I read it and I have no clue as to either of your questions. Lol
Oh man, Walking Dead. I knewthat shit was going to happen. No other reason for Kirkman to keep Negan alive.
Oh man, Walking Dead. I knewthat shit was going to happen. No other reason for Kirkman to keep Negan alive.
I dont even know why I clicked this, but now I hate myself
I dont even know why I clicked this, but now I hate myself
I don't know what to think aboutNeegan. Do you think he'll gain Rick's trust only to destroy him in the end? I enjoy Neegan because how can you not? But I'll always hate his ass for what he did to Glenn. Alpha is a stone cold killer. What is her motivation for even wanting to lead this most miserable group of survivors? And is there anyone Carl won't point a gun at? I was thinking Rick, but, nope, he pointed a gun at him when he thought he might turn after the antibiotics overdose or whatever that was. That bitch Lydia is lucky Andrea didn't slap her weak ass after Lydia pointed a gun at her. Andrea staying classy.
You want some real fun? Count how many people in ANAD have no previous works with Marvel Comics. It's a tiny handful.
All-New. All-Different.
Oh man, you can't blame that one on me. Those spoiler tags weren't even Freeza'd.
For now,He's going to be the devil on Rick's shoulder. Negan will help him out, but he's going to want something. The long-term is what's going to be interesting. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Kirkman is planning to kill off Rick soon. After all, he did introduce Dagna's crew not long ago before doing absolutely nothing with them.
Checked out iPad Pro at the Apple store. Its so big its absurd! It won't be for everyone but for what I use my iPad for it looks like it'll be awesome.
Placed the order on apple, and now to wait a couple more weeks
You have some weird complaints lol.
Following this thread as a trade-waiting Walking Dead reader is not easy. You'll be spoiled. Either because you can't resist black bars or because someone is careless. And it's a terrible book to be spoiled on. If you can, I'd encourage you to catch up. The issues are only 2.99. Well, except for me if I buy on Comixology, apparently. I checked and after the U.S. -> Canada conversion, I apparently paid over $4 for my issue today. Guess I'll stop buying digitally since it seems to be more expensive for me that way.
I am behind on walking dead and I have been since I got here. Never seen an unmarked spoiler. The walking dead crowd tend to be good at marking their chats,
Clicking black bars...well that I can't vouch for.
I am behind on walking dead and I have been since I got here. Never seen an unmarked spoiler. The walking dead crowd tend to be good at marking their chats,
Clicking black bars...well that I can't vouch for.
I'm curious as to what you thinkthe introduction of Dagna's crew would have to do with killing off Rick soon? I don't think Kirkman will kill Rick until the very final issue, if even then. But, man, I wish he would. I hate Rick.
I'm trying to point out that ANAD Marvel feels somewhat stale, in parts, because there aren't really that many new voices, or new perspectives, which is reflected in the final product.
Just off the top of my head, Kirkman couldKill off Rick, have Negan take control of the community and shift the main focus of the book to Magna's crew (lol, I was initially thinking of Dagna the Dwarf from Dragon Age), regardless of whether they stay or flee. Or, they could have been moles aligned with Alpha from the beginning. I mean, how else did some of Alpha's people get into the community for the kidnappings unless someone was already there? The fact they were in the wilderness where they could be rescued by Rick's people seemed pretty convenient. I doubt Kirkman would put new characters in place like that and not have a reason.
I'm terribly bored of the TV series, but I look forward to every new issue of the comic.
I just got Fear Agent Vol 1 Library Edition in, and I'm ASTONISHED by how good the quality is. Far, far better than DC's and Marvel's deluxe editions/OHCs and no more expensive. It's more closely in line with the absolute editions in size and binding and maybe even better in paper quality, but at half+ the cost.
Sorry for rambling, but I'm just kind of blown away. Bravo to Dark Horse from a new fan.
Yea for me I use it 99% of the time in landscape mode propped up on my as I lay around. So weight means nothing as I never really hold it myself. And the comics. I can't wait to see the comics!!Yeah, I don't think the Pro is really 'for' me. I use my ipad primarily for media consumption; video, browsing, email, reading, games, etc. Big screen aside, because of that I'm not really looking to go heavier for my tablet.
I'm sure comics will look glorious on it though.
Just off the top of my head, Kirkman couldKill off Rick, have Negan take control of the community and shift the main focus of the book to Magna's crew (lol, I was initially thinking of Dagna the Dwarf from Dragon Age), regardless of whether they stay or flee. Or, they could have been moles aligned with Alpha from the beginning. I mean, how else did some of Alpha's people get into the community for the kidnappings unless someone was already there? The fact they were in the wilderness where they could be rescued by Rick's people seemed pretty convenient. I doubt Kirkman would put new characters in place like that and not have a reason.
I'm terribly bored of the TV series, but I look forward to every new issue of the comic.
Just read ANAD Avengers #1 and I liked it. The main story itself went by a little too fast but I like how Waid wrote Tony, Sam, and Miles here. Definitely looking forward to more.
The second half was great!
Good points aboutMagna's group. (I didn't even notice you got the name wrong. So many TWD names.) I've wondered about them, too. They seemed like they were gonna cause trouble and then.. Nothing. But if your theory is correct, they offed one of their own. The dude who was crushed out on Magna ended up pike'd.
You read today's issue, right?Alpha sliced the throat of her own guy. I wouldn't put it past any of them.
Honestly, there were a lot of good comics this week.
Honestly, there were a lot of good comics this week.
Won $400 on Draft Kings last week. Thinking about putting that money towards this.....
The draft kings ads have invaded Comics-gaf itself....i thought we were safe here.
Oh well, i always knew we'd have to destroy this place sometime, that's why i started reading sejic books.
pretty solid looking week yeah. only read secret wars but the rest of those titles are either proven or look goddamn goodblah
Honestly, there were a lot of good comics this week.
DaaaaaaamnThere's a Dex-Starr plushie being released through Diamond today. I'm tempted to get it as a Red Lanterns/Dex-Starr fan.
WTF, since when were Medusa and Human Torch together?
Uncanny Inhumans is trash btw
Ultimates <3
Best Avengers book of the relaunch, felt like a "proper" Avengers book.Ultimates <3
Honestly, there were a lot of good comics this week.
This is the first I'm hearing about Autumnlands. Sounds cool. On the wishlist it goes.
The wishlist just keeps on growing.
If this is your definition of stale, you should run away and never look back, because there's no possible way you're ever going to be happy. What is the tone or genre or style you're looking for that isn't represented in the current lineup that would actually have a place at a publisher like Marvel? They haven't had a lineup this diverse since they were putting out books like G.I. Joe, Barbie, Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, and Groo, and even then, their superhero stuff was so homogenous that I don't even think those off-kilter licensed books made for a lineup as varied overall as what we see today. If you look at this and think "stale", that's about you, not Marvel.I'm trying to point out that ANAD Marvel feels somewhat stale, in parts, because there aren't really that many new voices, or new perspectives, which is reflected in the final product.