Read like the first third or so of the Carl Barks book titled A Christmas for Shacktown and wow, it's crazy how much of a difference the 5 years or so between this and the first one I read makes. The titular stories both have that Christmas theme, but there's a vast gulf in quality between them. And this one has been pretty much entirely great all around so far. It really is crazy to think how old this is, and I have little doubt that it probably holds up the best of comics of that vintage. Hell, I love the crap out of Osamu Tezuka, and think that Astro Boy is pretty good considering how old it is, but I'd still say this stuff is leagues better.
Definitely leaning towards just catching up on Carl Barks (in addition to Don Rosa) for what's out in this collection. It's a shame they aren't all available in two pack form, though, as that'll cause some slight inconsistency in the collection...