tim plsIt was absolutely delightful.
You linked to a lot of porn.Yeah:
You linked to a lot of porn.
Huh. That Powers Omnibus must not be selling well. 60% off on CGN.
That made me laugh way too hard. I guess I didn't investigate what "fuck anime" gets you in google.
What did you said?Alright, Silk was actually pretty interesting.And pretty much exactly what I said months ago.
What did you said?
tim pls
your enthusiasm for the title is already killing sales
Anyone reading Martian Manhatten besides me
Tim + enthusiasm + comics × niche ÷ sales where sales equals zero and zero equals cancellation
My great curse, The Anti-Sales Equation
Tim + enthusiasm + comics × niche ÷ sales where sales equals zero and zero equals cancellation
Which seems totally obvious since the preview came outSilk spoilz obv.
That Silk wasn't actually evil and it was all an angle. Which it is.
She's working for Black Cat when she's really undercover working with Mockingbird for SHIELD
Which seems totally obvious since the preview came out
You should tell this Messi! Messi redeemed!Silk spoilz obv.
That Silk wasn't actually evil and it was all an angle. Which it is.
She's working for Black Cat when she's really undercover working with Mockingbird for SHIELD
Alright, Silk was actually pretty interesting.And pretty much exactly what I said months ago.
At least you haven't killed Omega Men yet.
You hated Vision, right?
Also, there seems to be something new called 'LCS Day' (different from FCBD). Anything interesting going on?
Holy shit, can't stop laughing at this panel from the Howard The Duck preview.
Also, there seems to be something new called 'LCS Day' (different from FCBD). Anything interesting going on?
I will kill everything you love
Which book is that?
rip narez
.Loved the issue. Messi won't believe you.
So far, CincyComiCon has announced Jason Latour, Robbie Rodriguez, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palimotti, and today, Brian Azzerello. Good stuff so far.
What did he yell about to get himself banned?
Edit: Ah the play asia thread? Hahaha what a dumb hill to die on.
bought it, won't be able to get to it til tonight. Art is, uh, not getting me hyped thoughAnyone check out Ringside?
bought sooooooo many comics today (10). succumbed to peer pressure again and bought DKIII, even
bought it, won't be able to get to it til tonight. Art is, uh, not getting me hyped though
Not too shabby. St Louis Comicon is getting David Tennant and Billie Piper so far.
Shit that'll be amazingNot too shabby. St Louis Comicon is getting David Tennant and Billie Piper so far.
Holy shit, can't stop laughing at this panel from the Howard The Duck preview.
bought sooooooo many comics today (10). succumbed to peer pressure again and bought DKIII, even
bought it, won't be able to get to it til tonight. Art is, uh, not getting me hyped though
Pls, 10 comics? Did you forget to pick up DC and image titles also?
I bought 9 comics today. Including Switch. You are spending too much monies on comics, Messi.
I like that part in Silk #1 where she sets that dude on fire in the wheel chair and he rolls down the parking garage and that one dude sees him and screams. Silk is 100% evil.
I thought batman was good fun. If that is the definition of a bad batman game then gimme more bad batman games