Captain Marvel.)
For such a good debut, Suicide Risk is not being talked about at all. Hope it sticks around
Speaking of books not being talked about, Thunderbolts and Morbius are a disgrace to the comic medium, but X Men Legacy is a treasure.
God, everything about the Thunderbolts is bad. No characters, bad plotting, terrible art (even after the switch)...just bad. Why is Punisher on a team? Why is the book more about How Awesome is Red Hulk? So Awesome than an actual storyline. Deadpool is utterly wasted in this and Venom...Venom might as well not even exist. He's had like,3 lines of dialogue in the entire run.