Secret Wars Monday continues
Inhumans Attilan Rising #1 - yo this was so fucking dope. 40s noir detective looking Ghost Rider, rebel Inhumans going to other battleworld domains stirring some shit which is a big no no to God Doom as we have already seen in other books, Medusa tasked with stopping that shit and a cool ass talking Blackbolt as shady bar owner at the end? With awesome art by John Timms (who? I dont know most of these artists and some are blowing me away)? Awesome first issue and easily one if the biggest surprises so far (I need to stop expecting what these Secret Wars books are about tbh lol).
M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #1 - Not so sure about this one, didnt do much for me. I thought it would be more of a comedy book but its just a normal story, and MODOK never did much for me outside of Secret Avengers. Gaf must have loved Gambit casually having his head blown off tho

The stinger at the end with Angela and MODOK seemingly falling for her might be amusing for the next issue but for now this was definately one of the weaker tie ins for me.
Old Man Logan #1 - Best book of the week? Probably. I didnt know this was a direct sequel to the first story (well, with Secret Wars regions and Doom stuff mixed in), and as a big fan of the original, I loved every bit of this. The various gangs using superhero costumes as their "colors" is a great, if fucked up, idea and I wish the book was more about this. Unfortunately it seems Logan is going off into other domains next since he's climbing the wall at the end (man a lot of people do that for such a forbidden thing lol). Still as another taste as the Old Man Logan future this was a treat. Special note to Andrea Sorrentino's beautiful striking art, and also the colors, just a beautiful book. Easily one of my favorites so far, not looking forward for it to go down the shitter as I heard it does in later issues :/
One more round to go...