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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Books I would even consider paying $5 a month for: Stray Bullets, Copra, Miracleman, Hawkeye, Multiversity(helps that its 30+ pages), The Private Eye(I feel compelled to give Marcos Martin money)...probably Deadly Class. I think that's it. We're talking about that Excellent!/consistently Very Good! range here.

Remender the slimy move they pulled am issue or two ago hiking the price. That took some balls after Hawkeye fans waiting so long for issues. Left a real sour taste with me.


Batman might be going to 4.99, but with Ten Actual Pages Of Actual Story added, which is pretty much The Only Way You're Allowed To Do It.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face

I didn't know this existed. I am huge Mieville fan. Will include the trades in my next order.

My dude. Check out Dial H. I've been meaning to dig into his novels after loving Dial H. Glad tim brought up Dial H today!

I'm probably going to dig up my floppies and reread this soon. Issue 13 makes my favorite issues of anything ever list.


Dial H was so awesome and really stood out in the Nu52. Shame no one has given mellvile some more work.

Well it helped having Karen Berger around at the time because she's literally the greatest comic book editor of all time, and I'm ready to fight anyone on this so COME AT ME.
Remender the slimy move they pulled am issue or two ago hiking the price. That took some balls after Hawkeye fans waiting so long for issues. Left a real sour taste with me.

Messi got Rick Remender on the brain. I'll assume you meant "remember".


Damn, just saw Avengers again. What an amazing Movie, so glad he brought me back and deeper into reading Comics :D
Was there a Comic OT when the movie released? Would be interesting to read the reactions here :D
Remender the slimy move they pulled am issue or two ago hiking the price.


yeah they did the same thing with Daredevil, relaunched the same damn book with the same damn creative team...they lucky the book is good and I'm too lazy to wait for trades

Issue 13 makes my favorite issues of anything ever list.

I want to see more Favorite Issue Lists out there. Like if there was some desert island and you got trapped there with a longbox of a dozen or so comics what would they be. Not runs, or trade paperback collections of multiple comic like Watchmen or whatever, I mean like the one-shots or individual issues. I thought they was an interesting exercise, singling out the material that really stuck with you. I did a post on that earlier while you were away, I think.

edit: lookin at this list, its missing Stray Bullets #16, whoops


Fuck forgot to read Rat Queens...that'sl what happens when it don't get released on a monthly basis.
@Ssnyder1835: Regarding the price point on Batman, @GregCapullo and I heard about it yesterday w/you, and quickly made a case to DC about reducing it. 1/2

@Ssnyder1835: And I can genuinely (happily) say that DC are taking it very seriously, which we appreciate. Stay tuned.

Scott Snyder from Twitter.
Can someone elaborate on the $5 monthlies? Is it a general statement because things are heading that way, or have there been any specific announcements?
Not sure if you want to wait that long, but there's a Deluxe Edition coming May 2015.

Can someone give me the lowdown on what Dial H is though? I know nothing about it.

:( I don't know if I can wait. My library doesn't seem to have the trades.

My dude. Check out Dial H. I've been meaning to dig into his novels after loving Dial H. Glad tim brought up Dial H today!

I'm probably going to dig up my floppies and reread this soon. Issue 13 makes my favorite issues of anything ever list.

Does the run feel complete or was it cancelled abruptly?


@Ssnyder1835: Regarding the price point on Batman, @GregCapullo and I heard about it yesterday w/you, and quickly made a case to DC about reducing it. 1/2

@Ssnyder1835: And I can genuinely (happily) say that DC are taking it very seriously, which we appreciate. Stay tuned.

Scott Snyder from Twitter.

Holy cow, huge respect for Scott Snyder, I think he's an awesome guy and this reinforces it. Never heard of a Marvel writer trying that...

Anyways, Bucky Barnes was excellent, I really dig the tone, and Rudy's art is cool, though I did find myself getting lost in certain parts, hopefully things even out. I love Quake and Namor being there, especially since Bucky and Namor's relationship is always a goldmine for writers. It's nice to see Buck's smart-ass personality there too, it can be serious, but it's important to keep that dark humor aspect of his character as well. I hope any of you guys who are interested try to support it.

I'm done with Cap with this issue, I hate to say it for one of my favorite characters, but I need a break. Deadly Class is my favorite Remender book and the only one I'm pulling right now.


I want to see more Favorite Issue Lists out there. Like if there was some desert island and you got trapped there with a longbox of a dozen or so comics what would they be. Not runs, or trade paperback collections of multiple comic like Watchmen or whatever, I mean like the one-shots or individual issues. I thought they was an interesting exercise, singling out the material that really stuck with you. I did a post on that earlier while you were away, I think.

edit: lookin at this list, its missing Stray Bullets #16, whoops

Yo, I'm totally gonna do that this weekend. It'd be cool to see everyone's must have issues, hopefully others take the challenge.


Can someone elaborate on the $5 monthlies? Is it a general statement because things are heading that way, or have there been any specific announcements?

Usually it's with increased page counts, that's how we got 3.99, then it was 3.99/20 pages silently. I expect the same unless people stop buying books.


Peter David is understandably upset about ANXF's cancellation.

Taking out that frustration on paying customers? Super shitty.

Fantastic article, this guy summed everything I have been trying to say up, and much better too. Peter David should be taking a look at the pricing structure and not blaming fans, especially those who look at other entertainment and see much better deals than in comics (you can get good video games for the same price as X-Factor). Even with a higher page count, I feel that $4.99 books will cause dips in the audience.

Why don't digal sales count? :( Seems like a shitty practice. Also, should take the road Ms. Marvel is on and go the 2.99 route for a book that doesn't include A-tier characters. Same case that should have been for New Warriors and Superior Foes of Spider-man.

Yep. Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier should be $2.99, and should have been advertised to the movie audience, yet there was nothing. Marvel completely botched the launch of a new comic of a spotlit character, by releasing months after the movie already came out (instead there was a convoluted miniseries that tied more into Remender's Cap run). I will support one of my favorite characters, I'm just worried about how long it's going to last.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh what! My man Alberto Ponticelli does the art for Dial H? Even though I still have no idea what it's all about, I'm in for that Deluxe Edition.

Yo, I'm totally gonna do that this weekend. It'd be cool to see everyone's must have issues, hopefully others take the challenge.

I probably will too if I remember. It may not turn out so well since I haven't been a comics reader for too long, have a terrible memory, and am bad at reviews though. But that won't stop me from maybe doing it anyways. Haha


I probably will too if I remember. It may not turn out so well since I haven't been a comics reader for too long, have a terrible memory, and am bad at reviews though. But that won't stop me from maybe doing it anyways. Haha

Same here. I'll rummage through my back issues but I've been reading off and on since 2011, so most of my picks won't be that old.


Damn, I didn't know China Mieville wrote a comic! I'm definitely checking that out when I get the chance... hopefully the artist is able to capture the spirit of the oddities he creates.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Same here. I'll rummage through my back issues but I've been reading off and on since 2011, so most of my picks won't be that old.

I have a feeling Tim and Viewtiful's lists are going to all be issues that changed their lives and made them look at the world in a totally different way, meanwhile mine are all going to be like "I just really enjoyed this issue. The plot was great and the art was nice too."


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Damn, I didn't know China Mieville wrote a comic! I'm definitely checking that out when I get the chance... hopefully the artist is able to capture the spirit of the oddities he creates.

I've only seen Ponticelli's art in Unknown Soldier (which is absolutely incredible, by the way, and you need to check it out sometime), but he did a fantastic job in that.


Nah I was piggybacking off of some speculative shit from earlier.

I always want to eat that comparison Apple.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why. Why ship when I am in Florida. This makes it much harder for me to get it.


Second classic head is beautiful.

Bat signal Cheska.
@TomKingTK: Starting script for new one and done. First time writing this character. Using an odd approach. Fingers crossed, making typing awkward.

Keep on doing what you do on Grayson Tom King.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why. Why ship when I am in Florida. This makes it much harder for me to get it.


Second classic head is beautiful.

Bat signal Cheska.

This is honestly the best Sideshow statue I've ever seen. The only other one I like is Lobo.


Which one in Sacramento?

The Wizard World that was held in early March (3/7-3/9/14, I think). I honestly think the artist's alley for our locally run Sac-Con is better... we at least always have Ramon Villalobos there! Speaking of which, the con is only two weeks away. Yesssssss
I almost put Detective Comics back in the shelf today from my pull list because it is a side story by a creative team I have never heard of before. Hooooo-leeeee shit I am glad I didn't. Percy/Leon/Stewart just crafted (so far, 2 parts) one of the most unique Batman issues I have ever read. First off the art is channeling a mix between D. Cooke/C. Samnee.

I totally agree. I just read it,, Crazy man I was thinking the same thing about everything you just said. Just about word for word... Nothing else for me to add.

..Well besides it was like Die Hard and crack braj. Haha.
Did anyone pledge support for Van Jensen's 'The Leg'? I'm eagerly awaiting my copy. I'm currently reading his much underrated Pinocchio Vampire Slayer'. It's darkly clever and witty. Definitely worth a look in.
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