I appreciate the lull in Comixology's sales this week, after week after week of top shelf comics. Does Comixology typical participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I can't remember.
I think they did something last year. I don't remember what it was.I appreciate the lull in Comixology's sales this week, after week after week of top shelf comics. Does Comixology typical participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I can't remember.
Still can't make it through the second week of July comics. I'm still that depressed. I also think it's because Didio cancelled most of the books I'm interested in like Dr. Fate, Doomed, Aquaman, Gotham By Midnight and Mystic U and Dark Universe.
Still can't make it through the second week of July comics. I'm still that depressed. I also think it's because Didio cancelled most of the books I'm interested in like Dr. Fate, Doomed, Aquaman, Gotham By Midnight and Mystic U and Dark Universe.
Until KH3 trailer
goddamn it
Eh. With no new worlds they can keep it, honestly.
I appreciate the lull in Comixology's sales this week, after week after week of top shelf comics. Does Comixology typical participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I can't remember.
Between the backlog and my now impending financial circumstance change I'm kinda glad for it too. I think I have enough to read until about February.
Still can't make it through the second week of July comics. I'm still that depressed. I also think it's because Didio cancelled most of the books I'm interested in like Dr. Fate, Doomed, Aquaman, Gotham By Midnight and Mystic U and Dark Universe.
Still can't make it through the second week of July comics. I'm still that depressed. I also think it's because Didio cancelled most of the books I'm interested in like Dr. Fate, Doomed, Aquaman, Gotham By Midnight and Mystic U and Dark Universe.
Aquaman wasn't cancelled, Bunn left because nobody liked what he'd done with it. His editor asked him to stay on despite the negative feedback to his first issue, and told him to ride it out for it bit. Nothing changed, it still received a ton of hate.
Still can't make it through the second week of July comics. I'm still that depressed. I also think it's because Didio cancelled most of the books I'm interested in like Dr. Fate, Doomed, Aquaman, Gotham By Midnight and Mystic U and Dark Universe.
Until KH3 trailer
goddamn it
Hey ComicGAF, I want to get rid of some trades, but don't feel like selling them individually. I'm looking for $10 to cover shipping for this lot.
One punch man Vol 1
Archer and Armstrong Vol 1
Bloodshot Vol 1
Harbinger Vol 1&2
Eternal Warrior Vol 1
100 Bullets Vol 1&2
Maybe something else, too. Just thinning out my bookshelf and thought someone on here might be interested. Sorry if this is totally not ok here. If you want to try out some Valiant, this isn't a horrible way to sample it.
I appreciate the lull in Comixology's sales this week, after week after week of top shelf comics. Does Comixology typical participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales? I can't remember.
I usually find something in the most low key sales, but you're right, nothing for me this week either.
I'm pretty sure BF will have a big sale across multiple publishers.
I usually find something in the most low key sales, but you're right, nothing for me this week either.
I'm pretty sure BF will have a big sale across multiple publishers.
Same. There's usually something every week that I have been eyeing, or that looks solid. Joe Hill's Road Rage has caught my interest this week, but I'm definitely going to hold back on the sales, until Black Friday.
Unpopular Spider-Man opinions.
I agree with a few of them.
Havent seen it because I am at work. but the dude seriously thinks that Spider-Man (not even a Marvel property) will be Centerpice of the MCU?
Edit: What you claim is plainthrough wrong, Spidey dealt big world threatening menaces countless times before, from time to time even almost at his own and its completly ok when he works side by side with the Avengers in Avengers movies.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
Like they did with Ant Man & The Wasp. Ant Man & The Wasp confirmed to be the centerpices of the MCU confirmed.Marvel shoved everyone who wasn't already in early pre-production out of the way when they announced the new Spider-Man movie. The character is prominently featured in just about every single piece of non-MCU marketing. He is easily one of the highest-earning characters in all of superhero comics, if not all popular fiction. He is absolutely going to be a center-piece going forward.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
Like they did with Ant Man & The Wasp. Ant Man & The Wasp confirmed to be the centerpices of the MCU confirmed.
Sorry you are jumping to conclussion. They just thought it would fit there the best way and thats it.
He wont be the Centerpiece even while he will be most likely very prominent because he is Spider-Man. Why make something your centerpice, when you dont get 1$ from boxoffice. They dont even have 100% free creative freedom, Sony has final say on everything. It would be pretty stupid to build everything around a character you cant 100% rely on how things turn out in the end.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
I'd argue Iron Man's still the centrepiece of the MCU but it's transitioning to Cap over time. It'll be interesting to see if Evans hangs around after Infinity War.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
I'm reminded that I still need to get Sunstone vol. 3.
Tangled's in it.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
y'all aint even read shutter tho?
Lies. I certainly do.
We are never getting Mystic U and Dark Universe, are we?
This print arrived today....LOOOOOOVEEEEE. I apologize for anyone stunned by me posting this smut, I hope I am not tricking any of you innocent folk into accidentally looking at bdsm smut.
good although limited look at how delays have impacting marvel right now
worst case scenario:Super interesting.
Hickman must have cashed in every last favor to keep his team intact, god bless him.