Did Archie #4 come out today?
Did Archie #4 come out today?
Did Archie #4 come out today?
Does Comics-Gaf still do "issue of the month"?
Daaaaamn. Ramos doing the lords work with this EXM art.
Nope, you are more than welcome to tell us what your issue of the month is. But the vote got cancelled due to lack of voters/same handful always voting.
That's a shame, I kind of stepped away from the community for the better part of the year, so I don't remember when it stopped. I'd actually completely forgotten about it to be honest, until PsychBat's post.
Yeah it was at the start of the year I believe. I was sad when it stopped but I guess here wasn't much interest. I hope you still stay around this time
I read Howling Commandos of Shield #1 and thought it was a fun start. I get the feeling though that this book won't last very long though. I had heard from someone here that Elsa Bloodstone was in this book but she wasn't in the first issue and that's kind of why I bought it![]()
Doctor Strange was great again. Marvel throwing KO punches with ANAD. I'm surprised.
I appreciate the effort and if they are the books you enjoyed then good for you. I liked seeing these pictures before. You should give Monstress a go though.
I really can't get into that book for whatever reason.
eh, i'm gonna go back to posting random songs and shrek memes or whatever
I'm thinking its the text-heavy element. I have the same issue with Captain America, but there are certain things coming up in that run I want to see before deciding whether or not to drop it.It's pretty text-heavy as comic books go. Or maybe mystic Marvel just isn't your thing.
January DCBS cycle is up...
....please announce new books i'm interested in so i can buy something. There's not a single Special i'm interested in adding, closest thing was Cry Havoc #1 and Octopus Pie tp vol 1. Midnighter vol 1? Prez vol 1?
I'm skeptical of DC trades after buying Harley vol 1, Green Arrow Lemire vol 1, and Red Lanterns Soule vol 1, i don't like DC books people think are mostly good, i find them to be not that funny or bland action books. They are the Houston Rockets of comic books.
I might have missed it, but I haven't seen many impressions of James Bond posted. Is it a solid buy? The creative team's pedigree tells me it should be, but I've not read much "spy" fiction, so I don't know if it's the genre for me.
January DCBS cycle is up...
It's been a while, huh?
eh, i'm gonna go back to posting random songs and shrek memes or whatever
It wasn't that great for a first issue I thought. Not really sure why but it just didn't grab me which is a shame because I was looking forward to it. Guess I just felt it was pretty generic. Going to stick with it for the first arc probably.
It's Ellis, so I probably shouldn't even ask and just buy it, but is Bond worth picking up?
Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis are getting back on Aquaman!!!! I hope it isn't just for one arc.
So the employees from Amazing Spider-Man 1 were actually college classmates of Peter?
Man, Mr. Slott really is a fan.
Watching AoS on Hulu and there's already a Christmas commercial! Wth
Watching AoS on Hulu and there's already a Christmas commercial! Wth
Everyone in here is talking about Monstress so much, I'm starting to think it has some BDSM in it. Gonna stop by my local shop tomorrow and pick it up.
Watching AoS on Hulu and there's already a Christmas commercial! Wth
$5 for 66 pages of story.
Check out the stunning art here, I can't post a preview image as it might be nsfw
This is the first time I've seen these posts of yours, but I say, keep it up. I always appreciate theses kinds of posts. Everyone has different tastes and there's nothing wrong with that.
The art is sublime. I didn't even realise the book was 17+.
i don't know man
i don't know *shrugs*
Out of curiosity, why did you stop posting these the first time?
Yeah I think it needs to be.
Sometimes when you try to make something a hobby, depression sucks the fun out of it and you lose interest.
Sometimes when you try to make something a hobby, depression sucks the fun out of it and you lose interest.
$5 for 66 pages of story.
Check out the stunning art here, I can't post a preview image as it might be nsfw
Oh my! That's beautiful! Love my old timey monster smut!
I love when Image does double size first issues. I really love when the art looks this good. Really wish that new Exalted book had hit up this artist, s/he would have been perfect.
hey, do we know when some of the later ANAD marvel books are scheduled to drop?
i ask cause im still trying to get some of the hip hop covers off midtown comics, but they're not listed yet, which possibly means they dont have a date in previews or something. any idea when we're expecting
Miles (Illmatic)
Old Man Logan (Cube)
spidey/Deadpool (paid in full)
Ms Marvel (Lauryn)
moon knight (schoolboy q)
panther (black album)
heroes for hire (mobb deep)
? wanna order the ones they have up as of this week but tempted to hold off & save on shipping if they might be soon-ish
Some of those books are definitely Jan or Feb