Gold Member

Developer: Arkane Studio | Publisher: Bethesda Softworks | Official Site | PS3/X360/PS4/Xbox One/ PC (Definitive Edition for current-gen)
Game Overview
Set in the fictional, plague-ridden industrial city of Dunwall, Dishonored follows the story of Corvo Attano, bodyguard to the Empress of the Isles. He is framed for her murder and forced to become an assassin, seeking revenge on those who conspired against him. Corvo is aided in his quest by the Loyalists—a resistance group fighting to reclaim Dunwall, and the Outsider—a powerful being who imbues Corvo with magical abilities.
The game is played from a first-person perspective and allows the player to undertake a series of missions in a variety of ways, with an emphasis on player choice. Missions can be completed through stealth, combat, or a combination of both. Exploring each level opens new paths and alternatives for accomplishing mission goals, and it is possible to complete all missions, eliminating all of Corvo's targets, in a non-lethal manner. The story and missions are changed in response to the player's violent actions or lack thereof. Magical abilities and equipment are designed to be combined to create new and varied effects.
Community Playthrough
A few of decided to try something new for GAF with the concept of a community playthrough. After a brief read through the thread we decided to tighten the scope around which game to use. The ones originally listed were very deep and we're probably best starting small to see if we can get some traction. Overall the idea is very basic, a few people will play through the game giving their feedback and progress at certain milestones.
Different participants will prefer to give their feedback in different ways so it's up to those users how they present it back. Some might do a text writeup with screenshots and images, some might do supporting video or a highlight reel of their first milestone. Ideally it will give an independent and balanced consensus or a reasoned critique and more insightful overview of whether it's a game for you or not. If nothing else, it may just push one of you to pluck it from your backlog
There will probably be spoilers just because the nature of the thread which would get too cumbersome to remove with video and inline thread spoilers so just take this at it comes really. Below are the milestones and what we intend. As the title implies, this group will be playing Dishonored through first. We look forward to the feedback and the experience. Please do leave any comments or feedback as they will encourage us to persist and make it feel like it's worthwhile for the community. Also do leave 'reactions' as well.
27.05.19 | - Milestone 1: 5 hours of game play - Update expected (when milestone met or on 03.06.19) - Community can add thoughts and impressions on format |
03.06.19 | - Milestone 2: 5 hours of game play - Update expected (when milestone met or on 10.06.19) - Community can add thoughts and impressions on format |
10.06.19 | - Milestone 3: 5 hours of game play - Update expected (when milestone met or on 17.06.19) - Community can add thoughts and impressions on format |
17.06.19 | - Milestone 4: 5 hours of game play - Update expected (when milestone met or on 23.06.19) - Community can add thoughts and impressions on format |
23.06.19 | - Final milestone and wrap-up - Don't have to have completed the game |