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Company of Heroes 2 |OT| The Motherland is Calling - [Western Front Armies out now]

What are the graphical settings that bring the game down the most? I have a 4 GB GTX670 SC and an i5-3570K and the game drops to 15 FPS when artillery strikes. Playing the campaign beta mission right now, game just doesn't look good enough to get that kind of drop to me. Is it the AA which I have at highest as well?


What are the graphical settings that bring the game down the most? I have a 4 GB GTX670 SC and an i5-3570K and the game is drops 15 FPS when artillery strikes. Playing the campaign beta mission right now, game just doesn't look good enough to get that kind of drop to me. Is it the AA which I have at highest as well?

I would like to know this as well. At times the game is unplayable on my GTX770 ([email protected]) and the visuals don't justify that. It's a good looking game but it shouldn't run at 20-30fps half the time. Half is probably exaggerating a bit but the game is really sluggish. Burning trees/fire in general is another effect (in addition to artillery) that causes huge fps drops right now.


I would like to know this as well. At times the game is unplayable on my GTX770 ([email protected]) and the visuals don't justify that. It's a good looking game but it shouldn't run at 20-30fps half the time. Half is probably exaggerating a bit but the game is really sluggish. Burning trees/fire in general is another effect (in addition to artillery) that causes huge fps drops right now.

you think that is bad, try a 4v4 game with a blizzard :(

I think it is just poorly optimized, as someone on previous page mentioned they ere running titans and still having framerate issues
you think that is bad, try a 4v4 game with a blizzard :(

I think it is just poorly optimized, as someone on previous page mentioned they ere running titans and still having framerate issues

I'm guessing this has been fixed in the "gold" version and when the game comes out everything will be fine?
Hopefully it gets fixed though, buying it none the less but I was expecting a pretty smooth 60 FPS although perhaps that was unreasonable.

When does the embargo go up? I'm most interested in hearing about the campaign, where I will be spending the bulk of my time given I get nervous playing online and fuck up :D
Awww, let's do a 1v1 nice and relaxed - Might not be as bad as you think :p

Heh, down the line maybe. I was talking the original Company of Heroes, haven't put enough time into 2's basics yet to get back online.

Is the collector's edition worth getting for 48 dollars as compared to the base for 33?


The matchmaking in the Beta is broken, I keep getting put against people who are level 40 and up....

The only good news is if you read through the aftermath, you can learn alot by reading their build tactics


I see like all online games this one is no exception to quitters...

3vs3 only 2 left at end, and people put the surrender option up far to quickly, and if you dont agree they quit!!


Still bummed about the really bad performance issues and the fact that this game just doesn't seem up to par with the original.

However I keep on playing it. I guess I forgot how much fun Company of Heroes style multiplayer can be.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
For my money, there's not much more gratifying than hearing a vet2 light vehicle go "thump...thump...thump" and get XP hits for every thump it fires out because it killed a soldier. So good. I will foolishly buy more light vehicles when I shouldn't because that goddamn sound is so good.

Ranking up there is rocking a tank from the side with an anti-tank vehicle. Seeing it sway back and forth and attempt to move is like watching an injured animal try to get away from a predator, but doesn't churn my stomach. It makes me HUNGRY for the explosion.


It's a shame that so many reviews will focus on the SP campaign which is a catastrophic waste of time, in my opinion. Company of Heroes is multiplayer and that's where it shines.


It's a shame that so many reviews will focus on the SP campaign which is a catastrophic waste of time, in my opinion. Company of Heroes is multiplayer and that's where it shines.

Basically. I'd go so far too say the reason many are picking up the game is due to the MP. It's funny coh 2 gets chastised for being like the first but those complaints about sc2 were absent.


thanks for the laugh
It's a shame that so many reviews will focus on the SP campaign which is a catastrophic waste of time, in my opinion. Company of Heroes is multiplayer and that's where it shines.

i think the issue with RTS is that even if the game is about to launch, you're still essentially previewing the multiplayer. you can dissect the mechanics, but you'll still only be speculating as to their effectiveness until the meta begins to emerge.


I don't think they should be reviewing it yet. They are basing the MP off of the beta. They admit as much, and praise Relic's reliability in patching their games for balance, but they are still criticising a game that isn't technically complete yet, and who knows when the actual review was written. One patch can change a lot in a game like this, especially his concerns with early game dominance leading to an inevitable victory. If waiting until launch is required to write a proper review, and that means the review slips a month in their magazine, then so be it.

Reviewing a game based on a beta is unprofessional, imo.
RTS games make for shitty multiplayer. except for starcraft macro...which is dominated by autists with android reflexes. Took me many years to realise this so singleplayer is all i'm interested in.


RTS games make for shitty multiplayer. except for starcraft macro...which is dominated by autists with android reflexes. Took me many years to realise this so singleplayer is all i'm interested in.

My advice is to bring a friend who is just as inexperienced as you and just play 1v1 matches until you both get familar with your armies, then team up and try your luck at a 2v2 vs AI until you get comfortable with each other.

Then hop into some pvp 2v2 and enjoy the awesomeness.


Formerly Gizmowned
How do you adjust the anti tank guns? I know how to move them around but cant seem to figure out to point them at the targets.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How do you adjust the anti tank guns? I know how to move them around but cant seem to figure out to point them at the targets.

Right-click and drag, will show you the cone.
Surprised this thread is so sparse, was under the impression Company of Heroes was huge for an RTS(obviously not Blizzard level but still)

Got my Digital Collectors ready though, exciting!(only paid 47 so woot)


Surprised this thread is so sparse, was under the impression Company of Heroes was huge for an RTS(obviously not Blizzard level but still)

Got my Digital Collectors ready though, exciting!(only paid 47 so woot)

Yeah, I'm a bit afraid that this game will tank. No pun intended.


NeoGAF is no measure of popularity for games like this, not even close. Total War games, WW2 strategy games, Milsims, simulators all genres and styles that GAF generally doesn't give a shit about.


ready for campaign only!

I dont like RTS multiplayer, it usually lags and im terrible. But cant wait to play this
NeoGAF is no measure of popularity for games like this, not even close. Total War games, WW2 strategy games, Milsims, simulators all genres and styles that GAF generally doesn't give a shit about.

I suppose so, just think of Gaf as a rather diverse and populous place usually. Suppose it is a lot of the same people in the RTS and sim threads :D

I certainly don't think the game is in dire straights though, just figured there'd be more people pumped here.


Caved in and pre-orderd for $45 on greenmangaming.

My first impression of the mulitplayer beta were bad in the sense that I got my arse kicked. However, since I had basically lived and breathed the original COH multiplayer for about a year I went back and don't regret learning the new game.

It may not have the legs that vCOH had, but I'm williing to give it my time because it is just so much damn fun.


Can someone explain why Steam auto-downloaded a new version of the original Company of Heroes?

I understand that it's something to do with THQ going under, and nobody being left to support the old game? I'm just a bit confused as to whether or not I'll still be able to play Opposing Fronts online.
Can someone explain why Steam auto-downloaded a new version of the original Company of Heroes?

I understand that it's something to do with THQ going under, and nobody being left to support the old game? I'm just a bit confused as to whether or not I'll still be able to play Opposing Fronts online.

I believe it uses steamworls servers now. The old servers it used were closed. And yes, you can still play Opposing Fronts online.


Excited, though I'm primarily in this for the singleplayer (loved and enjoyed the missions in CoH1, even if the story was a bit hokey). Still will hop into compstomps and multiplayer now and again.
RTS games make for shitty multiplayer. except for starcraft macro...which is dominated by autists with android reflexes. Took me many years to realise this so singleplayer is all i'm interested in.

Not Company of Heroes. It's not about who can click the fastest or have the most actions per minute. It's all about out witting your opponent and using tactics to win. There is definitely a lot of micro involved, but still very fun overall. I bet I have lost half the matches I have played in, but I have had a great time in almost every one. Love me some Jaeger Infantry.


Coh2 is scoring 10 pts (out of 100) lower than Coh1 atm. Quite a few reviews seem to be based off the earlier open beta. I can see also why most reviews mentioned Coh2 is a solid but not a revolutionary game as the first one. Coh2 SP is consistently criticised. Coh1 had good SP, but it seems Relic had decided to go a more cinematic/COD-ish route with Coh2.

I hope Relic brings back the doctrine tree side by side with the bulletin and commander. It will only add more strategic layer.


Surprised to see it averaging 10 points below CoH but not worried, complaints about it being too similar to the first when the industry lets countless other titles slide for the same thing? Including yearly ones like CoD?

Hard to take these critics seriously sometimes.

Anyways, I'm confident Relic will have fantastic post-release support with patches just like they did with the first game and if they can make another COH title that good again? It'll be worth the wait. vCoH is amazing.


Subete no aware
I think for RTSes, if you're not DOTA2, you are basically dead.

Hell, a Starcraft game came out this year but does anyone remember it? lol
What are the graphical settings that bring the game down the most? I have a 4 GB GTX670 SC and an i5-3570K and the game drops to 15 FPS when artillery strikes. Playing the campaign beta mission right now, game just doesn't look good enough to get that kind of drop to me. Is it the AA which I have at highest as well?

I would like to know this as well. At times the game is unplayable on my GTX770 ([email protected]) and the visuals don't justify that. It's a good looking game but it shouldn't run at 20-30fps half the time. Half is probably exaggerating a bit but the game is really sluggish. Burning trees/fire in general is another effect (in addition to artillery) that causes huge fps drops right now.

Assuming the final game's settings will be the same as in the beta, pretty much the IQ setting. The snow setting barely makes a difference visually unless you're up close to the ground you won't see them, you can turn Snow to Low although I did not spot any difference in performance either.


Checking all the differences in the game the biggest jump was from Medium to High in Image Quality, and the biggest performance drop was there. You can definitely spot in the video a jump between those. I'm on a 660ti (clocked high enough to hit 670 stock speed) and I just left it and High for the beta.

Which was my first multiplayer CoH experience. And I liked it! I only played SP in the first CoH, I was expecting to get my ass kicked in CoH2 online but I fared better than I expected. Probably because everyone was still trying to learn the game.


RTS games make for shitty multiplayer. except for starcraft macro...which is dominated by autists with android reflexes. Took me many years to realise this so singleplayer is all i'm interested in.

Sounds more like you aren't very good at it and want to blame something else.
I will sadly admit, this game isn't impressing me as much as the original did. Impossible standards, really. The graphics don't seem to be an improvement of 7 years. The charismatic voice acting seems to be gone. The UI is somewhat harsh and clunky. I'll still probably buy it though just to support Relic.


if anyone is on the fence, there is a highly trusted Steamtrades seller selling the key with pre order bonus for $29, which is a big big saving...

That was where I got mine from, he has over 250 positive ratings on steamtrades, I have used him twice now without any hicups....

Especially for us here in the UK that is £19.50 which is effectively half price...

anyway here is his profile



NeoGAF is no measure of popularity for games like this, not even close. Total War games, WW2 strategy games, Milsims, simulators all genres and styles that GAF generally doesn't give a shit about.

aw man. But these are all the games I really care about!!! well in addition to others too of course


finally won my first 1 on 1 albeit against a level 1 guy who clearly had no idea what to do...

How do you get more fuel I am always waiting on fuel, I do the fuel dumps at captured points and build the fule cache in my base, but I am still slow at getting it
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